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What is a Royal Correspondence?

Do Not Say Evil Bastards,
But Mindless Drunkards

Woe unto those who legislate evil: Isaiah 10:1

Yet, as mindless change as an end product is a false virtue, the legislating of laws just for the sake of it is also an evil endeavor. Contrary to this drunken business, pertaining to the people, the greatest of benefits have always been derived by the most precious of alterations enacted.

Of late, the president of the United States has been belittling our Founding Fathers. He has been humiliating and persecuting those at the bottom of society by pushing mindless quantitative change over the more enlightened qualitative change that our Founders once idealized. In place of standing upon an already existing great foundation, president Obama has rejected our ancestors choosing to instead stand upon himself as his very own great foundation:

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek -- quote by President Obama.

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The idea that our Founding Fathers implemented great amounts of change rather than altering thoughtfully upon a foundation which they themselves had inherited has arisen over time from the articulation of lawyers farting eloquently from their mouths.

So how can we go about electing people to do nothing for our sake?

Well, the best way is to train a new kind of New World leader is to replace Old World lawyers. In order to achieve this, I have developed a new type of writing method that I call a Royal Correspondence. Indeed, the Old World essay has failed the people of the United States. However, that writing method shouldn't be abolished totally, but relegated to a lessor important role. How ironic it is that, here in the United States, our New World is most threatened by its most recognized universities? I am speaking about those ancient Ivy League Schools that were already in existence prior to a new nation established of, by, and for the people.

Beyond the essay, the writing method of a Royal Correspondence should advance and set us apart from the Old World. It has seven rules:

Rule 1) The writing method of a royal-correspondence should be both intimate and rational by reducing to the most formal spectrum of a king and a wretch.

Rule 2) The author of a royal correspondence should pretend that he or she is a king.

Rule 3) The author of a royal correspondence should pretend that their reader is the sum total population of the world reduced to within the lone being of a wretch.

Rule 4) The author of a royal correspondence should write in the same harsh elements of hot, cold, rain, and so on that the wretch is having to endure.

Rule 5) The author of a royal correspondence should never condescend towards the wretch. Indeed, he or she should write as in-depth and as complicated as necessary to get his or her meaning across.

Rule 6) A royal correspondence should not exceed one side of a single piece of paper. If a desire exists to be frugal, then just write two correspondences on the paper front and back.

Rule 7) Never submit the finished message to the wretch as she is just a metaphor

Contrary to what the drunkards in power are arguing today, it is never time for the enactment of great change. Instead, it is time to begin narrowing the power of a wayward Emperor circumcising his worldly authority towards that of a more proper king-writ-large.