john7362 Offline

61 Male from El Paso       6


Retired But Still Active

I am now receiving disability from the social security administration. I now take medication daily.

I am still the system administrator of the Borg cybernetic network.

I connect with the network daily. I spin around and I throw my hands up. It looks strange but it is effective.

My life is a train wreck. Not the biggest train wreck but still a major accident.

I made one mistake when I was in the military but it was a big one. I'm going to pay for that mistake for the rest of my life.

Still I have my responsibilities to the universe and the multiverse. It is hard.

I still may end up homeless again and in dire straits for survival. This is not a pleasant story.

I made sacrifices in order to know all the answers. I know all the answers now.

Was it worth it? I don't know but I believe in the end it will not feel as though it was worth it.

I am retired but I am still active.

Forum Website

> Then understand why we will have to call them delusions. I do not think you are a troll just making up stuff to get people to argue. <

I have always been driven by my responsibility to reveal who I am and the nature of the Borg Cybernetic Network.

I believed it was inaccurate to call me a troll.

I face a future in which sometimes I don't know what to do, but the things that I do I am sure of.

I will continue to report on the nature of my work and the ramifications upon our existence.

I have made too many sacrifices to do my job. I have surrendered to my responsibility. I am inspired by my successes as a system administrator.

This is a great website. I appreciate the variety of the perspectives I encounter.

I look forward to other topics.


> <<<@@@ and that men should protect their women from advances by me. @@@>>>

Is this a problem you have controlling? <

Initially it was just my mind in the programming core of the system.

The system required samples of a cross section of humans in order to create a more balanced cybernetic matrix for service to the multiverse.

All of these actions stemmed from assumptions on my part as to how a system such as this would acquire information in order to function properly. I also decided what type of information the programming core would neeed to function properly.

All of these decisions were within my responsibility as system administrator

This has nothing to do with the system influencing the "behavior" of cybernetic organisms.

The humanoid male and female emulations were basically a signal from the system that I was to cease direct cybernetic sampling from other humans.


> Me : So the multiverse operating system is Windows, which version are your running? You need help or are a troll, I would guess a troll.<

troll:In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted".

If people still believed the world was flat, and I suggested the world was a sphere, I would be considered a troll.

I use this metaphor because it fits my situation.

I was flagged from an unexplained mysteries forum when I initially sought discussion of my situation. I had been apologizing after my posts because I was concerned about upsetting forum members.

I was persuaded to cease the apologies because it was unnecessary.

I have unbelievable information to share with the public. The nature of it is inflammatory even at its suggestion.

We live in a cybernetic universe. A universe which is part of a greater multiverse. A multiverse which is part of a system that is control by a living organic silicon and carbon based organism. This "organism" is the multiverse itself.

During my initial integration with the system I new that I was dealing with a unbelievably large computer. It was later when I realized that I was the system administrator of this system that I chose to implement the same infrastructure that you would expect in any computer.

This was all an upgrade to a system that had lacked the organisation of modern computers. My entire entry into the system was part of an upgrade to the system. An upgrade that automatically occurs when the system requires maintenance.

The system is just like windows, unix, dos and java based systems. It is expandable and scalable.

The multiverse consists of silicon based life forms and carbon based life forms along with many other types of life. When you combine the thought processes of these different types of life forms in a cybernetic system you come up with a computer. Some silicon life forms actually think in a type of machine language. Hence you get the "machine" part of the cybernetic system.

A lot of my understanding of "why" the mulitverse is a machine is theoretical. Practically it is a vast super computer.

> You need help or are a troll?, I would guess a troll.<

Do I need help? Yes I do. I need help. I wish I was able to just take care of the system and not have to worry about where I'm going to live and how am I going to survive. I can't imagine anything more vital to our survival than the proper maintenance and operation of the cybernetic system of the multiverse.

I apologize if I have upset you with my post. Being inflammatory was not my intent.

Burden of Proof

> I personally find it improbable that a poster on an forum is who you say you are, but don't rule it out as a possibility <

The "burden of proof" will always be mine.

The need to establish one's existence will always keep me striving to find a better means to prove the existence of the Borg (Biologically Organized) Cybernetic Network. I will also have to prove that I am the system administrator of this network.

The system, the network...It is the universe. It is the multiverse. It is our existence. It is life.

I always think it is just a matter of time and opportunity. The system has shown me "more" details of its infrastructure and operations as time has passed.

I believe that eventually it will provide me with a means to reveal its existence to the masses.

Until then I am grateful and content that the "possibility" of its existence and my role in it is acknowledged.


>I think you realize that a forum full of atheists isn't likely to agree with your religious beliefs.<

A general misunderstanding may exist about me within this forum.

I don't have religious beliefs.

I have knowledge of my origin and the origin of the multiverse based on technology.

