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Him_over_there Offline

120 Male from London       278
You won't hear much about the genuine heroes and heroines of history from the mainstream media, because it is not in the interests of privately owned corporate propaganda networks to herald the true giants of working Class struggle, who's very lives were boldly sacrificed in stoic attempts to bring about an end to the sinister domination of our Bourgeois dictatorships.

"Rosa Luxemburg was born in the small Polish town of Zamosc on 5 March 1871. From early youth she was active in the socialist movement. She joined a revolutionary party called Proletariat, founded in 1882, some 21 years before the Russian Social Democratic Party (Bolsheviks and Mensheviks) came into being. From the beginning Proletariat was, in principles and programme, many steps ahead of the revolutionary movement in Russia.. "

Read Tony Cliff's Biographical sketch of Rosa Luxemburg:
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Sadly, the masses have taken a long time to wake up. But when they do awake, Beware!

"The Sleeper has Awoken!" - Frank Herbert "Dune"
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: The way the Capitalists work is - "They murder the geniuses and true heroes:"


Then the Capitalists take their ideas and create the future based on the works of their victims.
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: That was true at one time..Now we have nuclear and biological weapons,the masses no longer matter..It only takes one mad man with a dirty bomb for victory to be declared!
8 years ago Report
Deus Ex Machina
Deus Ex Machina: The true problem with the masses is that they HAVE sold out. A huge part of the population has a tiny bit. Advertising and consumerism make it so that in these people's minds they have, now, a lot. Historicaly it was always so that the real danger lies with the people that have nothing to loose. Nowadays people think that losing their cell phone or their internet access is loosing a lot. And they give up , and they give in. The rock has been turned into sand. There's no foothold to the revolution. The bottomline is that people are basicaly all the same. Noticeable exceptions aside (on both sides), the most hardened proletarian could be a selfish capitalist, given different life circumstances... and he wouldn't even bother to give the other position a single thought. The true fight nowadays is one for awarness and it has to be undertaken near the middle class.
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Blackshoes 8 years ago)
Blackshoes: The Masses are nothing but sheep ! Lead by which ever way a favored wind blows the grain they eat !
Bobby Blackshoes

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.

Alexander the Great
8 years ago Report
talk like that again
talk like that again: fuck up idiot
8 years ago Report
SERENE STORM: ^ he just proved your point Bobby
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Blackshoes 8 years ago)
(Post deleted by Him_over_there 8 years ago)
SERENE STORM: The problem with the world is the people.
8 years ago Report
Blackshoes in reply to SERENE STORM: Amen .If people just followed Christ as we're suppose to', the world ,would be a much better place
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: I dont care what you believe,or if you believe,beliefs are secondary..I like to think I am christ like but I have no religion..If your beliefs make the world a better place I say follow it blindly..People forget religion is about community,not God..I believe we all believe in something we can call God,even atheists..Kids future,universe,etc..I resist all beliefs because they seperate humanity and create a divide in our true nature..The world can only unite when religion becomes irrelevent,IMO..Its not what you believe,its what you do to change the world!
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Blackshoes, isn't the United States a socialist nation? EBT Food Stamps. Public Housing. The government even buys your house with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

I talk to Canadians, their entire system is Socialistic. The West is Socialism. The elite say that what belongs to you, belongs to them.

Money Changers killed Jesus, not Socialists.

And Serene Storm had a couple of very good lines.

One Love.
8 years ago Report
Blackshoes: gronchbove Almost all of the West is becoming a socialistic welfare state
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Yes, Blackshoes. Public Education was a Communistic Concept.

And, are the Western nations thriving?


Western nations are praising growth rates of 1%. Well, inflation is 8%, so 1% means you are losing 7% every year.

The West is dying.
8 years ago Report
'richcatjonz' says "the masses no longer matter", and this is quite true (under the stifling heel of the Bourgeoisie). Socialism however heralds a sea-change in the very structure of society, quite literally bestowing responsibilities and powers never before enjoyed upon a wholly disenfranchised Class of people. The masses matter when they partake in a World they are currently closed out of. This is the legacy of Rosa Luxemburg; it is what every Marxist strives to do: to bring about true democracy; to diffuse political power from the few to the many; to enthuse the masses from apathy and into hope, so they transmute from the sand 'Deus Ex Machina' rightly mentions, into rock upon which a successful revolution can be built.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: The Masses don't matter if they "don't flex their muscles."

The Bankers rule the earth. Don't the masses own bank accounts?

Look at Greece, the Greeks conducted bank runs when they realized what was up? Don't you think the bankers got scared?


We can make a difference, but every man who stands up might be placed in jail. Then his family members and friends need to free him from jail and keep the fighting going.

Look at these leaders - are they lions or sheeple? The leaders are sheeple. They are paper tigers.
8 years ago Report
richcatjonz: The masses cant dictate to the few..The system has become too big to fail and the masses have forgotten what is truly important in the broad scope of things..We are imprisoned by our Wi Fi bill,our kids future education costs,the 50 hour a week grind to thrive,etc..The FEW give the MASSES just enough to be content with their pitiful lives,working in factories and slaving to the system for the hope of tomorrow..It is the love in humanity that stops the masses from standing up because most people are sheep,not lions..But our love makes us too neutral in the eye of the storm,content and warm..We have lost all objectivity for our self made prisons for love!
8 years ago Report
SERENE STORM: Subtract the M from masses leaves asses.......
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: What if we all say NO?

What if the 99% refuse to work.

Do the elite make bread? No.

Do the elite make guns? No.

Do the elite make clothes? No.

People need to wake up!

