Friends | "Love and death are the two great hinges on which all human sympathies turn." Get to know me, and You'll know gregoryjvinci: very nice 3 years ago • Report • Link 0 View all 8 posts m_isabelle_johnson in reply to jeremyfowler4200: Dearest one, First I apologize for any inconveniences this message may cost you but I have no option, My Name is Miss Isabelle.Johnson 21 Years of Age, I am now with United Nation Refugee Camp in Benin republic under United Nations High commission for Refugees, I am from Libya and I am contacting you because I need your help in management of some amount that my late father left for me before he died in Libya Crisis, the money was deposited in the bank in Benin Republic and the mount is (5.5 Million United States Dollar) since 2014 and that was the reasons why I am here in Benin Republic. My father was a very rich Oil business man but was killed by the Rebels Forces and they are now after me so i hard to escape my way into United Nation Hands in Republic of Benin and they accused my Father for sponsoring Mamma Gaddafi groups, and also have a 250kg of GOLD BUST in a security company. Please I want you to safe my life and help me to secure this money, All I need you is to stand as my late father’s foreign partner and I will now appoint you as my appointed beneficiary to secure the fund and transfer to your country and you will also assist me to secure my papers that will enable me come over to your country immediately for continuation of my education and investing of the money according to your advise since am only 21 years without mother or father. Please indicate if you’re interested in taking me along because my present condition here is critically and frustrating. Please email me at my private Email: ( Am waiting your reply with sincerity. Miss Isabelle.Johnson Merit: she always comes over and climbs onto my shoulder when I'm singing >> idk if thats a good sign or a bad one Merit: So I no longer have internet and I probably wont be on here very much, Just wanted to let anyone know who cared lol I miss all my wirefriends and hopefully I'll be back soon! <3 |