Him_over_there Offline

120 Male from London       278
International Capitalism holds no answers for a World engulfed in the flames of war
..except more war.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: HIM, you are intelligent. I think modern Capitalism has become merely about "protecting their investments." Experts are noting that the United States is using its military to "hold up its capitalism." It has nothing whatsoever to do with democracy, as your great infographic shows.
8 years ago Report
8 years ago Report
breizgirl: Why do we have wars? Because we are ruled by an Elite Group of Psychopaths who own the banks that control the governments and media.They fund both sides of war for profit and they manufacture the consent of the public trough the propaganda of the media.
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: I usually dont comment when it comes to war related subject matter but I will make an exception...Yes,wars are usually waged by the corrupt in the name of an idea for power..That being said,I hear a lot of empty rhetoric from those who base their opinions on willful negligence without ever having to puts boots on the ground or holding a forward area..In the military it is about the guy next to you,not some BS rhetoric being typed in a library on wire without any knowledge of "how it is"..You can read all of the books in the world about war,the only way you will ever learn anything about war is being in one,God forbid!
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: When did Libya or Syria invade America?

The United States has no right to invade Vietnam, Somalia or any of these countries.

A just war is to defend yourself, not to kill the innocent and steal their oil.

Because America Danglos are violating the Laws of War, they will be punished by the Universal Law!
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: What I am picturing is a little 100 LB man who reads and bitches about the world w/o ever doing anything other than argue about BS in forums..Do .something in life that benefits humanity and stop with the "empty rhetoric",talk is cheap,its what you do TODAY..And by guessing,this is it!I am done!
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Rich, stop talking that way about HIM. His posts are very informative.

Remember Gandhi, he showed the world a better peaceful way.

All the West can do is curse. The Danglos can't even use any proper English, because they know they are "guilty as charged!"
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: Rich, pay the insane no attention..
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: Your English is not all that..
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Rich, how much improvement have the "boot lickers of the world accomplished?"

When the Ostrich sticks its head in the ground, is it making the world better?

We live in 2015, but we are seeing the same gross abuses of injustice today. That is evil. The righteous reveal evil. The wicked hide evil.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Every time, you open your mouth, Rich. you reveal your true self.

Your first post was OK. But whenever anyone challenges, you lose your mind and become hysterical. Name calling and turning red ....

8 years ago Report
richcatjonz in reply to Adrienne____: If this guy got outside of the library,he might actually learn something..
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: Totally agree!!
I think he there. He has no job
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: The funny thing is Adrienne,Im the one who is becoming hysterical.lol
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: Only racist "keep that" drama going..
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: Thats the reason I will not dignify myself with words,because hes a danglo doucher!
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: Yup!!
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Rich, you continually fumble over your own feet. You say you won't dignify yourself, then you embarrass yourself, showing your lack of dignity by calling people names.

It is like every time you post, you have a 2-year old temper tantrum because you can't respond with proper English or rationality.

I keep trying to be nice, but you respond with name-calling, showing your lack of any dignity.
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz in reply to Adrienne____: now I am having a "tempar tantrum"..Its funny how this guy tries to spin your words and is completely blind to what he is saying..Good for a laugh,thats about it but he is a danglo.I stand by that!
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: And I love it when they go after your grammar,always a last resort thing..Not rhet class
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: He was using the word "cuz" earlier. That's not a word..
I'm out!!!
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: I went after your rationality and name-calling too, can't you read NAME-CALLING RICH?

The proper English does not refer to your grammar, it refers to your cursing.

Did you get an American education or something, Rich?
8 years ago Report
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: I disagree completely with your views on war. You say:
["In the military it is about the guy next to you,not some BS rhetoric being typed in a library on wire without any knowledge of "how it is".]
As if the fears and experiences of a mercenary foot-soldier who serves in a unjust war are greater in value than the insightful objections of anti-war protesters. You continue:
["You can read all of the books in the world about war,the only way you will ever learn anything about war is being in one"]
But what do soldiers returning from the barbarism of war actually learn except brutality? Don't these brutalised men and women then go on to express their collective traumas within their families and societies, often leading to emotional, mental and marital breakdowns? Is this a good lesson to learn
..or are the conscientious objectors in their libraries better men for not taking a part in the bloody denouements of Capitalist Imperialism?
8 years ago Report
Libraries are temples for the working class:

"Libraries gave us power
Then work came and made us free
What price now for a shallow piece of dignity"
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: Him..My father's cousin came back from Vietnam and he's just fine..
No marital, mental issues at all.
It's the individual..
8 years ago Report
Him_over_there in reply to Adrienne____:
As you say, some individuals will hide their scars better than others, each having separate experiences; but it is the general tendency of brutalisation I refer to, of suicide, aggression and abnormal behaviours; not to mention the debilitating medical side-effects from an ever more potent cocktail of mandatory inoculations every soldier is injected with.

All destructive; all unnecessary; all for the profits of a benighted Capitalist system.
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: Yes, as I say...Many people are strong mentally and don't allow anything to get too them...I know of some folk's who volunteer to fight.
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by richcatjonz 8 years ago)
richcatjonz: Just no clue,and I have no time to argue..
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Its a discussion, Rich.

