megan56: hi smoky,......... 10 years ago • Report 3 (Post deleted by huskerz3us ) (Post deleted by huskerz3us ) (Post deleted by huskerz3us ) (Post deleted by huskerz3us ) (Post deleted by huskerz3us ) (Post deleted by huskerz3us ) gguy25741: that's nothing new, smoking has always caused problems. where the heck have you been? bocgmsd. Texas_Sweet_T: might as well be injecting arsenic into ur veins...get the straight kick...why give big tobacco and the feds with all that money that makes your lungs black as road tar?? (Post deleted by Sangria_ ) (Post deleted by huskerz3us ) (Post deleted by huskerz3us ) wdavid827: Hey sexy dream nice to meet you dear my name is williams write me on the email address waiting for you darling (Post deleted by lynn_lee37 ) (Post deleted by huskerz3us ) (Post deleted by huskerz3us ) (Post deleted by huskerz3us ) (Post deleted by huskerz3us ) (Post deleted by huskerz3us ) theditsy1 in reply to clayton68: Her pic is 10 years old and from a website lol Check it out for yourself: ) Lovethebeach01: Fake picture. You'd think with all the other posts saying how fake this'd take it down. Hahaha. fake. currentbella: i dont even care if your fake , your personality matters you are hot and beautiful, i love you sexy <3 zarda xxx: Thoughts and prayers on all your future cancer diagnoses. Stay far far away from children, the elderly and the vulnerable. |