Hyenablood Offline

44 Single Female from Winnipeg       44
Hyenas, Ninjas, Amazons, Shadows
this pretty much sums me up

Hyenablood started a new conversation: vampires, werewolves and romance in Books 2 months ago Report
ray53young: "Confessions Of A High School Quarterback"

At school I have no problem attracting girls, but I find a few of the guys interesting too. The gym shower is like a candy store. I stare at those glistening bodies with all that soapy water running off and imagine what it would be like to touch and be touched.

My favorite fantasy is Walt Keller. He's the wide receiver on my team and has an immaculate body. It's fun to watch his cock sway as he walks through the locker room. He even trims his pubes!  I would love to see him with an erection.  I could have any girl I want, but I'm painfully curious about Walt.

One time I brushed up against him in the shower. He turned and smiled. I should have said something but my mind just went blank. I started getting a boner so I hurried back to my locker to dry off. As I grabbed my towel the guys around me acted like they never seen a flag pole before.

At night I lay in bed thinking about stroking him and maybe even trying to suck on it. Those fantasies always give me boner, so I do what every healthy American guy does until I'm drenched in cum.

Walt and me stayed late after a game to put away equipment so by the time we got back to the locker room everyone was gone. We both stripped and walked into the shower. Walt caught me admiring his cock and made it flop from side to side just to watch my reaction. As I soaped up under the steaming water I could feel myself getting hard. This time I turned and arched my back to get my hair wet. When I glanced at Walt, he was already there. Damn, what a freaking horse!!!

We shut the water off and stood there fascinated with each other. It was thrilling to see such a huge erection! I made the first move by getting down on my knees and gaving his trophy a firm squeeze. I had fantasized about this moment for so long, and now it was just inches away from my face. Nervously I slid my lips over the entire head. It felt so cool!

I moved my tongue as I stroked his smooth hairless shaft. From the sounds he was making, he was definitely into it, so I cupped his balls with my free hand and started to massage. He was struggling to tell me how good it felt. After about five minutes his moans turned into enthusiastic shouts of anticipation. Suddenly he cried out as warm jets of liquid filled my mouth. After the deluge there was a relaxing groan of fulfillment.

Do I swallow it? I suppose it wouldn't hurt. I stood up so he could see my throat move.

My cock was not nearly as impressive, but it was hard as ever and standing straight up. Instead of sucking, he began to firmly stroke me. It was so cool to feel another guy's hand! Just then the night janitor walked past the shower and stopped dead in his tracks.

"What are you boys doing in here?"

"Ahhh, nothing sir! We were just late getting our showers."

"That's not what it looked like to me!" he said sternly.

"Please don't report us! It won't happen again, I promise!"

"Well, I suppose I could cut you a break, but on one condition..."

"Anything sir, anything!"

"You two continue right where you left off, and I will watch."

We looked at each other in dismay and shrugged our shoulders. I was still hard as a math equation, so to get us out of this jam we needed to put on a show. Walt got down on one knee beside me so the old man could see everything. He wrapped his left arm around my waist to steady himself and went to work.

Oh fuck it felt so good, and for some reason the audience made it even more exciting. The pervert was nodding and had a big grin on his face. I never expected anything like this, but it was better than getting kicked off the football team. Walt was now stroking me at warp ten and I felt my mustles tence in excitement. I gasped and wheezed in that final moment of panic begore letting loose. I shoot powerful streams all the way over to the floor drain. The janitor leaned his mop against the wall and clapped.

"Boys, you made my evening! I haven't been able to get a boner like that for at least ten years and just wanted to share your moment. I didn't mean to scare you, but an old fart like me couldn't pass up the opportunity for a little entertainment. Now you fellas have a safe trip home and good luck in the playoffs next week!"

He picked up his mop and was on his way. As soon as we heard the locker room door shut we both broke into laughter. Both of us quickly grabbed our towels, got dressed and got the hell out of there.

