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We are Doomed - Or are we........ Part 2

Some people cast doubt on what I said in part 1.

Do not take my word for it, take other peoples views which has actual data that has not been adjusted to fit a theory. Rather than the proper research method of using actual data as proof to support a theory.

In the video you will see how one scientist used data selection to prove the alarmist theory of 'climate change'. Unfortunately when you look at the whole of the published data set you see that the data set does not prove it at all.

Dr Willie Soon exposes the climate change panic -

The whole debate can be found at

It is not CO2 that is the issue it is far more complex and CO2 is NOT the problem - It is the current scientific version of the 'Emperors New Clothes'

_One comment made on the video is very true.......

"The problem can be summed up this way. When you pay people to give you a predetermined result and their jobs depend on it they are all to likely to tell you what you want to hear."