Friends | sheepshed: December 1, 2022.... Does anyoneknow where Ilran is, or how she is... people in Catholic Theology room are asking each other if anyone has heard from her in the last eight weeks or so... ... please post something if you know where she is, or how she is :heart; ... 1 year ago • Report • Link 0 sheepshed: 1 year ago • Report 0 ILRAN to Father Barnabas: bonjour Pere.....cant believe what I saw! there is a chat room on at the very bottom for people who want to get together with animals! ofcourse I heard of it but this is a good chance to call the SPCA see what they have to say and not allow it on wireclub. can you look into it? ILRAN to Father Barnabas: bonjour mon ami. spoke to Eyes said youdid reach out. you will be a big comfort to herin the coming weeks. so many decisions as to what route to take. And she is a very strong catholic too so you have that in common. She does seem very depressed thoughwhich is a concrn. Shehas had a very hard life. If you can sconvince her to have at least one vaccine that willcover 80%. maybe shewill liste to you. her surgery might be successfulbut odds are against her if she is in hospital unvaccnated. okay talktoyou again bye Liane ILRAN to Father Barnabas: it is almost 11 am. there is someone from JWwitnesses in the room soliciting. I have giventhem warning, if it helps ILRAN to Father Barnabas: Going for my vaccine soon, but thought I would speak to you first. Pere was on earlier. I think there were 3 if not 4 people in dispair begging for help.Mostly they were ignored by all includng monitors. May I suggest something? I am talking about mental illness. Perhaps you can mention in heading to seek help professionally if are in crises and 911 . And I know there is a hotline somewhere for people to talk too. It is too heartbreaking Pere . If its the hotline they will suggest local help and meds they can get too. Maybe you can put hotline number online. Talk to you later. baci a toi. ILRAN to Father Barnabas: mon cher Pere. speedy recovery. my turn to help you. candle lighting for you and my son Jared. May God bless you both. Liane ILRAN to locksley69: Hi and gm. We are perplexed as to where you are! If you can contact me would love to hear rom you. If you want me not to contact you, that too. I will understand View all 4 posts Wasted Wizard: Locksley laughs at unbaptised babies going hell. I wonder where god gonna send him when he dies? roadskare: I live in Floriduh....and I am sure......THAT other place spoken of is MUCH hotter, though I despise the Humid Heat here 7 months outta the year... lols ILRAN to Father Barnabas: good mg being sat and a warm day coming up looks like. Hope the same there. Still pas de nouvelle on Locks right? What a mystery. He is a writer I understand for a magazine, there is a contact. Also a local catholic church he attends. If you want to search, I will help. He may not want to be found though, thinking along those lines or computer down and can't afford a new one? Or just mad or taking a break. All is well, missing my son ofcourse, grands home from school but they are on lockdown til I see them. Hope you have an enjoyable Holiday, eat well and feel well. Liane ILRAN to Father Barnabas: Thank you for putting me in touch with that nice lady. She jut dropped me a note. Pere could you remember my son on the 26th this month? was his birthday. Andd speedy recovery to you dear friend. s ILRAN to whoareypu22: get some help dear boy, you are young enoughtochange and enjoygirls your own age. |