Friends | be true to yourself our greatest achievements only survive with our species so make those achievements about the betterment of the human race and forget about yourself miracles are what we do for others without personal gain its a kind word that can make all the difference. I was wrong about the internet, its all about lol you know. I hate lies and deception, Im no ones object im a colourful, funny real person, i fight for those i believe in and care for with everything i am as a person until I don't, then youre on your own. I just want to be treated with a little respect and a lot of cuddles.... those I do love will know the extent of my love because there is nothing i wouldnt do for you ill even help hide the evidence. I am disabled mentally but its irrational fears that effect me and my quality of life i wont let it affect you. slowhand_celt: Well yes adorable !!! 8 months ago • Report 0 lilAdorabubble started a new conversation: This is my every day what do i do? SOS in Self-Improvement |