Mack Restuccio (King Husky Man) Offline

51 Single Male from Lincoln       84
King Husky  Man
King Husky Man: I wish someone of you stop pretending you like me because you know you don't and stop acting like I was part of some family stuff. I know truth okay I don't need people feel sorry for me if really my friends then be my friends if not go and
12 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (4)
MedicatedIceQueen 12 years ago ReplyReport
DeathByDuctTape: Husker! You are our family... It wasn't me nor Sassy nor Kent that suspended you.. It was another Mod who I don't know.... He was rude and he suspended you.. I am sorry Will talk to Kent and have you back in the room.. We do like you and you ARE apart of our family... you always will be.. I promise you
12 years ago ReplyReport
Maria DC
Maria DC: and what? it wasn't me
12 years ago ReplyReport
(Post deleted by Princess Melody 12 years ago)