MermaidMotel Offline

23 Single Female from Los Angeles       845
Most_names_r_taken: Such a cold description. What is the source material?
2 years ago ReplyReport
MermaidMotel in reply to Most_names_r_taken: It's from "The Second Coming of Joan of Arc" by Carolyn Gage. I think from the male perspective it's brutal and "cold" but I don't see it that way. I thought it was comforting and accurately matches my personal experience with my own femininity : )
2 years ago ReplyReport
Happiest Dude
Happiest Dude: wow that was brutal.
2 years ago ReplyReport
found lamb
found lamb:

One of the problems is the media representation of the ideal woman as tall and skinny with perfect features. This has been going on a long time and should change. Women come in all shapes and sizes and they all should be celebrated the way they are!
2 years ago ReplyReport
(Post deleted by TrailLover 2 years ago)
TrailLover: So true and sewn into society at every turn.
2 years ago ReplyReport