leatherguyhere Offline

60 Male from Ottawa       182
leatherguyhere: I have realized that there are 2 main type of emotional people. The first group wears their hearts on their sleeves, and feel empathy for others and are easily hurt by the actions and words of others. The other group appears to bear little outward emotion, appearing to have little concern for the thoughts and words of others and appear self confident and assured. Belonging to the former group, I have always secretly envied the latter group, as they never appeared concerned about how they hay have hurt others. Now, I wonder if being of the latter group is actually a curse, as I suspect that they bottle their emotions to some extent, which must cause internal turmoil over time. I feel it is better to say it than to hold onto it, and let it fester.
6 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (1)
Firefox1969: LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!
6 years ago ReplyReport