Friends | This thing says to talk a bit about "yourself". I'm not sure who "yourself" is .. but i'm fairly sure it would be rude to talk about them. InkySue: Spent today doing a worthwhile, positive minded activity that will make someone other than me happy. Not a bad way to spend a day. Finally finished the stuffed dog i've been making for my son. Before deciding it is strange or ugly, keep in mind that the person who will get this is developmentally disabled with a big heart for critters, loves anything having to do with christmas, the M&M characters or logo, holidays, and things that show dollar bills. He also loves it when his initials are on things (the one ear). So .. with all of that in mind... I think it fits him well. The other bits of fabric that are not holiday themed or dollar bill themed are from clothing that belonged to his grandmother. I think she'd be really happy to know that some of her clothes fabric went to make her grandson a stuffed dog. She loved him quite possibly more than she loved me. She was always making things for her kids.. very often out of clothing of her own that she still liked or could wear. Just to do nice things for us. I think the boy will be happy. I'm kind of proud of it.. since it is my first ever in multiple ways. First stuffed animal, first time I had to create a pattern out of just something I saw online, first attempt at embroidering initials. Lot of firsts. It isn't perfect.. but neither is the person who made it. View all 9 posts InkySue in reply to EyzzBrown: aw fanx ![]() InkySue in reply to RoraAuroraBorealis: aw fanx hon I hope he does. He probably will. I can just about hear him saying, "Doh-lar dawwwgie" InkySue: Got the upstairs living room decorated and got the tree up. Not too bad.. even though the cell phone takes absolutely horrid pictures. (Sorry.) And for anybody that notices the weird shadow that the tree topper puts on the wall behind the tree above the windows... yep, I realize what that shadow looks very much like, no it wasn't intentional.. but yes, I find it funny too. lol I'm still fighting with doctors trying to figure out what all is going on .. "if I do or if I don't". At this point.. procedure is set up for april, not that I think it is a grand idea to wait that long.. but it is about the best I can do with how they are doing things. So anybody who knows what I am talking about .. nope, I don't have a final word on that yet. I have a lot going on between doctors, issues regarding my son, family issues, and a friend in the hospital (going home monday on hospice.. not expected to pull out of it.. but i've got my doubts).. so just haven't really felt overly social. But son has been moved to a new placement and seems happy. That's a good thing. And i'm getting things ready and trying to make it an extra nice holiday for him this year. Just something told me I needed to. So i'm happy with how the upper section of the house looks. Still don't know how I feel about the light fixture near the tree. One of those old style square fixtures that ya unscrew the little thing and can drop the whole glass square.. pointy corners and all. I'm surprised those were never banned. lol Sometimes I like it that it is there.. other times.. meh, not so much. lol But it isn't a priority to switch out for a different one. lol Anyway .. hoping folks on here have a good holiday and are all safe, happy, healthy and doing well. View all 8 posts InkySue in reply to BlondeJenius: fanx so much. Other folks got a much better eye for decorating than I do.. but I figure if I keep the upstairs simple and don't add too much that I like, then it might not look too bad. lol That's one way of doing things.. decorating nice by not decorating. lol InkySue in reply to rockislandred1: thank you extra much hon ![]() View all 8 posts InkySue in reply to mikeandhisbike61: yeah .. they do sometimes. lol I just sent red a message bout what's going on other than me not being a blonde. lol She may be tapping you on the shoulder in a few mins after she gets that wiremail. lol I have no idea if it was even understandable. My confusion levels are really bad lately. Hard to explain things so they make sense to other people when they don't even make sense to me. lol InkySue: Ok folks .. things have happened recently that are kind of forcing me to take a different look at life. I got a phone call that sort of has me shaken up a bit. And it came while a lot of things are going on. In short, positive test results are not always a positive situation. And it happens while i'm advocating for my kid while they're needing to move him because some of the group homes in my state are being closed. At the same time i've got my oldest brother dealing with a gangrene situation (for the second time). At the same time one of my best friends is in the hospital possibly facing end of life at 84 years old. At the same time I can't get to a lot of things because my car is not functional. (I can't even get up to the hospital like i'd like to be doing because of my car.. and having trouble getting to much of anything I need to get