Friends | No body perfect without Him... Think about it. anakmalaysia: thanks 4 da add gal 15 years ago • Report • Link 0 rahulsoni2009: HAPPY NEW YEAR ......... , . - . - , _ , ....... ......... ) ` - . .> ' `( ....... ........ / . . . .`\ . . \ ........ ........ |. . . . . |. . .| ........ ......... \ . . . ./ . ./ ......... ........... `=(\ /.=` ......... ............. `-;`.-' ............ ............... `)| ... , ........ ................ || _.-'| ........ ............. ,_|| \_,/ ........ ....... , ..... \|| .' ............. ....... |\ |\ ,. ||/ ............. .... ,..\` | /|.,|Y\, ............ ..... '-...'-._..\||/ ............. ......... >_.-`Y| .............. .............. ,_|| ............... ................ \|| ........... ................. || .......... ................. || ........... ................. |/ ........... .............................. .. frm Rahul Soni MayaSofia: To all my beloved frenz... Thanks for the comment given.. Don't give up to sent more... I'm really appreciate yr support.. PiereDulaine: KnoW What..There Are 57 Stars on The Sky..Some of theme are : 1 Diphda 2 Miaplacidus 3 Mirfak 4 Nunki 5 Rigel 6 Zuben 'Ubi 7 Sirius 8 Hadar 9 Alnilam 10 Al Na'Ir 11 Alioth 12 Arcturus 13 Acrux 14 Capella 15 Procyon 16 Bellatrix 17 Ankaa 18 Alphecca 19 Avior 20 Fomalhaut Im not Trying to make joke..the truth oR Two out Of these 57 stars will shine the brightest when ur birthdays come..that Star is yours.. nath: Friendship is a Rainbow between, Two hearts, sharing seven feelings: 1....Love 2....Happiness 3....Truth 4....Faith 5....Secret 6....Trust & 7....Sadness Hope d Rainbow of our friendship 4ever THANX FOR BECOME MY FRIEND --o@@@@@@*******-*******-@@@@@@! -o@@@@!!!!!;;;@-------@............... ....::;!@ “@@@!!!!!!!;;;;;;;;@---@.............. ...:;;;;;;!@ @@@!!!!!!!;;;;;;:::.@@................ ..:;;;;;;;;;!@ @@!!!!!!!!!;;:::::.................... .........;;;;;;;;;;!@ @@@!!!!!;::::.......The better............;;;;;;;;!@ -@@!!!!;;:::::...friends is the ...............;;:;!@ --@@!!:;;:::::::: best thing......................;;!@ ----@!!!!;:::..''THAT GOD CREATED".......@ ------!!!!!;:::::::::................. ...............@ *******-!!!;:::::::::::............... .........@Therefore *******----!!!;;:::::::::............. ....@I Valorize *******------:::::::::::.............@ The ones that I have *******-*******-::::::::......@ This include *******-*******-----:::::.@ YOU nath: Good Friends Are Hard To Find. Good Friends Are Easy To Love. Good Friends Are Presents That Last Forever And That Feel Like Gifts From Above Good Friends Are One In A Million. Good Friends Are Stories To Share. Good Friends Know The Path To Your Happiness, And They Walk With You All The Way There. nath: अरे, हमें तो अपनों ने लूटा, गैरों में कहाँ दम था... मेरी हड्डी वहाँ टूटी, जहाँ हॉस्पिटल बन्द था... मुझे जिस एम्बुलेन्स में डाला, उसका पेट्रोल ख़त्म था... मुझे रिक्शे में इसलिए बैठाया, क्योंकि उसका किराया कम था... मुझे डॉक्टरों ने उठाया, नर्सों में कहाँ दम था... मुझे जिस बेड पर लेटाया, उसके नीचे बम था... मुझे तो बम से उड़ाया, गोली में कहाँ दम था... और मुझे सड़क में दफनाया, क्योंकि कब्रिस्तान में फंक्शन था manoj kumar |