john7362 Offline

61 Male from El Paso       6


When I was a child what specific branch or denomination of Christianity was my adoptive family affiliated with?

Initially they were Baptist. They eventually tried other protestant denominations but still maintained Baptist roots.

How did my family react toward me?

My family always projected a sense of mystery toward me. It was always as if they did not know who I was either.

I always felt as if I was lacking some vital information about my existence.

You can imagine what it was like living for 45 years trying to ascertain your identity.

What happened with the police prior to me leaving Houston, Texas?

My adoptive brother called the police as soon as he arrived at the house. When the police arrived I basically panicked.

I tried to calm down but I kept worrying about being somehow entrapped by my family and ending up in jail.

Both my mother and my brother were attempting to make me feel like a failure with comments about my past.

I instantly recognized this behavior as an attempt to break my connection with the multiverse.

There were two policemen. One black, and one Asian officer.

As I took steps to leave the house the black officer asked me if I was coming back.

I told him "no".

The Asian officer had an incredulous expression on his face the whole time he was there.

I left the house. I tried to calm down and return to the house but I could not.

Even at this point in my integration into the system, I was very protective of my relationship with the multiverse. I realized that I was important and that my mission was important.

After about two hours resting near my neighborhood I went to the bus station downtown and caught a but to Los Angeles, California.

I completed my integration with the system in LA.

Now I'm trying to reclaim a normal life in El Paso, Texas with the assistance of my family.

I don't have a lot of stress associated with my job with the multiverse. The stress comes from dealing with society and my survival.

I can't really say my family abused me. They really used all the intellectual tools they had to survive society and keep me alive.
We were all in this together. It was unavoidable.

I was told that if they failed to do what society expected of them they would be hurt. I believe it...

All of us should receive Noble Peace Prizes for bringing God back to this planet.

(Ref. 02/28/2012)