to because of my vehicle. It needs work, I can't get it fixed. Simple as that.) But all of this is going on at once. I have an elderly friend I help .. so that is yet another direction that I get pulled in. And i've hit the wall.. hard. I'm mentally exhausted. For some of the issues, there is no solution that I can find. When you see me here, mentally .. I may not be here. I may sit absolutely silent. That doesn't mean I need a PM. In fact .. i'd rather not get any PMs at all. Wire has done an update.. and at this point, I get a little banner from them every time I sign on saying my browser is no longer supported on wire. This has caused a problem for my PMs. No matter how the PMs look to you ... they look much different to me. I will see the typing fine at first.. and then in short order after I reply, the letters all jumble on top of each other and i'm not able to read a damn thing. So PMs are only a cause of stress if I try to reply to them. I'm trying to remove stress from my life.. therefore, PMs may be shortly replied to .. or not replied to at all. And it is not personal. It is just the way it is because I will not be getting a different computer .. or ripping apart the programming of this computer just to please a social media/chat platform. Doesn't make sense to me to do that. I can still go into chat and communicate within the room with no problem. But again, i'm just plain emotionally exhausted from the things going on. So if i'm in the room not talking.. i'm probably sitting here at the computer looking completely bewildered.. and going to stay that way until I get up and leave for the night. Or I may be walking around my house feeling confused. I already had a confusion disorder (the cognitive), and any stress or physical issues can make the confusion that much worse. It magnifies the symptoms. So at this point, my confusion levels are right up there. If I don't talk when people think I should, i'm sorry. If I don't say hello, I may not have seen you. If i'm not here for two months.. all of this stuff is why. Or if i'm here every single night but don't seem to be talking... i'm not up in PMs yapping and gossiping. I don't do that. I've never done that. I'm basically sitting here like a zombie not doing anything.. and not real sure what exactly to do next. Figured i'd let folks in on it because there are a few that like me well enough here and seem to care what is going on. I'm not sure what is going on with the positive test result. More tests are needed to be sure. I may laugh at myself for worrying later on .... or my life may very well be about to get super crazy. One of the two.. and it was crazy already. When I know more, i'll say more. Sorry for being cryptic. Just wanted to explain why i'm not the way I used to be. InkySue: Far as the PMs go... my PMs are shot. Wiremail, on the other hand is fine. I get that ok and can reply. But brain-wise .. I may not be able to. rockislandred1: ![]() ![]() View all 27 posts MsChelle: I absolutely love this picture, the timing needed to catch it just right was incredible. What a scary bike ride, I am glad you are ok. InkySue: The timing wasn't my doing. The cloudy appearance and lightening is a filter. I was just standing there leaning on the bike. But I did the filter because of a ride the day of a really nasty storm (with tornado) that happened locally that I was out riding in. But this pic wasn't taken that day. I just got lucky and found a good png image to layer over my original. InkySue: Happy Halloween.. the blonde hair is a halloween prank. lol No dye job has been done. I'm still plain old me. lol View all 10 posts InkySue: Aw fanx Dragon, Oldguy, red, Eyzz, Blonde and paint! ![]() ![]() InkySue: I've been saying for a long time that I have one squirrel in the yard who appears to be a wee bit different. lol Normally when offering a squirrel a snack, they'll either sit on their back legs with arms straight down or by their chest and just look up at me waiting. (That's in the one picture.. typical squirrel waiting for a peanut.) But the other picture is of a lil dude who has mastered the art of snack begging. lol Reaches for things very similar to how a raccoon might. I have a feeling that he may have been someone's pet because he has soooo much personality. He stands up high on his back feet.. reaches up with hands grabbing.. waving .. as if to say, "Over here.. throw it here.. i'm ready.. I can catch!!!" Makes me snicker every time I see him. All I have to do is say "Hiiiiiiiii" in a little voice .. and he does that to show me he's ready to catch a snack. lol I almost think if he wanted to, i'd let that one move right in. Took me a while to get a picture.. but finally got one. Not the greatest picture. He's either asking for a snack .. or waving hello with one hand, while saying "Power to the people!" with the other hand. lol I'm not too sure. Gave him a peanut anyway. lol View all 4 posts InkySue in reply to RoraAuroraBorealis: I tend to think so too. Evidence of that is found every time I have to put the snacks away. I make sure to leave a snack by each of