Friends | no Morningdew101: GO COMMANDERS!!! 18 days ago • Report • Link 0 fizzy374: goodluck dew .... 11 days ago • Report 0 Morningdew101: Thank you forgiven. It worked as I'm recovered and doing well. I wish you a wonderful holiday season with LOVE and JOY! Morningdew101: Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing. We are as ships without the wind, branches without the sap, and like coals without fire, we are useless--Charles Spurgeon View all 7 posts Morningdew101 in reply to SabbathKeeper: Thanks Sab..I shared your comments with my Bible Study group. We were just discussing yesterday what life would be like without the Holy Spirit helping us (Post deleted by Farmhouse lyfe ) Morningdew101: Dear Sister and Brothers, You are God's inheritance. You are his most prized possession, his masterpiece, and so it makes sense that he would do anything to get you back when you were lost. He has rescued you to live in his glory. Does that mean that we will experience that glory on earth all the time? No, only in heaven will we experience God's glory perfectly. So, what did he do? He gave you his power to endure this life. He gave you Himself, and his Word which is the Bible. Psalm "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people chosen as his inheritance. |