We never did anything like that again. Well, ahhh, at least not at school...
2 months ago Report Link
Hyenablood changed her profile picture: 12 years ago Report
Nicorrette: what do u study?
12 years ago Report
boulierwayne: So serious!
5 months ago Report
keatingm67: Anyone here
1 year ago Report Link
Hyenablood changed her profile picture: 11 years ago Report
Hyenablood: my eyes, arn't they pretty ?
11 years ago Report
Brazilian_Beach: but i like them
11 years ago Report
keatingm67: I like them also
1 year ago Report
Hyenablood added new images to her album my recent life
8 New Pictures added to my recent life
11 years ago Report
wolfman45: nice to see u smile
11 years ago Report
dr_cantaloupe: Those are rules. Not complaints. I just reread my last message and felt clarification was in order.
4 years ago Report Link
dr_cantaloupe: It's hot, I concur. But mild.
No poop
No animals
No vomit
No children.
4 years ago Report Link
dr_cantaloupe: The Rihanna song?
4 years ago Report Link
Hyenablood started a new conversation: any security guards on here ? I need to know in Work 9 years ago Report
Hyenablood started a new conversation: Talk about your country in People 9 years ago Report
Hyenablood started a new conversation: when you shop in Brands 9 years ago Report
Hyenablood started a new conversation: did your pet do anything cute lately ? in Animals 10 years ago Report
Hyenablood started a new conversation: Making videos for youtube in Hobbies 10 years ago Report
Hyenablood started a new conversation: Guess What !!! I'm starting training !!! in Work 10 years ago Report
Hyenablood started a new conversation: Boston Bombers are Idiots in Off Topic 11 years ago Report

My work schedule is driving me CRAZY, they revised it, yet again, and last night I was suppose to be working, but NO ONE told me the man was back off holiday and had made a NEW schedule. One where I was WORKING LAST NIGHT, BUT NOOO, DON'T TELL LISA !!!!!!
11 years ago Report Link
Hyenablood: now we are going to have to endure day after day news coverage of boston and how great they are now that the stupid idiot bombers were stopped. Great, more american news about how great america is, blah
11 years ago Report Link
Hyenablood: Boston Bombers are both dead....good.
11 years ago Report Link
Hyenablood: If you want to recapture your youth, just cut off his allowance
11 years ago Report Link
Hyenablood: I just got a smartphone !! the smartphone 4 and now I have a cellphone for work, if I have to call any cops or abulances, I won't have to worry about using up any minutes !!
11 years ago Report Link
Hyenablood: well well well, america gets attacked again...why am I NOT surprised ?
11 years ago Report Link
Hyenablood: Well last night at 2:19 am, in one of the apartments I guard, the police had to be called. In one of the apartments people were yelling, screaming, and throwing things. I contacted my field manager and someone called the cops. The officers showed up, I went down to the lobby, the paramedics showed up. A guy was arrested, and I wrote it all down in my report and had to stay about 20 minutes past my shift to wait for the cops to be done. I wrote my report about all that happened, I finished up my duties and left about 3:30am.

Last night was the first night I ever had to deal with the cops, and domestic violence.
11 years ago Report Link
allenmayes: u have a dangerous job
11 years ago Report
Barbara the Jew
Barbara the Jew: that is sad I hope it never happens to you again!
11 years ago Report
Hyenablood: not to worry ! I do not put myself in any dangerous situation ! I do not put my hands on anyone, I don't enter a room if I suspect something is terrible wrong. If a maniac/drunk/high person is lurking around I will located them, and keep my distance.
11 years ago Report
Hyenablood: DAMN I want my F@#$% period to &#%^& stop already !!! I want to be able to do my job without all the ^$& blood !!!!
11 years ago Report Link
View all 4 posts
Barbara the Jew
Barbara the Jew: good luck with that
11 years ago Report
kisygirl31: I will add me plzzz
11 years ago Report
kisygirl31 in reply to Barbara the Jew: so how is life going with you
11 years ago Report
Hyenablood: I have to say this working 5 hour shift at a aparment building as security isn't bad. Nice and quiet, no drunks, no noise complains. The other night I got scared by a city bunny hopping around on the edge of the parkade at 2:00 am !!
11 years ago Report Link
Hyenablood: we'll see how tonight goes, there is a door that I can't get to lock no matter what I try or do. And the cellphone the apartment manager left for me doesn't open, so I can't use it, only to recieve calls from tenents. If an emergency happens, I have to use my own cellphone.
11 years ago Report