the posts of the railing for the porch at the top where he can find them but the chipmunk can't get at them. I leave a few low for chipmunk .. but then I hide some up high for the squirrel friend. lol InkySue in reply to rockislandred1: I really like the lil beggar squirrel. lol He was still doing that today. lol Funny lil guy. I also found out today that the chipmunks filled my saddle bag on the motorcycle with peanut shells. Lil buggers. Gonna have to have a lil talk with them over that one. lol InkySue: Still putting together the top section of the family quilt. Have not made it to adding the family bits yet other than the blocks from family clothing. I'm at the point where i'm going to be running a thick border of fabric all the way around it in a single color to make it match the size of the sheet it is laying on. Still tons of work to do .. but at this point i'm happy with it so far. View all 12 posts InkySue in reply to BlondeJenius: fanx hon. I'm trying hard. It is going to be downright odd looking when it is finished because of everything that is going to be added to it. If you have seen a "junk journal".. that is where i'm pulling this idea from. A "junk quilt" .. throwing a bit of everything on there. Doilies that my grandmother "tatted" years ago .. scraps of fabric from our family's holiday table cloths that can no longer be used on tables .. just bits of this and that from the entire time my family was a family. What is in the picture is just the base and needs edging before the rest is put on there. I plan on doing other quilts.. but not like this one. And hopefully not as difficult. lol HOPEFULLY!! lol I still don't know what I am going to do about the quilting of it. I know my machine will not do a quilt that size. So i'm going to have to think of something. But that is a problem for later. lol I had the idea tonight when writing to a friend that the "two other quilts" that I want for myself.. I might make as a double sided quilt. That way I only have to make myself one quilt after this one and can go on to other projects. lol Sneaky.. yep. Thank you hon. Much appreciated on the kindness. InkySue in reply to BlondeJenius: Thank you hon. I haven't been working on it the past few days. Having a lot of trouble with a family member and that has pretty much beat the creativity right out of me. But hoping to get back to it this week. Kind of tired of having it laying on my floor upstairs on the sheet I have it laying on. lol It doesn't help my walking any to have to tip toe and hop around the corners of it. lol InkySue: Well .. been working on the family quilt. Got the main center section done.. still have to extend the top and bottom because it turned out a heck of a lot smaller than anticipated. lol And then gotta go around it .. and do other stuff to make a finished topper. After that, i'll be adding things from my family... a school crest from the school mom went to (made during the time she was going there), a neck bandanna from when 2 of my brothers were in scouts, a rose from the ones mom sewed on my brother's first nice performing shirt.. things my grandmother "tatted" and bits of embroidery.. just all sorts of family stuff. The current section is made out of mainly clothing or fabric that belonged to my mother. There's 3 squares on each side that were part of my grandmother's PJs.. and the dark gray fabric is stuff I already had. Hoping by the time i'm done, it will be roughly the size of a full size bed flat sheet. But this is what it is for now ... about 1/4th done or a little less. Not too bad. View all 9 posts InkySue in reply to RoraAuroraBorealis: aw fanx hon ![]() (Post deleted by staff ) (Post deleted by staff ) InkySue: Helllllllppp!! The internet is full of bad information and I need to find something that I can use. Does anybody on here have a GOOD recipe for "Stuffed cabbage rolls" (also called something like glupkies or something). I don't want something random pulled off the internet. Need a truly good one that has been used several times by the person that gives it to me and they know it is really good. This isn't for a book. It is for me. I love them .. but don't want to screw up making them and have never made them before. After an unfortunate incident with an internet recipe a few years back .. I don't like internet recipes. lol So please .. if one of ya .. or more than one of ya has a really good stuffed cabbage roll recipe.. please pass it to me. (Needs to be a full recipe though please .. with amounts of stuff .. so that I can follow along and not screw it up by putting 6 spoons of black pepper in if it only needs a half teaspoon. lol) Fanx ever so.. in advance. InkySue: Was at this concert the night this was filmed... one heck of a good concert. Super peaceful .. kind of funny at times.. very laid back .. very positive .. some nice hippie vibes going on there that night. Also some incredible talent when it came to the backup artists. The drive there was a bit on the sketchy side (If you notice during the first bit of the video .. Jason Mraz says we dodged a tornado ... and he says