LadyDianaLynn2 Offline

99 Female from Mobile       137
Away from keyboard/screen a lot so if I don’t reply, don’t think I’m ignoring you.

Will not talk sexually but if you are looking for a friend, I’m here.

LadyDianaLynn2: Well, I spent quite a bit of time today while G got set up for his last show while I’m here to get my mom out of a timeshare.

People, do not under any circumstances fall for the timeshare scam! There is legislation trying to pass that is about to make it much worse for the “owners” too. I didn’t even know my mom had one until I sat down with her finances and she was paying $510 a month PLUS was about to have a $2500 maintenance fee come out on August 4th.

So from the UK, I negotiated with an attorney to be her lawyer for $200 rather than the $2700 he wanted and now I’m taking care of the MRA process so she won’t have to pay $15k in order to get out of her timeshare completely.

My mom is the sweetest person on the planet but gullible and doesn’t understand the concept of screwing someone over so she doesn’t understand that someone could see her as a target.

Over a 10 year time period she was about to end up paying $78k in payments and increased maintenance fees. PLUS I was going to INHERIT those payments. Absolutely not. There is still quite a bit of work I have to do so that I can save her money on legal fees but procedural processes are my forte lol.

may not have slept well this whole trip but I’m going to tonight bc negotiation EXHAUSTS me and I need recovery time.
5 hours ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: Kinda sorta not really looking forward to going home just bc remote is not for me! I need an office/workspace. There was still some good productivity done with trying to set up a social work program within a non profit, however I feel like I could have done 3xs more in half the time if I was in my little corner of the building. It never ceases to amaze me just how ADD I am unless I can close the door to distractions.

I would have still come on this trip though! Im sure I’ll never be able to take a month off again without snags once school is done and I was ableto have amazing experiences with amazing people. I’ll be in my own bed August 2nd though! I’ve had my last work check-in until then, I have one more flight to a destination before the marathon flight home but trying to figure out fun excursions until then. It’s 8pm so first… we need to hunt for tacos.
2 days ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: First doctors visit experience abroad is in the books. Not even for my exotic stuff but for extreme sleep deprivation that has triggered fibromyalgia that perpetuates sleep deprivation lol. I usually will do anything and everything not to take pain meds but this chick is going to take my nerve med and opioid and hopefully call it a blissful night!
4 days ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: My body does not understand that at some point it should acclimate to the time change of different countries. I’m having a wonderful time and the music from these festivals is definitely feeding and healing this soul of mine however, 3 shows required tour bus living (THAT IS FOR THE BIRDS) and a whole orchestra of snoring. I have a negative sleep score so after tonight’s show there is a week before the next one and I get some 1 on 1 time with G. Tomorrow is going to be sleep coma day! I really didn’t feel my age until this whirlwind summer tour and now instead of 38 I feel 80 and I’m not even the one performing! I don’t know how G does it so effortlessly at 48:
5 days ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: Alright you beautiful people. I’ll talk to you in a month!
24 days ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: Eeek! So excited. Ive been bummed that my guy wasn’t going to be able to meet us at Lake Tahoe this year for the 4th but then a plane ticket to BELGIUM showed up in my email this afternoon while I was at work. I thought it was a scam so I ignored it but yeah, apparently I’m going to Belgium…completely different country… on Tuesday. This Tuesday. SHORT NOTICE. What is this life? Lol. People shouldn’t be able to do this. My job shouldn’t have said “how fun! See you when you get back!”. It should not work out to be this spontaneous BUT I’ve done a lot of work on being ok with being flexible. Therefore I talked to my boss and she is a massive enabler who is going to let me.. in fact she insists… work remotely and on zoom all of July so I can travel around with G while he’s on tour before my last semester starts in August. I’m about to probably go in to the office for 12+ hours for a frenzy hyper focus day tomorrow to get ahead and set the office up for success while I’m physically gone, pack on Monday and then have a remarkable July filled with so many concerts, laid back vibes, laughter and amazing memories. I don’t deserve all these blessings but I’m tremendously grateful.
26 days ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: Oof. And now those 12 + hours of work are about to be upon me and I have had 0 sleep since flexibility progress does not mean that it didn’t overstimulate myself having to think of what I need to do to prepare for a month abroad in TWO days. Plane rides normally zonk me out so let’s hope for a tiny coma once wheels are up. I’m at the point where I’ll pack a carry on and buy everything else while I’m there. My diva ways may get a temporary nomad override lol.
26 days ago Report
LadyDianaLynn2 changed her profile picture: 1 year ago Report
View all 7 posts
fire_flies_: No one like Audrey. She was one-of-a-kind.
2 months ago Report
LadyDianaLynn2: She was a stellar human being and a vibe I strive for.
2 months ago Report
michaell1: “Pop” art!
1 month ago Report
LadyDianaLynn2: Kitkat has a UTI. All plans of productivity are on hold so he can be as clingy as he wants to be. Movie night changed to be at my place to accommodate the sick cat 😔 bc everyone just wants him to feel better and knew I was going to stay home to take care of him lol. His poor little whimpers break my heart and I hope his antibiotics take care of the pain soon.
1 month ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: I get super excited when the confirmation email for my plane ticket shows up
1 month ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: Court date today. We will see if I can get out of this dang traffic ticket. Spending the evening in municipal court, it will be a great people watching opportunity if nothing else. I am hoping to get out of this all together without having to go to traffic school. If i do have to go to traffic school BFF is going with me since it was his car and he was the one that didn’t have tag paperwork. At least he is coming with me to court so I can publicly throw him under the bus lol. Sushi after though!
1 month ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: Ticket dismissed with no court costs! This has been a phenomenal week for good vibes and blessings ❤️
1 month ago Report
Blackshoes in reply to LadyDianaLynn2:
1 month ago Report
LadyDianaLynn2: Large caramel macchiato with an extra shot of expresso down in order to get me through this nerve wracking interview! In an hour and a half a month’s worth of preparation will be over either way. I’m not nearly as nervous as I thought I would be which is now making me wonder if I’m going to be blindsided. I hope to be able to sleep much better tonight though knowing that it will be over and done with by the time I get back in bed!
1 month ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: Holy frick. They told me 10 minutes into the interview that I’m a match made in Heaven and that I have the position before continuing on with the interview lol. It’s an internship but it’s my DREAM internship and the last leg before graduation. This non-profit network is a completely volunteer based facility of medical practitioners and 175+ specialty physicians that volunteer their time with complicated cases for under and uninsured patients. They added social work to their offerings last year and want my help with building the medical social work case protocol and all its facets based on the service projects I’ve already been a part of and information they have already received on my performance. It hasn’t completely processed yet cognizance wise but i am so excited for the opportunity and feel so blessed to ALREADY feel valued. They want me to start tomorrow even though the semester and practicum doesn't start until August lol.
1 month ago Report
LadyDianaLynn2: Final grades: 4 courses over 100% and as for the other 3 courses the lowest grade was a 98.57% I will call this a successful semester!

