jpasco72 Offline

51 Single Female from Lincoln       72
jpasco72: “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” – Winston Churchill
(Oh yah, I got them in all shapes and sizes. Let me make this brief. First off you harass me off a job, that I am overqualified for and you are using for a cushy paycheck. You commit fraud then. Then being as you get bored -hate crimes. Then when you are reported you and your like minded buddies get together and and tell all even more lies. Then you have the ego, as bullies who have gotten away with too much to prank call your victims threatening to have them put in jail. But only after you brainwash the bf that I am the crazy one and he should dump me and then tell me to trespass(bring him dinner, or get the key). What a minute here, you wouldn't try to harm me or anything to hide this, would you?
So while I was labeled hostile and hard to work with, you know the lies you told they were to cover up your hate crimes. The fact you were committing fraud. The fact you were sexually harassing women, and harassing people because of the color of their skin. And all the while the other Supervisors watched and giggled like mean teenage cheerleaders. But I was hostile in asking you to help me work, or to stop. Yah, I can see how hostile it is for you being asked to do the right thing.
The break up thing, I am going to help you all out. I knew the bf from isca, and the supervisor. And I know their previous relationship they both had. And also I know another thing or two that this little setup you tried proves. Yah, let me tell you hate crimes are nothing new too you. And when the truth comes out, I won't be hostile or smiling. I will be sad that you were allowed to hurt so many, before someone stood up too you.

There's a lot of skeletons in my closet, but I know what they're wearing. I'm not gonna act all ashamed of it.
Naomi Watts
(Yup, and I knew who they dated and what their motives are too. And I know who they tried to hurt too. But to some of you, let me tell you this flat out I know exactly who you were pretending to be. I know her very well, even though you may not have ever seen her being so worried about yourself.)

“When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.” – Chris Colfer ( This goes to you my instigators, see I haven't opened my medicine pouch yet, your bag of tricks is running low though. It is hard enough losing a job wrongly, then being slandered, then having your character defamed, then having people pretend to care and talk about you and then being dumped. Dumped by your family as they took a bribe, friends you've had your entire life and then yet another bf. Then you keep rubbing my face in the whole bf thing, May 24th, and here it is June 17th and I am still having to cry about it because you wove your lies and deceits. Keep sending your little worked up trolls to steal numbers out of my cell phone, etc.. What I don't get is how it is they (the elite) keep allowing you to hurt others. There is no benefit in this, it's just selfish drama for entertainment sake alone. And you know who you are.)
9 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (3)
jpasco72: P.S. I know you were on wire too. And let me help you out even more in covering your tracks, you,me and whoever else is in on your plot aren't the only ones who know what has occurred here.
9 years ago ReplyReport
jpasco72: Hey, is 'isca' like a magic word or something? Were did all the perverts go? hmmmm?
9 years ago ReplyReport
(Post deleted by jpasco72 9 years ago)