The elite are completely worthless. They can't even run Detroit!
8 years ago Report
SERENE STORM: People are to afraid to burst out of their little bubble they go around doing the same shit day in day out never questioning just obeying zombies ..
8 years ago Report
Him_over_there in reply to gronchbove:
Sounds like a general strike. A good start to an offensive against the Class enemy.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Look at the American Revolution in 1776

The French Revolution in 1783

The Russian Revolution in 1917

The Chinese Revolution under Mao

The Glorious Revolution in England.

All impossible, right? How can a bunch of Yanks defeat the Strongest Empire in the history of the world: The British Empire?

But the Yanks did.

1) General Strike
2) Take all of your money out of the banks

We have freedom. That is the Universal Law!
8 years ago Report
Him_over_there in reply to SERENE STORM:
The masses languish in an infantile state because they've never held political or industrial power, and with this never known social responsibility.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Very true.

England has created the "NANNY STATE."

All the people are told to ask the government for everything. A diaper? Join the British Diaper Scheme. Food? Join the British Food Scheme. I need to build a fire? Sign up for the British Permit to collect wood and burn it on your land.
8 years ago Report
snow angelz
snow angelz: Its true... but not just just so happens they are ahead of north America by approx.. 3-4 years.... in this 'nanny state'..... we are definitely hot on their heels, unfortunately
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: But remember, Snow, who created "the United States and Canada?"

Mexico does not have the Nanny State because they were colonized by Spanish.

I feel the Nanny State is an Anglo concept.
8 years ago Report
Him_over_there in reply to gronchbove:
What I refer to by the 'infantile state' of the working Class is its general countenance.

Masters within their own homes, once Labour steps into the privately owned workplace they are magically transmuted into servile donkeys; mere playthings for whatever tasks profit-seeking Overmen see fit to assign. This is the legalized dictatorship of one Class over the other, yet most toilers cannot imagine another paradigm than that of Capitalist domination.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: So true, Him.
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Him_over_there 8 years ago)
(Post deleted by Him_over_there 8 years ago)

Marxian Socialism turns the whole system on its head. Under a Workers state people democratically run their industries and along with their communities own the actual premises. With such a fundamental upheaval in social conditions, relations between each and every strata of society also changes; consciousness itself evolves from the previous disenfranchised, undeveloped, juvenile state; of being an impotent recipient of tasks handed down from an alien class, into that of full, responsible characters, enthused and energised within a new, better inclusive environment.

The masses empowered are the masses victorious.
8 years ago Report
gronchbove: Doesn't local ownership only make sense?

I think England has laws against foreign ownership of certain strategic industries.

Greece is finding out that without local ownership, you become a slave.
8 years ago Report
Him_over_there in reply to gronchbove:

It makes sense in a Socialist society. Many of Britain's utility industries, esp. energy, were formerly nationalised (under the Capitalist Labour party therefore not genuinely socialised or democratised) and are now the property of European Capitalists, who have inflated prices enormously, in effect they are milking a neighbouring nation for profits.
8 years ago Report
SERENE STORM: Do you not think whatever"system" capitalism, socialism any isim in the end is bound to fail yes it may start of fine and dandy but give it time and soon enough someone will go on a power trip and once again we will be back where we started from the core root of the problem is their is no humanity in human and until we learn to give back what we give without a hidden agenda history will repeat itself time and time again like it always has.
8 years ago Report
SERENE STORM: *give back what we take
8 years ago Report
Him_over_there in reply to SERENE STORM:

What is different about the Socialist system, (which has never been established before), is the level of power and asset wealth being devolved from a handful of individuals to the masses. One cannot guarantee under Socialism that everyone will always act in the best interests of the community; there could be someone attempting to steal for example. But what is Capitalism at its most basic level? - it is someone stealing from the community, for themselves, but doing so within the legal framework drawn up to protect the Capitalist. So at worst some elements of the old order could seep through and pollute the new, but this is rendered unlikely due to the number of newly liberated Proletarians who would be watchful of what is now THEIR OWN communally held wealth.
8 years ago Report
SERENE STORM: People these days are of a different kalibar they are weak and subdued there are so few genuinely intelligent people that can see the wood for the trees people spew a lot of nonsense believing it to be of substance but its only recycled garage heard down the line from some self professed intellectual corruption will forever be with us in my opinion as people have long forgotten right from wrong too distracted fighting among one another over out and out nonsense divide and conquer has always been the plan which has been interrupted through the decades when people had some fight and brain function left in them people don't think anymore everything is press of a button including the ability to wipe the planet out the term wake up is used a lot but its true unless people truly wake up it wil just go on and on and on......
8 years ago Report
Him_over_there in reply to SERENE STORM:

I believe the nature of a person tends to emanate from the family, group or society in which they grow. We pick-up and employ character traits from these cultural bubbles: violent behaviour from brutal cultures, sexist or patriarchal beliefs from societies embracing such traditions, etc. Our Capitalist societies have precisely the same effect, imbuing our characters with self-serving, corrupt and anti-social notions. So imagine the inversely beneficial effect of a fundamentally different type of system.

Changing the concrete political and economic conditions in this way is surely the most powerful and wide-ranging method of enacting a general evolution of Human nature. Nurturing the better qualities we are all capable of developing, for the greater good of the whole.
8 years ago Report
SERENE STORM: Put an r in front of evolution you get....revolution.......: twitch:
8 years ago Report
SERENE STORM: love reading your posts thank you and goodnight
8 years ago Report
Blackshoes in reply to Him_over_there: That all sounds good ? However : Human nature is self serving ,and violent ,Socialism fails . The only way it works at all", is at the barrel of the gun ! Stalin prove that !
8 years ago Report
lipika: The mass delivers the final verdict.
4 years ago Report
EYEOFTHEDESERT in reply to lipika: Sad but true excute justice not people
4 years ago Report