I read that high military members in the US are beginning to rebel against the government.

They know that bombing does not create democracy.
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: For the last time,I have no time to spend explaining myself to someone who has probably done absolutely nothing in this world besides complain..Serve 8 years and survive 3 deployments and then tell me how war is..I will notwaste my time arguing semantics with you,grounch..Please leave me alone,not looking to converse with you,PLEASE!
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: Thank-God you made it home..
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz in reply to Adrienne____: Im alive because of the guy next to me,thats what they dont get..
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Rich, American military personnel are turning on the military. They realize that the last decade of wars has merely been genocide.

It is contrary to the Laws Governing War.

It is called a War Crime.
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: Do you know why it is BS rhetoric HIM?Heres why,what idea have you ever been willing to die for.?.Do you really think you are changing anything by complaining in a wireclub forum,what a joke..No,I dont agree with everything I have done but I have done something,what have you done..?..Are these posts your way of changing the world,these are just entertaining words that with no substance because they are just that,WORDS!!!I am sooo tired of the BS from people who have never fought for an idea they were willing to die for..JUST WORDS!!
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: And words dont mean SHIT!
8 years ago Report
Him_over_there in reply to richcatjonz:

To say 'words' are meaningless is a revolt against reason itself. I mentioned the adverse effects of war on the individuals who actually wage it, and you are plainly an example of this with your blinkered perspectives.

Consider this question 'richcatjonz'. What are the results of celebrating the merits of criminal behaviour? This is the question everyone who 'served' in illegal conflicts must come to terms with, along with their manic flag-waving cheerleaders at home who mask criminality with bigoted ethnic prejudices and under the ugly clamour of now-meaningless anthems like the star spangled banner. This is the real worthless rhetoric, mere props to hide under, to avoid reality.
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: Please tell me,what have you done to try and change the world?I really am curious because your words are changing nothing!Please answer
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: Hey, it's the Holiday's ...
Just end it and move along
8 years ago Report
Him_over_there in reply to richcatjonz:

Why personalize a general issue 'richcatjonz'? Ideas are real, while the self-aggrandizing claims of individuals on Wireclub hold little weight.

What can be said for certain however is that the dissenter against injustice always in some form impacts history in a beneficial way, while the conformist to oppression only plays a regressive historical role.
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by richcatjonz 8 years ago)
richcatjonz: No answer tells me everything I need to know...Best wishes!
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: And my point is,words mean nothing without actions taken..These posts do not qualify as actions,merely meaningless words with no actions to back them up..Happy Holidays!
8 years ago Report
Him_over_there in reply to richcatjonz:

"True, This -

Beneath the rule of men entirely great
the pen is mightier than the sword.

Behold! The arch-enchanters wand, itself is nothing!
But taking sorcery from the master-hand,
to paralyse the Cæsars, and to strike the loud earth breathless.
Take away the sword.
States can be saved without it!"

Edward Bulwer-Lytton. 'Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy. 1839.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Good quote = we have the power.

One of the problems is that Caesar controls the BBC!
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: I believe the people are too stupid to be ruled by anything other than the sword..The "pen" is benefiting Donald Trump right now,how scary is that,but it is a combination of the sword and pen that rule ideas..Thats just how it is,I wish the world were as you picture it,but its just not the reality we live in!
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: Rich, by continuing this conversation you will be trolled be gronch forever
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: that was directed at HIM..I just will not respond if he comments..I am trying to differentiate between "talk" and "action",or a combination of both w HIM..
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: Okay..
8 years ago Report
Him_over_there in reply to richcatjonz:
And like the battered wife who deliberately, surreptitiously obstructs the gangway of her abusive husband in order to precipitate another beating, you not only expect war but it seems to be all that you can envision.

At the beginning of this thread I mentioned the fact that International Capitalism held no answers except more of the same belligerence. Your responses on Wireclub 'richcatjonz', and your belief people deserve to be ruled by 'the sword' reflect an acceptance of the Bourgeois ideological necessity for a continual state of conflict; what Rosa Luxemburg referred to as a militarism of either war or 'armed peace':
him over there's Picture
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: A New Year is coming. Give it a break!!
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: I will leave you with one final comment and dont worry,I will not ever comment again on any post..I am probably one of the most anti war people youll ever meet but I live in reality and realize when we are talking,others are dying..Words can not change the outcome of the brutality of war,they cant change past injustices nor change the ideas that dictates our lives today..Only actions can sieze power from the wicked so we can try and achieve justice..I have just heard tooooo much talking since I have been home..Actions justify peace through brutality,unfortunately thats just how it is!I am not saying thats right,its just how it is on EARTH..
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: I you on that..
It's always those who has never been there or done that who the most!
8 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Another one-Eyed Picture of yours, well done spiteful one. On the other side though there is no such thing as real Democracy being present in that of any standard Country.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: The thief of 1 complains that there are some who steal 100.
8 years ago Report
Him_over_there in reply to GeraldtheGnome:
Seems rather Orwellian to suggest those who oppose the bombing of civilian areas in the name of Capitalist Imperialist goals are 'spiteful' individuals!

