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Pic-Audio Blog: Quantum Pragmatics

Pic-Audio Blog Quantum Pragmatics

Quantum Pragmatics
Between mechanistic logic and shallow idealism

With a predispositioned bias for the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s of the world due to the intensity of their conviction and the their zealotry for the ideal, though more willingly bold in concept; does encounter the ‘Devil-in-the-detail’ mechanics of their (reductionistly critical) conservative pragmatists’ caveats.

I think that the contrast in thought derives from the cultural pedagogies for their dialectics, both of which are based on the macro-based Newtonian logic of ‘Cause-and-Effect’, than the quantum logic of the nuanced effects of micro-processes. Those processes render their general thesis for what they both overlook, the random phenomena of the outlier anecdotal.

The anecdotal is the macro-manifestation of the quantum, improbable advent. Tho’ balanced budgets to thwart monetary, devaluing inflation or income redistribution to guarantee an equivalency with the societal costs of living butt heads in their conceptualizations, the dialectic of the synthesis between their antithetical political ends is in the quantum mechanics of the anecdotals.

Those anecdotal outliers are the guiding caveats, than the one-off data to be discounted. Policy, much like English ‘Common Law’, begins at the lowest level of interactions-just as it’s in quantum mechanics. But unlike the provincial, cultural, ossified inequities of all the historical eras; the decentralized, autonomy of license and self-empowering agency at the nano-to-micro level sets the terms of a centrally co-operative confederation of action.

Homogeneity of rules over a diverse pluralistic demographic is as illogical as imposing the same qualities of operation on the known elements of the Periodic Table A quantum pragmatism of the exceptions and the anecdotals would redefine public policy from the flawed, compromising of the antithetical in a top-down representation of ‘National Will’ to the quantum reality of the bottom-up, grassroots, quantum processes of symbiotic-to-synergistic transactional cooperation.

But in that admittedly ‘idealist and utopian’, social structure the individual agency of empowerment would be less dependent on some form of obligatory leveraged quid pro quo of commerce with others, than with their own leveraged conjurings with the congruence with their receptacle-efferent coherence. In that coherence, the individual finds their own creative artistic production of their ontological talents’ capabilities, when they are in-synchronization with what I call their “mystical karmic role” of engagement in this historical medium’s milieu.

That “mystical karmic role” are those collage and kaleidoscopic factors of chronological and demographic coincidental circumstances that are the props for them to cognitively comprehend and synthesize to connect with our own umbilical energy source, which provides the architectural matrix for our successful congruence with [for pejorative-sake] Ma Nature, and, thus, our holistic juxtapositional role within this time-matrix.
