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Only God Knows What is to be Done About These Evil Bastards of Color

My friend was attacked and left for dead by two bastards of color about seven months ago. They hit him so hard that it knocked his glass eye out which was never found. We tried encouraging him to go on, but it was too much of a punch in the gut for him. He died two days ago. Here is the video taken right after his death.

What is a Royal Correspondence?

Do Not Say Evil Bastards,
But Mindless Drunkards

Woe unto those who legislate evil: Isaiah 10:1

Yet, as mindless change as an end product is a false virtue, the legislating of laws just for the sake of it is also an evil endeavor. Contrary to this drunken business, pertaining to the people, the greatest of benefits have always been derived by the most precious of alterations enacted.

Of late, the president of the United States has been belittling our Founding Fathers. He has been humiliating and persecuting those at the bottom of society by pushing mindless quantitative change over the more enlightened qualitative change that our Founders once idealized. In place of standing upon an already existing great foundation, president Obama has rejected our ancestors choosing to instead stand upon himself as his very own great foundation:

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek -- quote by President Obama.

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The idea that our Founding Fathers implemented great amounts of change rather than altering thoughtfully upon a foundation which they themselves had inherited has arisen over time from the articulation of lawyers farting eloquently from their mouths.

So how can we go about electing people to do nothing for our sake?

Well, the best way is to train a new kind of New World leader is to replace Old World lawyers. In order to achieve this, I have developed a new type of writing method that I call a Royal Correspondence. Indeed, the Old World essay has failed the people of the United States. However, that writing method shouldn't be abolished totally, but relegated to a lessor important role. How ironic it is that, here in the United States, our New World is most threatened by its most recognized universities? I am speaking about those ancient Ivy League Schools that were already in existence prior to a new nation established of, by, and for the people.

Beyond the essay, the writing method of a Royal Correspondence should advance and set us apart from the Old World. It has seven rules:

Rule 1) The writing method of a royal-correspondence should be both intimate and rational by reducing to the most formal spectrum of a king and a wretch.

Rule 2) The author of a royal correspondence should pretend that he or she is a king.

Rule 3) The author of a royal correspondence should pretend that their reader is the sum total population of the world reduced to within the lone being of a wretch.

Rule 4) The author of a royal correspondence should write in the same harsh elements of hot, cold, rain, and so on that the wretch is having to endure.

Rule 5) The author of a royal correspondence should never condescend towards the wretch. Indeed, he or she should write as in-depth and as complicated as necessary to get his or her meaning across.

Rule 6) A royal correspondence should not exceed one side of a single piece of paper. If a desire exists to be frugal, then just write two correspondences on the paper front and back.

Rule 7) Never submit the finished message to the wretch as she is just a metaphor

Contrary to what the drunkards in power are arguing today, it is never time for the enactment of great change. Instead, it is time to begin narrowing the power of a wayward Emperor circumcising his worldly authority towards that of a more proper king-writ-large.

It isn't the truth that is hurting us, but a lying Marxist Media

Useful idiocy just attempted to market the idea that the police are the thugs and that the thugs themselves are the good guys.

Well, surprise!

Seems the two Afro Americans of Color shot by the police were thugs after all. The one thug of color in Baton Rouge struggling with police had a pistol in his front pants pocket. The other thug of color in Minnesota, the boyfriend of the narrating lady of color, had a pistol laying upon his lap. In other words, he did not have it concealed!!

So, while the evil white police officers were not thugs, the thugs of color themselves were not the good guys. No, in the end, like always, the thugs were nothing but thugs.

Understanding Our American Civil Purpose in Seven Steps by Uncle Emanuel Watkins


1) The Formal Truth Engine: A Rational Method For the New World

2) A Royal Correspondence: A Formal Writing Method to Supersede that of the Classic Essay.

3) Science and Sensory Devolution

4) Epistemology and The Fathering Effect

5) A New Leadership Of, By, and For the People: A Fellowship of Prime Ministers

6) The False Powers of Manipulation.

7) The Gospel of Christ: How the Natural Rights Came to be Etched Upon Our Souls and Justification For the People to Intervene at Times Into the Affairs of Our Government.

What is The Formal Truth Engine?;postID=9120321437769976983;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=postname

The Formal Truth Engine: A rational thought process involving the comparing and contrasting of the many dogmatic dichotomies accepted today with that of a more formal and truer dichotomy. This formal dichotomy utilizes a metaphorical king at one end of a political spectrum and his inverse of a metaphorical wretch at the other end of it.

Spiritually speaking, my argument makes the claim that there exists another formal dichotomy existing between what is the holy dichotomy of Christ (the husband) and the church (the bride), with this marriage provided to us by God, and what are the more practical dogmatic dichotomies.

In other words, while it is important to understand the holy dichotomy, we need to also understand the reality that exists before us when we open our eyes.

Without much thought, reality is split dogmatically by our finite minds into many dichotomies. One such dichotomy places the color black at one end of a spectrum and that of the color white at the other. Another dogmatic dichotomy is male at one end and female at the other. I think of these dogmatic dichotomies as peripheral or faulty dichotomies.