that .. because on my way driving there .. we were genuinely dodging a tornado. He wasn't joking even though it came off comical. lol) Weather changed literally every quarter mile. Made the drive a bit of a white knuckle experience. But by the time I got to the performing arts center .. the weather was just muggy, hot and hazy. Concert itself was amazing. Very much worth the price of a few million concert tickets. Enjoy the tunes ... I did. View all 6 posts InkySue in reply to Sangria_: It was such a neat concert. So nice and positive. (Well .. the weather wasn't positive.. other than being positively crap. lol ) .. but still .. positive concert. lol yayzzzz InkySue in reply to OLDGUYNH™: Oh i'm still around and kickin .. just the whole online thing was getting a bit much. So been steppin away an awful lot. Been dealin with a few things medically too. But getting them figured out. lol InkySue in reply to ThruDragonseyez: I'm around hon ... I just haven't been on here much. Never thought i'd say this .. but it is soooo much more relaxing "not on wire". lol But miss you too. InkySue: Chillin with my homie.. lol (Model: Scar D' Chipmunk .. aka .. Parkour!! lol Wearing the very latest in chipmunk duuuude fashion. Nicknamed "Parkour!!" because of his climbing, acrobatic & general bouncing abilities. Please pardon the "stink eye" that Mr. Squirrel was aiming at me... he was concerned that there weren't nearly enough peanuts. lol ) View all 5 posts InkySue in reply to ThruDragonseyez: My favorite is the first one with him looking directly at the camera. lol He's such a comical little chipmunk duuuuuude. lol View all 6 posts InkySue: lol I have since figured out that the one in those pictures is "Gus D'Chipmunk" from last year (and it is female.. but i'm still calling it Gus) ... and the one in the other two pictures up there is "Scar D'Chipmunk". I thought i'd lost Gus .. but nope.. Gus is a she.. and she had babies.. and now her babies are running up and down the trees here and checking around the porch for snacks. lol Scar, no clue if that one is male or female. lol It is demanding.. what ever it is. lol And Gus believes they own the back porch. Will chase away other chipmunks and then come up looking at me as if to say, "See I protected the house .. snacks? Snacks now??" lol There's quite a few chipmunks out there this year. Have only seen the neighborhood woodchuck once. I believe he's moved house and is living under my neighbor's garage. I'm envious. I want a woodchuck under my garage too. lol Maybe next year. lol InkySue in reply to chickabooms: Is that what that is? lol I've been calling them "Gladdi-ohleeys" the way the kid in the movie "Drop Dead Fred" said it. lol Never knew what the heck those were. All I know is mom planted them after she got the house here. InkySue: Some days, things just happen and people turn out to be a whole lot cooler than I expected. Today was like that. I had been wanting some kind of video game console with a couple of games so that I had something extra to do.. maybe in the evenings.. or in the winters between crocheting blankets and doing crafts. I just needed something "extra". I managed to find a playstation4 for next to nothing. Not enough even to say I "paid for it". So I figured.. since almost no money changed hands.. I might as well get a game or two used so that i'd have something to mess with. So I looked on facebook marketplace. "Some dude" had a couple of games for that system .. only wanted 5.00 for the two of them. That seemed more than fair but I wasn't looking forward to having to come face to face with a "NY gamer" type person. I have noticed that gamers in other states (and other countries) are nice.. but gamer type people here in NY at least in this area are arrogant jerks for the most part. Low motivation.. but think they're god's gift when it comes to brain cells. The type of person that makes me have visions of dragging somebody behind the motorcycle. But anyway .. I told this "gamer dude" that i'd be riding the motorcycle over to pick up the games. That he'd hear the bike before he saw it. He said ok. I find the house and there's no way I can get the bike down in their driveway. It was a mess and i'd have dumped the bike with the way it was shaped. I was sure of it. So decided to park up on the road and walk to the house. However, the road was also a mess in front of that house as far as the way it was angled. And not only could I not have put the kickstand down.. I couldn't even get the kickstand to straighten out. No way I could get off the bike. Not there. I hadn't even got the bike turned off yet .. and I see something out of the corner of my eye. I looked up at the house and "some guy" was hauling butt out the front door and running down the steps towards the bike holding two video games. It hit me .. something wasn't quite right here. I didn't feel scared or anything.. but it struck me funny that a grown man would come running like that the minute he heard a motorcycle. This guy makes it to the bike and before he could even catch his breath.. with a look on his