Friends | Member of I always write up my "Im Leaving, Please dont try to stop me" and then I get a message from a cute boy lmao Activities 236 members I think it would be cool, if you had a clour wheel and could pick our own colour, and some more fonts would be awesome, too.
:happy: Technology 99 members This is for all those wonderful chat and pm moments that you wish you could share and re-read again just for humor and fun, or to warn others of the things you've seen. Post what you want from any... Activities 58 members
Dance your cares away,
Worry's for another day.
Let the music play,
Down at Fraggle Rock.
Work you cares away,
Dancing's for another day.
Let the... Shows 39 members UR ALL BRAVE PPL SAY NO AND WALK AWAY LIVE AND PROSPER :) Activities 13 members This is dedicated to the people I don't like... not gonna mention any names.. but if you want to, feel free!! ha!! People 12 members |