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Thoughts for someone in need

Some things get thrown at us & we are not prepared for it, it can take our breath away, hurry out thoughts, hurt our hearts and leave us feeling numb to it all but also very alert. Such a weird way it can leave us. It's important to know when all these feelings and unprepared things happen that we remember another time we got through something we never thought we'd have the strength for and also when we feel soo hopeless to remember those around us who bring hope and to let them give you some of theirs. There's always gonna be tough times in life like this, but each time we go through them we learn our strength. We shock ourselves at what we can do. I'm looking forward to the moment it finally reaches you, that moment where you say to yourself, "it's okay that I'm the way I am right now, it's okay how I am feelings that my thoughts and feelings are important but I will do this." We've got to do it, when we keep doing and doing that's the moment we find out that we CAN.
<3 my thoughts are with you.
You are not alone no matter how much you might feel alone right now you really do have a guardian angel looking after you lean on people when you need, that's what we are all here for to help eachother and build eachother up in the not so good times.
petree_birdman: Very well said
4 years ago Report