However I do agree with your observation that the Capitalist World offers no genuine democracies:
(only Socialism can do this).
him over there's Picture
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: Adrienne,you cant just decide to hate someone because they disagree with you..There is no rationality to substantiate that..And please dont exaggerate,there was no mocking going on,just people who disagreed with you..Best wishes
8 years ago Report
Super Esquire
Super Esquire: Capitalism or stewardship of an idea to produce wealth for yourself and others (growing fruit like a garden), those that are successful at it are only applying scientific principles of market that all have access to. Everyone on main street can become a wall streeter if they learn the principles of market success.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: I call the Western democracies - "bankerocracies."

The banks tell people what to do and the sheeple just follow blindly.
8 years ago Report
Super Esquire
Super Esquire: Denying market forces is an uphill battle which socialism or communism can never win, at least everytime in the past history it has always failed.
8 years ago Report
Super Esquire
Super Esquire: Groncho what are banks? They are depositories so you dont have to carry around a wad of cash in your pocket. They are a form of technology that all sectors of society, even the homeless can use, if we set it up right to help them.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Look at Greece. A real democracy is run by the people, right? The Greek people voted to gain freedom from the banks. That was a referendum. What did the political leaders do? They ignored the will of the people.

The banks pay the politicians and military. The banks don't care what the people say because the bankerocracy rules.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Even American Senator Ron Paul said that "Capitalism" is not at work in the West. When you bail out wealthy bankers, that is not Capitalism. It is Fascism.
8 years ago Report
Super Esquire
Super Esquire: Groncho the banks went bust bc we forced them to write out so many sham loans, to those who would end up defaulting. And The military gives a freedom dome for economic stewardship to occur.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: No, No, No, The military and banks work together to oppress the people.

A prime example is the EU.

Super, did you force the banks to make bad loan? No.

Did I? No.

Did any bank ask me to make bad loans? No.

True Capitalism is allow the banks to fail.
8 years ago Report
Super Esquire
Super Esquire: Groncho we made the banks fail. Not everyone can qualify for a mortgage but we lowered the requirements so low...it put ppl in settings that they were over their heads.
8 years ago Report
Super Esquire
Super Esquire: This is what ron paul was talking about
8 years ago Report
Adrienne____: ^^^^
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: What do you mean "WE" - that is the problem with the system. Did you, Superguyhere, tell the banks to make these loans? No.

Ron Paul knows who made the decision.

I don't understand why you don't punish the "crooks" who made the bad decision?
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Who would make such a dumb decision?
8 years ago Report
Super Esquire
Super Esquire: Corrupt politians who are only in office bc they buy votes with other people's money.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Who? Are the Fed elected?

You know Ron Paul, right?

Who runs AmeriKKKa? The Federal Reserve.

Did you or I vote for the Fed Chairman? No.

This proves my point, the West is a bankerocracy, it is not a democracy. The Fed leaders run the West and are NOT elected.
8 years ago Report
Super Esquire
Super Esquire: No no congress controls lending policy to some degree.
8 years ago Report
Super Esquire
Super Esquire: They wanted everyone to experience home ownership. Owning comes with more responsibilities tho.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: No man, you don't understand who runs this country, do you?

Take out a dollar bill. Whose name is on a dollar bill? Does it say Congress?

The dollar bill proves my point.

Ron Paul agrees with me.

Ron Paul's problem is that he also receives his paycheck from the Fed.
8 years ago Report
Super Esquire
Super Esquire: Whose name is on the bill? "In god we trust". We dont trust in money but in God. Ron paul is a little simplistic sometimes. Who appoints the fed chairman? The president!
8 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Utter BS as per usual. 'Conspiracy Theory over there' is a more justifiably apt name.
7 years ago Report
gronchbove: Super, reread your money. It says "Federal Reserve."

You are worshiping the Federal Reserve, not God.
7 years ago Report
Super Esquire
Super Esquire: No, the federal reserve acts at the behest of the elected officials who call them into power, not the other way around.
7 years ago Report
MsKnottyBreeder: lol from the little picture I though this was different sizes of dildos
7 years ago Report
gronchbove: Super, not true, the politicians act as servants of the Federal Reserve, who pay their salaries. When Ron Paul tried to audit the Fed, they resisted. well, if they are servants, they must be audited.

This proves the Fed is running the show.

Unelected Fed Dictators run the Danglo Empire.
7 years ago Report
Super Esquire
Super Esquire: First, you got to use terminology that we can all follow: Danglo Empire? Second, politicians are not a monolithic group with its individuals all acting and thinking alike.
7 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Just in case you missed it the first time, whilst you are blinded by your far left thinking, your little bit of misinformation on here is as accurate as the Tooth Fairy is real. Tell Gronch with his imaginary Danglos and other nutty conspiracy theories as much BS as you want, he and others like him will believe as many things that aren't correct as you do. Using 'Orwellian' was a pretentious thing for you to come out with by the way. I'll now leave you group thinkers to it. Independent thought, reality and individuality is an extremely rare thing to see on your part of this site. Delete the pic and that of all other inaccurate stuff that you have on this site.
6 years ago Report