longpigchef Offline

39 Male from Broken Arrow       33
longpigchef: Here I sit.... In a field... As tornadic storms approach... Just to kill some coyotes that killed my cat. Some would say I'm a dedicated pet owner that loved their cat very much. Others ive spoken to seem to think I'm an asshole for wanting to kill them. Opinions?
4 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (16)
tstarr8481: One summer, a fox killed my English Angora rabbits whilst I had them out running in the yard. I was very upset and sad. Not once did I feel I should kill all foxes because one did as nature told him to act. These coyotes did the same to your pet. Will you feel better to take a life(lives)because of your cat's death ?....What will this action provide to you?...Nature does not provide animals with moral codes. It is life or death, eat or be eaten. Not nice or pretty sometimes. ..
4 years ago ReplyReport
DazzledandDazzed: Donkies help keep coyotes away for the future
4 years ago ReplyReport
sweetnaynay: Coyotes are nothing but bad. Once they get that taste of blood they keep coming back for a free meal until the others in the pack learn the lesson. We set snares where they try to come through the fences/gates to kill the baby calves. Once we killed a few & left their bodies where the rest of the pack could see they got the point & found elsewhere to go for a while. We call it the coyote graveyard so they could see what happens. Yes it's the circle of life but u dont want the bad to keep coming back to kill ur pets so I say teach them a lesson!
4 years ago ReplyReport
The flying Squirrel
The flying Squirrel: I think America Is being Punished by Tornadoes For having a goverment that , Ignores whats Written on the Currancy And as Usual the people pay the Price
4 years ago ReplyReport
tstarr8481: I vote to kill all tornadoes. Acts of Nature need to be locked up. ....Viva La France....
4 years ago ReplyReport
longpigchef: I feel I should mention that aforementioned attack was within 6-9 feet of the doorway to an apartment occupied by a 19 month old child and her mother
4 years ago ReplyReport
longpigchef: ...and the cat and child were both together, and supervised at the time of it the attack.
4 years ago ReplyReport
longpigchef: Regardless of the popular consensus, I will kill and dismember the alpha and as many of them as possible. The body parts will be used to mark the boundary of our homes. I have seen it work with wolves. All wolves should be killed. I'm beginning to think the same of coyotes.
4 years ago ReplyReport
longpigchef: Tstarr, it is blessed that you live somewhere that you have never had to experience wolves taking children or killing all of the game animals in an area, just to kill. Never eating a single bit of the meat. Pack hunting canids have evolved along with man and learned our wicked ways. Unfortunate as it is. Unfortunately for the coyotes in my neighborhood... Man is better at killing things.
4 years ago ReplyReport
longpigchef: Yes sweetnaynay, I am in league. These animals have become too bold and thirsty. . the pack is at least 18-25 animals .
4 years ago ReplyReport
Satans_ daughter
Satans_ daughter: I say rip them apart
4 years ago ReplyReport
longpigchef: Angora rabbits are also quite worthy of removal from the food chain. Angora rabbits are punishment to all countries that host them.
4 years ago ReplyReport
longpigchef: Lol. Kidding kidding
4 years ago ReplyReport
Satans_ daughter
Satans_ daughter in reply to longpigchef: That's not very nice
4 years ago ReplyReport
longpigchef: Found my cat alive. Hes fucked up pretty bad. But alive
4 years ago ReplyReport
Satans_ daughter
Satans_ daughter in reply to longpigchef: Did you take him to the vet?
4 years ago ReplyReport