face that made me wonder if it was christmas or somethin.. he starts talking a mile a minute, "That is a VERY nice Harvey.. you got a Harvey .. it is really nice .. I am glad you are gonna buy the games I don't like.. in one of the games the guy has a Harvey ... so you get to ride a Harvey in the game and you get to shoot the zombies .. and this will be a good game for you. I don't like it .. I like (he rattled off about 10 games that he likes that are similar to mario cart, lego type games..).. it is good you are getting these games .. cause you have a Harvey!!" During his little speech about me and my "Harvey" it hit me .. this guy was developmentally disabled. Not sure with what.. but had the cognitive function of about an 6 or 8 year old. I asked him if he was sure he wanted to sell his games or if maybe he thought it would be a good idea to keep them a while. He said nope, he doesn't like games like that (I think because of the realism of them) and that it would be better if I have them. I had already looked up the one game and it sells for nearly 30.00 used at the local gamestop game store. So I knew 5.00 was a fair price.. little too fair in my direction.. and little less fair in his direction. So I pulled 15.00 out of my wallet and handed it to him. He started saying, "But lady.. I only wanted 5.00 for two games and you gave me 10.00 too much and I only wanted 5.00." So I told him I looked the games up and they're worth more.. so it wouldn't be fair for me to only pay 5.00. I told him he should charge me 15 so it is fair for both of us. He was happy with that. He thanked me and went back in his house. I got a feeling if somebody else had bought his games.. that maybe they wouldn't have been so nice to him when they saw he had a disability. Also have a feeling they would have really enjoyed getting two games for almost nothing. As I was leaving, I had the thought that I really hadn't looked well at the disks for the games to see what condition they were in ... because I don't care. Those disks could have been all scratched up and covered in dog crap for all I cared.. I still would have bought them. I guess NY has one gamer who isn't an arrogant arse. That kid was pretty cool. Kinda made me laugh that he was calling my bike a "Harvey" .. and nope I didn't correct him. lol I might just have to start calling it that. lol View all 4 posts InkySue in reply to mikeandhisbike61: lol I was thinking of trying to find an extra tank n fenders .. and have them re painted just black with the words "Rotten Fidget" on the side of the tank .. but I think i'll probably end up verbally calling the bike a "Harvey Davidson" lol InkySue: I appear to have a friend. I'd like you to meet "Scar D'Chipmunk" .. named this because of a scar he has running down his nose. He seems to be quite bold and doesn't mind a bit sitting on a shoulder provided there's snacks. Please pardon the slightly less than dignified photo. I promise.. nothing kinky was involved. Name of photo... "What's up? Chipmunk Butt!" lol Name of other photo "Scar in a cup" lol (He decided he was going to serve himself his own snacks.. that is the snack cup... and he had to work hard to get in there. Hop on the railing, hop from railing to shoulder.. crawl down arm and into cup way high up off the ground. So he is an acrobat chipmunk! lol) View all 14 posts InkySue in reply to RoraAuroraBorealis: lol I tend to agree. It has been fun lately because there's about 6-8 of them that have figured out the snacks are located at my porch. lol So i'll have one up there snacking and another will come along n chase the first one, and while they aren't looking another one comes up real quiet like to sneak a peanut .. but then the one that likes to chase comes back and chases the quiet one.. then comes up and looks at me like he's saying, "See? I protected the house.. can I have a snack now??" I'll give him a peanut.. and he'll stand there looking at me as if to say, "I got more room in the cheeks... more snacks will fit!!" lol So i'll give him enough to fill the cheeks.. he'll run away and then Scar D' Chipmunk will all of a sudden be on my lap lookin for snacks. lol They're keeping me busy. lol The squirrels are starting to get in on it too. lol ThruDragonseyez in reply to InkySue: lol @ didn't go potty In my pocket ... we all need friend's like that ! InkySue in reply to ThruDragonseyez: I know.. right? Course some of us have friends that would go potty in our pocket if the mood struck them. lol I know I do. lol They're jerks.. but if they can accept me being obnoxious .. I can accept them being jerks. I just keep my pockets closed. InkySue: Not sure if this is up on youtube yet .. or if I even did it right. But...... one of the chipmunks seemed ok with being petted today. |
I have been getting a lot of questions about why i'm not around a whole lot anymore. There's a few reasons for this.
First, the room changed. People were fighting more with each other or just the over-all level of senselessness of it .. it was just too much for me to wrap my brain around. That would be the main reason.