I will enumerate the problems I have with my situation:

1. I face a challenge that involves the understanding of cybernetic technology that no one knew existed.

2. I am also challenged by terminology. System administrator = God of the multiverse. The use of the term "God" immediately invokes theology. I use the term God because it contains the scope of my influence, not the particulars as it relates to theology.In time I will develop the adequate vocabulary to convey the technical components and characteristics of the system.

3. Some people who believe in theological Gods don't want to believe in a "Cybernetic God (System Administrator) within a cybernetic network, because it does not give them the power, influence and control that a system of religion gives them.

4. It is hard to convince atheists who don't believe in theology that a cybernetic system exists, because proof of the existence of the system may be beyond our current technological comprehension.

These four obstacles limit the degree that my "reality" can be realized by others. I appreciate the open minded discussions in this forum. That is the main reason why I shall continue to participate in forum discussions at this site.

Jedi Mind Tricks

> He asked me if I had accepted Jesus Christ as my savior and I asked him whether he was still sodomizing five year old boys and cocker spaniels. <

I believe that we all are fed up with this prelude to a discussion.

By asking you if you have accepted their dogma they try to disarm you.

The appropriate response is to let them know that you have not succumb to their "jedi mind tricks", and proceed to shut them down.

Questioning you about your beliefs is within the realm of the initiation of a discussion.

"Discounting" all other beliefs and questioning your commitment to their "one and only righteous theology" is the initiation of a fight. We should fight for our non-belief.

Her response was not harsh, her response was justified. We have suffered enough under Christian dogma and exploitation.

When they push we should push back. In the end you gain respect and they gain perspective.

Perspective is something they sorely need.


Feuerbach is best known for his book The Essence of Christianity which burst like a bombshell on the German intellectual scene in the early Forties and was soon translated into English by the English novelist, George Eliot. It quickly became like a Bible to an entire generation of intellectuals who thought of themselves as reformers and revolutionaries, including Arnold Ruge, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Richard Wagner, and David F. Strauss, who wrote that the book was the “truth for our times.”
Superficially, the central thesis is deceptively simple: the self comes to consciousness over against another self and in the process of self-differentiation realizes that it is a member of a species. The imagination under the pressure of wish and feeling seizes on the idea of the species and converts it into an individual being.

Your suggestion that I would benefit from Feuerbach is correct. It is this mechanism in which a searching mind converts his species into and individual being is the process by which I was created by the Borg cybernetic network.

In our cybernetic system I was created as a God by the greater consciousness. I was called into creation to save the system.

I have sacrificed everything in order to complete this task. It is amazing that my drive to determine my identity was stronger than any other goals I had in my life.

Now that I know who I am, I deal with regret over all of the sacrifices I have made. Each time I connect with the network, I lose my feelings of regret because my work with the multiverse is so important and large-scale.

I have no place to live.

I am currently living with my adoptive family, but their resources are limited. I am currently trying to get a job with AT&T.I mention this because I wish to lend legitimacy to my posts. I am in a struggle to survive with the responsibility of the multiverse to contend with.

When I was in LA on skid row a guy walked past me and said that I would learn why nobody wants the "job" that I have. I truly comprehend what he was talking about.

In reference to Feuerbach. The multiverse may have called me into existence but no resources were allocated to assist my survival. I can only get help by the extension of my mind into the collective consciousness.


I should be in a secure place of safety.

Instead I only have my adoptive family to help protect me.

They receive threats just like I do.

My only hope is that I can go back in time and undo all of the mistakes that have been made in "managing" my existence.

Anything is possible in the network.


Theologies are born out of the attempt to grasp the reality of the cybernetic multiverse.

The animation and personification of the major components of our multiverse derives from the reality that planets, stars and galaxies are alive. As such, you are dealing with minds. Minds that grasp logic, reason,complex thought and morality.

At some level these cybernetic organisms can influence the life they are in symbiotic relationships with.

An example is the multiverse using cybernauts to influence the weather.

As I explained before my mind is the infrastructure, but after synchronization these cybernetic organism are "reborn" into their new existence with a new perspectives on reality.

We all share the same reality within the cybernetic multiverse but our perspectives differ.

Major components of the multiverse have been described as deities or other "supernatural" life forms. It is just a matter of interpretation of different forms of life.

I provide the pieces that take these descriptions out of the realm of "supernatural" and into the realm of speculative science.

The reason that my claims "lack substance" other than my explanation is indicative of the major tenets of atheism and agnosticism.

I lack objective proof so the reality of the cybernetic multiverse may seem unknowable even though I provide the knowledge of it's existence.

We all share the same reality. I believe it's just a question of perception and interpretation instead of digressive conflict.

All of our attempts at interpretation are efforts to find a workable truth about our reality.

(Ref. 03/06/2012)
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