jaylove73 Offline

50 Divorced Male from Fort Worth       21
jaylove73: Communication takes practice,
it's never perfect,
sometimes not patient,
sometimes not kind,
but you have to say what's on
your mind.
Lend an ear,
listen not just hear,
to the ones you love so dear.
Communication is not a one way street,
it takes two,
to concur this feat.
Communication is hard you see,
but in the end,
it is key,
to that great relationship,
we all want and need.
Open your heart,
say what's on your mind,
When you are partners

for life there's nothing to hide
11 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (1)
Miss_Tonya: I LOVE this! Might have to steal it!!!
10 years ago ReplyReport