vabeltaczar: No Pearl Harbor, No Rape off NanKing, Batann Death March .... There would of Never been an atomic bomb....You started it and We Finished it....And then we rebuilt Japen, And protect You from the Chinease....How About that. Really are You people for Real...Wow. Him_over_there: No [Vabeltaczar]. It wasn't the little children of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or their mothers, nor was if their grandparents who initiated the attack on Pearl harbour, yet these were the overriding casualties of America's Atomic Revenge. What's real here however [Vabeltaczar], is that so many people including yourself are still so prepared to accept Barbarity as a part of their culture. Inhuman indifference is the reality at hand. What America has done; this 'land of the free' is to standardize Lawlessness and Genocide within their national character and foreign policy code of conduct, yet still manage to project such insincere overtures of 'civilisation'. Atomic warfare incidentally, was being developed before Japan entered the theatre. Him_over_there: But Terrorism should never be accepted and enshrined so easily by a people. The very core of a society is darkened and infested by such a perverse countenance. No wonder gun crime and child slaughters are so rampant in this nation (61 mass shootings since Columbine). America is at war with itself: The U.S. has 2.3 million of its own 'citizens' in prisons, costing over 228 billion dollars each year. No other nation in the World faces this ratio of incarceration and criminality. Mew_: I don't like the fact that you use "Americans" so freely for your example of whats wrong in the world. Most "Americans" are just as angry about past and current involvement in wars and poor decision making of our world leaders. (rich) Remember we are all slaves to the rich and powerful. I often remind people that there's no such thing as nice wars, at this point the truth has been soo twisted and buried , there's no point. I feel sorry for all the mothers. father. daughters, sons that had to go fight in a rich man war because they had no choice, Just like they had no choice but to follow orders. Look outside the box....................there's more to this than what you are offering. Sorry, I'm bored and I'm on my phone, can't get into chat room.LOL nice read though. Mew_: just saying you should refocus this tangent on the "WORLD LEADERS" not american people. 99% of the american population are just trying to take care of their families the best they can in this weak economy. Now since we have more poor, we'll have more poor enlisting in the frustrating is that!!!??? Him_over_there: [Kelleeee] When you say most Americans are angry at the many wars which are waged by U.S. Imperialism its significant that this anger is usually precipitated by discontent over the resultant tax bills or the death toll of homeland soldiers, as opposed to any moral objections. I've never heard an argument from any American made out of ethical considerations for the victims of U.S. Capitalist Imperialist aggression, except of course from that demographic scintilla of U.S. Socialists (Communists) Proletarian servility to the class Overman is as much an arrangement; as much an acquiescence due to lack of political courage as it is an act of oppression. Topic: Politics Him_over_there: Even those poor and/or ignorant individuals who represent the bulk of invading troopers, and which pursue their careers as patriotic cannon fodder in various predatory conflicts are now increasingly being made redundant by new military technologies: Topic: Politics DRONES: rise of the new world order) Him_over_there: But it is not enough that the poor or the unemployed should be so prepared to lay down their lives and to extinguish the lives of a distant people, for the nefarious aims of a corrupted government; whether due to personal or economic desperation or a culpable ignorance of international affairs, we are all beings responsible for our choices, both those of us who fund these wars and those of us who make them possible through actual participation in the bloody event. Him_over_there: I remember with palpable disdain that bustle of exhilaration and excitement amongst American youth, (including many women) as they hurried to recruitment offices, so anxious to carve out a blood-soaked predatory career for themselves as a willing participant in the slaughtering of foreigners; to manipulate the latest chain guns, unleash the most toxic bombs or just play a background role in logistics. NeonHoneyDust: As an American, I can say that I do not like war just for the fact it's not the way we should resolve things. My father was born in Germany and my grandmother had to escape the Berlin Wall. My mother's family is from Japan and I did hate what happened. It takes two sides to wage a war. While I agree that Japan's citizens did not initiate a war, I can also agree that using the term "Americans" as in generalizing us all together is not a very good way to win an argument. If you want to dig deep into history, we can always go back to the English who took over the land of that is now the United States of America who brutally murdered the Native Americans and took over their land. Granted they traveled to settle in a "new world", it was also a test from the Queen to see if they could survive in another world. No country is perfect, neither is the government but don't generalize everyone from one country then generalize everyone from another one. Mew_: I concur with your last statement, but your malevolence for american people over shadows logical thought at times I think. You do not take up residency here in the U.S. and my guess is that you only read or listen to anti american propaganda material. Yeah war is horrible. Most people in the US do not want war, that's a fact. What happened in Horoshima is in the past and has nothing do with now. Yes, all governments are corrupt, including