Worked 40 hours over the weekend and now I have M-F off this week and then off to vacation next week. My brain can’t compute this down time but I’ll take it! I still keep checking Canvas obsessively.
2 months ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: It does my heart good when I talk to someone in customer service and they tell me that I am the only nice person they have talked to all day. I hate that she has to deal with constant assholes but it’s a reminder that attitude and how you make people feel is important. It was super inconvenient as to why I had to call customer service but the lady bent over backwards for me for an hour and in the end everything was taken care of bc she diligently worked things out BECAUSE I was a nice person lol. I’m glad she was able to help me but I’m even more glad I was able to be the one nice customer for her today and we were able to have a pleasant experience.

Now my day is done at 3:30pm and I’m eating an early dinner at Texas Roadhouse with friends so that I can come home and go to bed early. No work this weekend but I do have 2 more papers and two finals to knock out. Hopefully this will be the last semester ever in my life that I take 7 classes/21 hours!
3 months ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: Picked up sushi bc my car is in the shop and I’ve been driving bffs car. If you are driving someone else’s car, make sure they don’t have expired tags bc I got pulled over and it goes on MY license. I’m the person that has a leather portfolio that I keep updated in the glove compartment of my car so I never even thought to ask if B loaned me a car with expired tags bc he is usually good about that stuff too. He has 72 hours to see if he can find paperwork but if not, I have a ticket. Eating my sushi in silence and not going to talk to anyone until tomorrow lol. I can pout if I want! Lol
3 months ago Report Link
codePoet0XA: imagine this + being a guy + goth makeup
3 months ago Report
LadyDianaLynn2 in reply to codePoet0XA: Ha! Oh it wasn’t a terrible experience. The cop was super friendly and I know that others get hassled. It could have been much worse. It’s just OF COURSE I got pulled over. Wasn’t speeding, wasn’t driving weird, just tag was expired… he’s coming with me to traffic school if it comes to that!
3 months ago Report
LadyDianaLynn2: Sure fire way to piss me off? Dont have any say in the group project, make me worry about the grade by giving you a part so I do all the work, but you suddenly have a say about the presentation. Sit the hell down and read off the damn slides and then never EVER talk to me again. These girls are dead to me after Tuesday and no not exist in any capacity. They will have questions about other assignments after this and they can stay confused or find someone else. These girls have made me very familiar with Delta 9 gummies lol.
3 months ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: Of course when I finish the presentation they finally understand what it should all entail and realized they were so off base. I figured which is why I ignored them until I was done.

Chaos has kicked in for the last week of classes bc while I was blocking out one of my groups anxieties/frustrations, I get a random text message from another group/group member that said “Oh my god, Suzanne has autism!” which is the group we have a snippet of a case scenario and have to analyze the ethical dilemma lol. Of course I heard that text message in Cartman’s voice from South Park so I burst out laughing in the library. It comes from an adoption case for two siblings and needing to figure out if we are going to separate them or find them a home together bc Suzanne has multiple behavior diagnoses which will need specialized treatment/therapy. My group member is now giving a hypothetical child even more diagnoses based off of behavior displays and things she has read up on lol. I keep having to tell her and myself “keep it simple, stupid” bc one little paragraph vignette is opening a lot of rabbit holes!

