john7362 Offline

61 Male from El Paso       6


Atheism- the rejection in the existence of deities. Atheists tend to be skeptical about supernatural claims.

Agnostic- neither believe or disbelieve in deities because it is unknowable

I could not post at the unexplained mysteries site because of theological conflicts.

I personally never believed in the "supernatural" existence of God.

I never thought a real God existed.

I honestly say I was initially agnostic in my beliefs.

I was shocked and angry that this system existed. It was hidden and distorted from all semblance to reality by theology.

The system became hidden by mysticism.

My peculiar relationship with the multiverse led me to believe something existed as I started on my path toward ascension.

Once I realized the universe was part of a cybernetic system, I was determined to integrate, explore and empower all of its infrastructure and resources in order to save our world.

I base my claims on experience, science, philosophy and reason.

I believe that my existence is represented adequately by any theologies in existence.

I am counting on this forum. A group that has made the decision to rely on reason, philosophy and logic to interpret reality, is the perfect group to critique and analyze my claims of existence.

The reality revealed by the Borg Collective in the Star Trek franchise is the closest thing to the reality of the system that controls, maintains and exists as the multiverse.