Opening our eyes, by utilized the Formal Truth Engine, we begin to envision a king located at one unapproachable end of a spectrum versus that of a wretch located at the other unapproachabe end of it. One then works out the process by comparing and contrasting this most formal of all dichotomies with all the other informal and more faulty peripheral dichotomies.

For example, to the question of what are inductive and deductive reasoning? Well, my answer to that question is while the wretch is ignorant of such processes, the king has surrounded himself with officials who understand how both of these rational truth engines function.

Again, some of the informal dichotomies accepted by us today might be Marxism versus capitalism, male versus female, rich against poor, black against white, homosexual versus heterosexual, and so on. The idea here is to define how these peripheral dichotomies exist mutually exclusive or a polar opposite direction of each other. One utilizes the Formal Truth Engine to juxtapose the peripheral dichotomies with that of the one true dichotomy.

In other words, I reject the left / right political spectrum. It projects the fallacy of a square linear opposite. In place of it, I insert a round 'dynamic inverse.'

What is the difference between a linear opposite and a dynamic inverse? Well, I explain this not by the process of science, but by an example of epistemology. In other words, it isn't that we don't know, but why we aren't able to perceive what already exists in plain sight. Utilize gravity as an example by thinking of it as a force pulling us straight ahead towards it. In contrast to gravity, in our finite limited minds, we would tend to envision that any potential repelling force would behave in an exact linear opposite direction. It would be pushing us away. This perception is a fallacy however.

In order to begin to understand how the universe truly works, while the mind interprets gravity in linear fashion as a force pulling us straight ahead and forward, one should think of its inverse repelling force as pushing us away from the center in all directions towards the sides. As the repelling force is pushing away towards all sides, so I have referred to that phenomena as 'Centerpoint-Friction."

The forces of Centerpoint Friction and Gravity are not linear opposites as that is how our minds tend to interpret the relationship between them. Instead, they exist as dynamic inverses. Similarly, while the original understanding of the dichotomy between a king and a wretch will be along a spectrum that is a linear opposite, one should persevere to develop the understanding of their relationship to more of a round dynamic inverse.

In a chatroom, we can neither be too dumb nor too smart.

WireClub is not the public. We do not possess the same freedoms in here that we possess on the sidewalk which in the United States we own. Indeed, at one time, the people did not even own the sidewalk. All the public was owned by a king (and a secret monarchy propping him up). If you were good to the king, he might 'share' his property with you. Maybe, but probably not. If not, he could take it back.

So, I do understand as a member that I have no rights in Wireclub. When a moderator comes in to interfere and to dissuade a discussion, I either have to obey the demand or get kicked to the sidewalk.

I sought out a chat room to speak about philosophy. The name on the room doesn't say general chat room. It also doesn't say Marxism. Over in the religion room, people aren't belittled for speaking about religion. For some reason, people are allowed to venture into the philosophy chat room to spam their Marxist, feminist, and other political points of views.

Really, if you would like to chat about such political nonsense, why don't you go create another room for it? If such discussion are really that interesting, then people should flock to it.

Introduction to Uncle Emanuel Watkins' five level support for our American Civil Purpose

Lately, as is the case always, I have been seeking a solid foundation upon which to set my feet. Sir Isaac Newton liked to write queries about topics similar to how Frederick Nietzsche in his books would choose to write numbered postulations. I admire both of these gentlemen. Rene Descartes at one time wrote a scientific meditation finishing it with the conclusion of a platonic best principled statement that "I think, therefore I am." Understand, Descartes was being humorous here. Before his time, Galileo Galilei made the wise choice of writing a platonic dialogue in order to question the mighty Aristotle and his logic.

Indeed, one of the people that we have felt most certain about in history was Aristotle. Yet, we have learned that so-called major premises are, at best, minor premises. Understand, Aristotle believed like the other rational Greeks during his time that the concept of infinity was illogical. As there does indeed exist such a number as infinity, so one should expect there to always be an anomaly existing outside of every major premise established.

In addressing the unfathomable question of 'what is rational,' I reduce thought down to two types with one being legal reasoning and the other being formal reasoning. While legal reason is political in that it feigns rational thought in order to manipulate popularity among the people, formal reasoning is apolitical in that it desires to divulge to the people the feigning by legal reason. In order to avoid adding even more to the bottomless pit of confusion, I reject the use of rational thought altogether. Ultimately, the point shouldn't be about whether something is rightfully true, but about trust. Trustworthiness is the most important aspect in understanding.

In order to gain trust among my readers, I have developed a new type of writing method that I call a royal correspondence. The seven rules for this writing method follow:

1. As there are always the same two people of a kingly author and a wretchly reader involved in the writing method, a royal correspondence is always intimate.

2. The author of a writing correspondence should pretend that he or she is a king.

3. The author should pretend that his or her reading audience is the sum total population of the world reduced to within the lone being of a worthless wretch.

4. Write in the same harsh elements that the homeless wretch is having to survive in.

5. Limit ones message to the wretch to one side of a page. If one desires to be frugal, then include two royal correspondences front and back.

