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33 Single Male from Northville       175


End the pollution!!!

Humans need to quit driving automobiles! Burn them all. Destroy them all...Humans also need to quit using synthetic products! They have polluted the whole earth. There is pollution everywhere!!! Itleast where I live and roam...Humans have polluted the earth. They have screwed it all up. If any of you get a chance to view nature, consider it...And how much more pure it is except when it is polluted because of humans!!! Ok human government, don't assume Im going to do anything "rash" here, lol. Im just speaking the TRUTH...The end is near...but it is because of the wicked inventions of humans! I know Im using a computer and the web to type this...because I can...But you all know there is pollution and everything man made should be done away with except that which we need! The industrial revolution should have never happened gosh damnit!!! The natives were doing fine and im sure you all know this because the information is out there now that it is way too late...And we don't need automobiles. We don't need plastic or paper cups. We don't need skyscrapers. We don't need concrete roads. We don't need trains. We don't need helicopters. We don't need planes. We don't need electricity. We don't need lights. We don't need radios. We don't need phones. We don't need plastic products. We don't need television. We don't need electronics. We don't need computers. We dont need internet. We don't need restaurants. Has anyone considered living in a teepee or wigwam or hut or a log cabin at the least if you live in an area where it gets so cold...I just feel passionate about this subject because it is the main thing that is wrong with the world today. Yes humans act mean and inappropriate but just look and how polluted and corrupted the world in general is! You shouldn't be surprised by it...If you get offended by truth you never should have read this blog!!! Im sure no one is going to kill themselves after reading this because those who would already know the truth and more...I doubt this blog is going to end any pollution but I know that it is wrong and what is wrong so...I typed it.

How close is the end? bwahahahaha!

Blood moons. Out of control weather. It seems like the sun is staying up longer than it used to this time of year. I've heard that the stock market is going to crash and that all money is going to become completely worthless. Some may see these things as "doom", but I as a believer in Christ see them as signs He is coming back soon and that I will be all done with life here. It talks about the "beast" in the Bible in the book of Revelation and it says he will require a mark in either the forehead or forearm of anybody who wants to buy or sell. And I heard about Obama and his healthcare plan...Apparently he is proposing the idea of placing a chip in either the forehead or forearm! Just like it prophesies of in the Bible. Ok so these signs make it seem close. They make the end (where more and more peril happens and Satan takes over for a few years until God has His angels finish everyone who is still here off) seem near, but how close is it really? Alot of christians say that Christ died over 2000 years ago but I don't know why they say that because it is not really true. Ok the modern years are measured since Christ was born. A.D. the actual words for a.d. mean "in the year of the Lord", so Christ didn't die on the cross until a.d. 33. And it is not yet a.d. 2033 so that's why I say it's not really true that it has been over 2000 years ago that He died. It hasn't even been 2000 years since He was crucified unless there was some huge change in the calendars or error that I am unaware of. But anyway you decide. But keep in mind what the Bible says and by that I mean it says that not even the angels in heaven know the day nor the hour He is going to come. Not even the Son of man himself knows. Only God the Father knows.