Friends | What Jews Believe: G-d - Torah - The Jews - The World - Free Choice - Redemption - Mongoloit: Judaism, Christianity & Islam Explained by this BRILLIANT Biblical Breakdown (by Rabbi Ken Spiro) 4 days ago • Report • Link 0 Mongoloit: "Rabbi Yitzchak said: In the year the King Moshiach will be revealed, the kings of all the nations of the world will struggle with each other: the king of Persia will provoke the Arabian king; the Arabian king will go to Aram(Edom) for advice. All the nations of the world will be in turmoil and terror; they will fall on their faces, seized by pains like the pangs of childbirth. Israel will also be in turmoil and terror, saying, "Where shall we come and where shall we go, where shall we come and where shall we go?" [G-d] will say to them, "My children, do not be afraid, all that I have done, I have done only for you sake. Why are you afraid? Do not fear, the time for your Redemption has arrived. It will not be like the earlier Redemptions, this final Redemption, because suffering and subjection to other nations followed the earlier Redemptions. But the final Redemption will not be followed by any suffering and subjection to other nations." -Yalkut Shimoni Mongoloit: When the Creator came to create the human being, Truth said, "Do not create him, for he is full of lies. Kindness said, "Create him, for he will do acts of kindness." What did the Creator do? He cast Truth earthward, and created the human being. That is why it says, "Truth will sprout from the earth." —Midrash Rabba Every argument in Torah can be reduced to the same crucial question: Do we follow rigid, immutable truth, regardless? Or do we take into account the particulars of this situation? Do we look only from above-down, or do we take the view from below as well? The debate is never easy, because truth is no longer truth once compromised. Rather, we need to find a way to hold both ends of the stick at once. That is why the debate must occur among us human beings here on earth, and from there the resolution must sprout. For only in that way will Truth come down to earth, where it truly belongs. -Likutei Sichot, volume 17, page 114. |