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A Royal Correspondence: A Theodicy on the Level of Epistemology about Sensory Devolution

The present theory of evolution is a misunderstanding. While it is not wrong, an impossible dual focus is incorrectly applied upon both the endeavors of knowledge at one end and reproduction at the other. While science claims that it hasn't delved into the question of why pertaining to metaphysics (what is reality?) and that of Aristotle's final cause, it has done exactly that.

In reducing truly in science, a final cause will both narrow to one and it will be expressed in biology. Oddly, one can make the determination that Infinite space is neither a brain nor a reproductive organ. Rather, they exist as rudimentary organs devolved from an overall sensorium. As Sir Isaac Newton better envisioned, infinite space is not a definite sense organ that one can pinpoint as an eye or an ear, but a sensorium of some sort. While the sensorium exists as infinite space, located outside an unapproachable distance away, the heart of God is powering it.

Within my unified field theory that I call the Universal Fathering Effect, I express this sensory devolution on the physical level in the equation (2+0)1/2 = 1.

(2H+0S)1/2 = 1,

with the heart of God equal to 2,

our own sensory ability equal to 0 (we are blind),

and our perception oscillated to an ever dynamic exponential of 1 universe.