6. Never condescend to the wretch. Write as complex and in-depth as necessary to substantiate ones point.

7. One doesn't need to ever provide the wretch with the message as she is only a metaphorical figure.

Our American Civil Purpose by Uncle Emanuel Watkins: Expressed in the Writing Method of Royal Correspondences on Five Levels

1. The Writing Method of a Royal Correspondence.

2. Our American Civil Purpose.

3. The False Powers of Manipulation.

4. The Universal Fathering-Effect.

5. The Theory of Sensory Devolution

Uncle Emanuel Watkins is a character I created and play the part of

(In my novel, Uncle Emanuel is put on trial accused of mental instability. Causing the rift, he has ordained himself to be the Prime Minister of the United States. As our Founders created our government while they themselves were people, so our government today should not be of officials, by officials, and for officials. Any creation of the position of Prime Minister should happen, in some fashion, of, by, and for the people and not by officials. The following is an example of a judgement handed down by Fd. Uncle Emanuel Watkins)

06 / 23 / 2016

The "Great Struggle" that is being projected today in our society is a lie. It is being perpetuated by a government of drunkards in order to divide the people into a competition between races to see which one can be perceived as the most pitiful. These most pathetic ones in our society do not deserve the attention of any government. Indeed, the true victims today are those who were raised by their parents to avoid hand-outs from the government, to pull themselves up by their own boot straps, and to avoid being a burden on their families. It is these most beneficial of ones in society who , having been betrayed by their government, are now suffering the greatest persecution.

I leave this matter in the hands of the Lord and your consciences.

As they once called themselves the people, as if they were sitting out among us in a congregation of a church, as of, by, and for us, as Abraham Lincoln once so eloquently described their actions, our Founding Fathers ordained the authority of the Federal government marrying it with the people of the United States. Indeed, what makes the United States great today is not its government or its laws, but the people themselves when they are left alone to express their creativity. This means today's federal government should be focused on the general welfare of its own people and not upon world warmongering, upon the cruel prostitution of persecuted immigrants, and upon the manufacturing of events in secret to manipulate international affairs.

The people's Civil Purpose guaranteed to us in our natural rights takes precedence over the legal business that was carried over from the Old World.

As you should all now know better, so consider yourselves held to a greater penalty under the Judgement of His Truth.

Fd. Uncle Emanuel Watkins
Prime Minister of These United States

(Uncle Emanuel should not be considered an Old World legal authority, but a new kind of New World formal authority)

Revisiting Zeno's Paradox in Order to Describe CenterPoint Friction

Natural Law: Relative to their densities, the force from impacts between two or more colliding bodies of mass will never be focused directly towards each of their centerpoints. Therefore, as falling bodies do, the energy transmitted from impacts will orbit around the centerpoints.

The Dichotomy Paradox of ancient Greek Zeno:

That which is in locomotion must arrive at the half-way stage before it arrives at the goal.– as recounted by Aristotle within his works called Physics

This paradox by Zeno will tend to freeze objects in motion. If an object travels forever arriving at the halfway point towards the goal 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, the distance and so on, it will never get there. The best way to expose the folly of this paradox is to demonstrate a case when it would be true.

(The Time the Runner takes to arrive at the goal) ∞ = [{(The Speed of a Runner) 1/2 = (The size of a Runner)1/2} = (The Distance of a Runner from the goal)1/2]

When the speed of a runner is halved relative to that of their size reducing him or her by half, their distance from the goal will also be halved exponentially. When the distance of the runner from the goal is halved in such an exponent way, he or she will run infinitely never arriving at the goal.

While the above case is impractical, the process does describe how energy is transmitted through bodies that have collided in space. Energy is never focused towards the exact centerpoint of a mass's density. Instead, it settles upon an orbit around it. The incredible process describes creates an entropy situation. Indeed, over time, the inner structure of mass becomes denser than the outside of it.

Neither Design Nor Spontaneous Development, But Both Design and Spontaneous Development are Mixed Together

(2C+0G)1/2 = 1 2C is equal to centerpoint friction, 0G is equal to gravity, and 1/2 oscillates both to 1 universe. Neither design nor spontaneity, but both mixed together. The design comes from the repelling force of centerpoint friction. The spontaneity comes from the attractive force of gravity. I am applying my unified theory of the Fathering Effect [(2+0)1/2 = 1] with my theory of sensory devolution.

The Spiritual argument is that chaos (a wilderness) is contained within an overall design (a garden).

Okay, to recap what I have postulated so far, the universe of infinite space is not a lone brain or reproductive organ. It isn't a heart either. Instead, as Sir Isaac Newton once said, infinite space is a lone Sensorium. Empowering this Sensorium with perpetual limitless power is a surrounding heart which is located an unapproachable distance away.

The Sensorium is blind. Indeed, if infinite space were a lone sense organ, then it, in turn, would be blind. Oddly, for a sense organ to see, it must contain other receptors within it.

Think in these terms. Imagine a fish with five thousand eyes. Having so many eyes is blinding to the fish. However, if one were to devolve all but two of those eyes into scales, then the fish could perceive better.

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