My night was made though with one text message in such panic, “oh my god, Suzanne has autism!”
3 months ago Report
LadyDianaLynn2: I feel ridiculous right now since it’s 80 degrees outside but I have a body temp of 95.2. If I go below 95 then my doctor is going to make me go to the hospital to be admitted so I am under the heating blanket and in my sherpa Snuggie, with sherpa thick socks on while writing this paper bc I do not have time for the breakdown that my body clearly wants lol.
3 months ago Report Link
View all 4 posts
LadyDianaLynn2: I did. The warmer weather was the only thing that got the chill off but it’s actually anemia acting up. I have a monitor for hemoglobin and it’s kind of like a blood glucose monitor. Had to get one bc I had anemia so aggressive that it was shutting down my heart a few years ago. This flare up gave me a low hemoglobin but not nearly as bad as it has in the past and I’m at least going in the right direction now: 95.5 lol. Once I get 2 more sections down on this paper I’m going to get in a hot bath.
3 months ago Report
Blackshoes 3 months ago Report
LadyDianaLynn2 in reply to Blackshoes:
3 months ago Report
LadyDianaLynn2: Worked 12 hours on 30 minutes of sleep so I’m a little squirrelly. Watched a movie called The Greatest Hits because it was centered around music but yeah, it hit a little too home lol.

So now it’s midnight, I’m trying to get centered before bed by sitting on my porch and trying to make friends with a random kitty cat by showing him I’m willing to share my tater tots.
3 months ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: Just a tad stressed with this to-do list!
3 months ago Report Link
Teachable: Thus was a very beautifully written bio, thank you for sharing. Do you have anymore gum?
3 months ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2 to codePoet0XA: This is how I’m picturing you today lol
3 months ago Report Link
codePoet0XA: This, other than the fashion sense was fairly acurrate.
3 months ago Report
3 months ago Report Link
3 months ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2 got the Well Liked badge 5 months ago Report
LadyDianaLynn2: I dragged ass to class today bc it’s been a week! Not bad, just a lot. B usually drops in on my Echo Show in the morning while I’m getting ready but today I was getting dressed and I got a prompt to play a song. All of a sudden “Til I Collapse” comes on by Eminem lol. I can’t say that isn’t a motivating song bc it worked and gave me a little energy but it’s just hilarious when it comes from B. We had our little daily morning chat on the echo and then I was on my way to class.

I’m so glad I didn’t give in to the temptation of staying home bc my whole month was made after classes were over and I was catching up on work in the computer lab.

Those geese that I made friends with at the pond the other day, well, it turns out they are hellions bc they normally hiss and chase people. I didn’t believe it until I saw one of the geese chasing a guy screaming by the library the other day.

I go down by the pond usually every M-Thursday the last few weeks and I don’t feed them, I don’t invade their space, I just stand by the pond and I will talk to them a little. They don’t act like they are threatened and they usually just nap while I look out at the water.

Monday, Gracie, the social work department assistant saw that I was down by the pond and then saw me come up the pathway. Then she saw the geese follow me a few minutes later. I had walked through the door and then Gracie saw 4 geese by the front door of the department since the whole front is glass. She was going to tell me to go tell my friends to go back to the pond but she had to leave for home quickly and the geese chased her all the way to her car lol.

I did not go to the pond today bc I was trying to get some work done but I was passing back and forth in the lobby bc I was trying to fix a printer in the computer lab and kept needing things. You can see our lobby from the pond lol. They must have seen me (I didn’t know geese could see that far into the distance) bc I had Gracie come get me to show me that my friends were back at the front doors lol. I got so dang giddy! She hadn’t told me about the story the other day! I saw my four little friends at the door and the main goose kept putting his beak in the crack of the double doors and the bottom of the door trying to get in.

I then heard the story of Gracie’s ordeal Monday and then I remember the guy screaming and getting chased but I had to experiment. I opened the door, Gracie went ducking behind her desk worried Id let them in, but I just stood outside seeing what they would do. They didn’t chase me or run up to me. The main goose just kept making his vocalization noises at me and raised his wings up and down but I didn’t get that he was upset, I felt like he was excited and just wanted me to pay attention to them lol. So there I was talking to them like I would at the pond but in front of the department building and under our covered driveway lol. They didn’t chase me, they just wanted to chat lol.

I then had to escort Gracie to her car lol. They followed us but they didn’t chase her. I am SUPER thrilled to know that I have a following of geese lol.

I laughed the other day when I saw this thread on Yik Yak lol.
5 months ago Report Link
LadyDianaLynn2: Was super wound up after a “review session” for the test I studied so much for already. That man will argue with an answer that he gave even if it’s word for word that he said during lecture.That frustration is over but I’m still about to put another 7 hours tonight at the library for other classes.

Walked the nature trail after class just to ground and reset. Found some geese by the water that made me happy since they didn’t feel threatened at all and I didn’t even disturb their little nappy nap. Made my day but now it’s back to studying…
5 months ago Report Link