Friends | Oatmeal cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies is one of MANY reasons why I have trust issues. View all 10 posts Brettttttt: BTW 21 is great. Usually in January we are in the negatives. I have heated socks so I’m doing good jonathoncdjr: “The greater good is to find that greater good — not to draw hard lines and make it either my way or no way." View all 4 posts jonathoncdjr in reply to La_uren: The Right way and the far right way?! Good question. I wish I had a good answer lol. jonathoncdjr: That awkward moment when you're reminded that the bone used in your molar implants are from cadaver remains. So now I can't help but think how I have dozens of people in my mouth at the same time. (OK, that didn’t quite come out right…) FancyPantsMcGee: Why would they use different people? You'd think they'd use them all from the same person. My grandma broke her arm when my son was a baby and has a cadaver bone in her arm. jonathoncdjr: So... my dad decided enough's enough, no more dialysis. And was refusing to take medication for his low blood pressure which was preventing said dialysis regardless. Without talking him in to anything, we only offered life's a gift, why not fight on just a little longer? So he's "agreeable" to one more week. As long as he "feels" results; which naturally are to be determined. If you have spare thoughts / wishes / prayers and wouldn't mind sending one or two in this direction, much appreciated! |
I appreciate you all.