yours. You're arguing over a no win situation. Yes war is ugly but it's the corrupt money grubbers that control all that. If you want to do something productive, try figuring out a way to get rid of the corrupt world leaders. Its them you should be pissy with. NeonHoneyDust: And I agree with you Kellee, that is why I, as an American, who lives in America do not judge the living situations of other countries because I do not know how it is there. You are stating facts from second hand sources. (Post deleted by Mew_ ) (Post deleted by Mew_ ) vabeltaczar: No Pearl Harbor, No Rape Off Nanking, No Bataen Death Marches, There never ever would of been an Atomic Bomb....Japenease started it and Americ finished it (Post deleted by Mew_ ) Him_over_there: Any analysis which fails to take into account the underlying economic and political realities of modern historical events are bound to incorporate either specious or malevolent conclusions. [Groovel_Lama] Him_over_there: Of course when one discusses Hiroshima and Nagasaki as the criminal acts they surely were, it becomes impossible not to discuss the perpetrators, the quintessential culprit of these atrocities: the United States of America. Him_over_there: This may make Americans uncomfortable, but as you say, [Kelleeee] 'History is History'. And I employ this phrase not in the spirit you have, which is to say 'lets all move on and forget about the awful past ', for I believe the inverse is crucial. If any meaningful lessons are to be drawn from our historical exploits we must dwell on and scrutinise that which is so rotten and so cruel it brings forth emotion, regret and disdain, even amongst an overwhelmingly shallow people. Precisely to encourage debate, analysis and ensure a more thorough understanding of the causes, methods and underlying nefarious motivations of the modern Capitalist system, with the aim that such events should never be repeated. dalewatkins2009: AS A AMERICAN LET ME STATE WE HAVE NO PROBLEM KILLING SO BEST TO KEEP YA MOUTH SHUT OR SUPPORT AMERICA, BECAUSE WE WILL NEVER GIVEUP lavendar_star in reply to dalewatkins2009: lol people have a right to a opinion and is that some sort of threat, "your country has no problem with killing" well with all your mass shooting, gang culture and serial killers that's quite evident but its not something to be proud of, that taking patriotism to another level. But regardless you shouldn't take it too personally some people more have issues with the US government and their foreign policy then with Americans generally. Him_over_there: Either 4 or 6 but surely not 46 years old? I find that hard to believe. But [dalewatkins] here is quite typical of that unthinking, unfeeling reactionary glut of society which like a Pavlovian dog, readily displays chauvinistic pride and perverse glee at illicit, historical carnage carried out under the auspices of Capitalist Imperialism and under the bloodied cloak of the star spangled banner. No doubt [dalewatkins] feels he is in a strong Nation, but creating enemies of half the World in fact places one in a weaker position; and a people who are in reality under greater threat from retaliation and Terrorist revenge. Celebrating Evil does not make one strong but foolish. But don't just take my word for it... Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death" michaelnitschmann: Amercans are full of shit come and meet our hooligans in uk then u will know the real meaning of manhood u yanks are so full of crap all guns and drive byes don't ya got any real balls If the stars fell: vast generalizations all around... and to say that you are more manly, or that we have no qualms about killing reinforces other peoples retarded generalized ideals... your idiotic statements ultimately makes fools of us all If the stars fell: @michael and dale mostly.... but none the less... i dont have my finger on a trigger... i dont fight wars, i dont kill innocent people, i dont even vote these people into power, saying that the usa is the root of all the worlds evil is stupid... there are few if any countries on earth innocent of extreme atrocities, hell england mass slaughtered stole land people and resources for a very long time... just because it wasnt as recent doesnt make it any less true, so maybe you should look in the mirror before you start pointin fingers.. i do not condone the actions of the corrupt and powerful, to pin that on everyone that has no power to change it as an individual is stupid... you go change the world, reform your government, lead the way, then tell me its easy to change it.. it isnt, and it never will be Him_over_there: [If the stars fell] It is wrong to say: "i dont have my finger on a trigger... i dont fight wars, i dont kill innocent people, i dont even vote these people into power" Such a notion of 'powerlessness' is infantile in it's nature and only serves to undermine a proletariat should it choose to exercise its inherent influence in a conscious manner. That it does not, only indicates acquiescence and irresponsibility on the part of the masses as a whole. Therefore we all. Every adult within every Allied nation involved in the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq for example, have the blood of over a million civilians on our hands. him over there's Picture There is no getting away from that fact, simply because we have all paid taxes which have funded these illegal conflicts. Most of us have done nothing at all to stand up against our Capitalist nations that combined to wage these wars. Most don't even care about the misery of foreigners suffering due to the genocidal actions of 'our' Governments. Yes 'our'. Vote or not we allow these rotten institutions to thrive as we go about our business; associated in symbiotic relationships. Truly, unless we have fought to bring down our respective regimes of terror we are a part of the very machinery itself. And especially if we form the ranks of those armed forces that do