But beyond that, I have cognitive impairment. Folks have heard me mention that a number of times. Depending on the person and their unique reasons for having it, it can be an easy thing to deal with.. or it can be a very difficult thing that affects nearly every aspect of their daily lives. For me it is that kind of thing. Mine is progressive and has gotten worse. So my stress level matters a great deal. The more stressed I am, the more confused I will be and the more difficulty I will have at home maintaining my independence. That matters to me. So if the room stressed me out just watching everybody hating each other... that stress would have been affecting my ability to function. Not a good situation and one that needed to change. I had noticed more and more that I was opening the room, and then walking away from the computer. I wasn't even participating past the first meet and greet period. So I simply started staying away more.
Along with that, there are other health concerns going on. I recently had to go to a hospital because of symptoms that were going on. (Very little time spent at the hospital.. just kind of getting symptoms documented really and getting a few ideas as to how to deal with them.) I am currently in the middle of "a cancer scare". I HAVE NOT been diagnosed with any form of cancer, but I do have a positive cancer test result that means that I need more tests to be sure. There's nothing anybody can say or do right now because i'm not 100% sold on me having it. In my opinion, proof will come with further tests and until then, it is "a cancer scare". Nothing more. Nothing less. I am symptomatic but the symptoms I am seeing and doctors are seeing are things that could also be something entirely different. However, at this point I am doing what I can to sure up my health care.. making sure that I have "good doctors" instead of "just any doctors". That way, no matter what is found out .. i'll either have good doctors to orchestrate other care for me.. or good doctors to help me through what ever is needed for any possible cancer. I needed medical changes to be made and I have been fighting to get those changes in order. At this point, my main doctor has been changed to one who is a whole lot nicer to deal with. And I now have a different gastro doc as well. So, no matter what happens, i'm on the right track. This has been a fight i've been dealing with for quite a while now. But at this point appointments have been made to see the new doctors and discuss getting the rest of the testing done so that I can get on with my life.
While dealing with that, I am still in the position of advocating for a developmentally disabled son who has recently been moved from one group home to another... not an easy task when my car is barely functional. Trying to figure out how to get the car fixed when I can't afford it, and also trying to get a few weeks between doctors appointments so that I can bring my son home for our late holidays. We still haven't been able to have those. We need about 3 weeks at this point to take care of all of the holidays that have been missed because of the stupid medical crap.
And more recently add to that the fact that I have an elderly "oldest brother" who is dealing with his own medical and cognitive issues. At this point I have been put in the place of having to advocate for his care and get him into a full time nursing facility.. and I am doing that from roughly 1800 miles away. Have not laid eyes on him since 1996 and yet, I have to figure out how to advocate in the best and kindest way possible for him.
As a side order.. I also help an aging friend who has medical issues. Have been doing that for about a year now.
All of that stuff would be heavy on the shoulders of a person who does not have cognitive impairment the way that I have it, and it is different for each person that has it based on their unique reasons for having it. But on the shoulders of a person who does have it the way I do, it is damn near impossible to wrap my head around everything that I have to do at any given moment.
That stuff is the reasons why I have been staying away more and more. I just have too much on my plate. For me, when things are crazy.. I get quiet. And what you are seeing is me being quiet because things are absolutely nuts in my world. In no way am I staying away because of any person on here. I'm not avoiding anybody, haven't been banned or suspended or anything. It is simply that there is that much going on.
Like I said, at this point I don't "have cancer". It is just a cancer scare, in my opinion. There's nobody i'm mad at. None of the usual rumors that go around when a person hasn't been seen for a week. I know it has been much more than a week for me. But still .. this stuff is 100% the reason why. Also, wire has changed the programing and at this point, they do not support my browser. So my PMs are messed up to the point where if I PM back and forth with someone more than about 2 or 3 times, the words all jumble up and I can't tell what either one of us are saying.
So i'm asking that people please do not PM me. Because the PMs do not work. If something is important or you want to talk to me privately, if you are someone I know.. please send a wire mail message instead of a PM.
If you are just a random individual wanting a hookup or to chat to a lady... please consider PMing someone else. I'm not that friendly anyway. lol
But that is the long and short of it .. mainly the long of it. If you made it this far.. you deserve a cookie and a medal. I'll be in the room when I can or when my brain works enough. If you're part of my circle.. chances are I miss ya. And am sorry that i'm not around as much as I once was.