the dirty work. him over there's Picture Him_over_there: Its also incorrect to downplay the influence the United States has had on the direction and development of the World, especially in the post world war two period. The crimes here are extensive and most grievous. Modern history has the bloody footprint of American Imperialism stamped all over it. So there's really no room for any patriotic warm feelings for those with a grasp of recent events. But all of this is so elementary I should not have to repeat it so many times to so many incredulous Americans, who simply cannot fathom the dark shadow and malevolent presence their nation casts over the Globe. Him_over_there: Again: No Socialist is also a nationalist. The emblem of the Union Jack, Stars and Stripes or Nazi Swastika are equally distasteful to the Communist perspective. The criticisms raised here are chiefly concerning the Unites States simply because that nation is the largest, most influential and thereby most aggressive expression of Imperialist Capitalism in the World. If the stars fell: you have a terrible habit of putting words in other peoples mouths, im no patriot and i have little to know choice on how taxes are spent, let alone wether or not i want to pay them, your overwhelming sense of self righteous intellectual superiority clouds the obvious impractical solution of overthrowing the government, i dont like the usa, but i dont like other countries either, if you think that even 10 thousand people hold enough sway to make the difference you present then you are naive, the world is the way that it is BECAUSE the general population cannot control the actions of their governments, you feel you have the right to blame everyone for the actions of a minority that dominate every facet of global power. if you truly believe that an individual can simply walk outside and change it then stop pointin your finger and do it If the stars fell: i in no way stick up for the usa, or any person or persons that seek to destroy vast numbers of civilians, and regardless of how i feel about it, my feelings or actions are insufficient to make the required difference, get off your soap box and change the world if you believe its that simple If the stars fell: i might also add that you are clearly prejudice, making everything you say utterly biast, you dont have an objective perspective in any way, youll just have to accept that everything you believe isnt necessarily facts or even realistic for that matter If the stars fell: there is no point in all of human history that the world was utterly at peace and everyone loved and respected everyone else, its completely against our nature, that that its justified, it is however reality If the stars fell: by your standard, every innocent person that was killed within iraq under the regime of saddam hussein is the fault of every single child in the country of iraq, there is no difference If the stars fell: even adults... im sure everyone just loved having their family members vanish never to be seen or heard from again, but god damn they live there and they fund the regime, because its totally up to you if you wanna pay taxes or not right? and you personally get to decide how every cent is spent right? your government sends out voting packets for who to bomb how long to stay how many soldiers to send? right? wrong... Mew_: Just breathe........................don't fall for it..he thrives on this....He only see things one way. If the stars fell: yeah... i just think its foolish to blame everyone when most of them had no choice, believe me if it were up to me it wouldnt have happened, if it were up to me saddam would never have ruled iraq either, but its not up to me, how i feel about it means shit all, they are gonna do what they are gonna do wether any of us like it or not, its been proven throughout history with very VERY few exceptions (Post deleted by Him_over_there ) Him_over_there: [If the stars fell].To claim: "the world is the way that it is BECAUSE the general population cannot control the actions of their governments" is to ignore the momentous scenarios which play out in the Arab World. The Arab revolutions are in essence civil uprisings against the Monolithic profiteering elites which have taken a parasitical role in government, establishing long standing dynastic reigns of subjugation. A power base made up of armies of secret police, paid assassins and sadistic torture machines. Yet in this oppressive atmosphere the 'general population' has boldly taken the lead and began to shape their World. This without the comforts of free expression the West takes for granted and under great personal danger. So to claim ordinary people 'cannot' take control is seen to be incorrect by events which are unfolding about us today. And every Civil war is in essence a Class war. The overthrow of Capitalism is the goal every Human being worth their salt should be striving for. And this is the discussion which is at hand all over the World at this time. Unity is the key. Him_over_there: The revolts against and overthrow of military dictatorships and police states which Britain, America, France, Canada, Russia and other parasitical nations fell over themselves to sell arms and torture equipment to him over there's Picture are a signal to the rest of the World that ordinary people can change their fate against even the greatest of tyrannies if they unify as a group. Him_over_there: Clearly [If the stars fell], you do not wish to entertain the concept of collective responsibility. This is understandable given the terrible crimes undertaken by those who are seen to be our 'representatives'. Nevertheless you shouldn't feel that your actions and contributions will have no impact on the circumstances around you They do. The size of a revolutionary group is not as important as its ideas and programme. The combined industrial actions of the organised working class in Britain and the U.S. could have brought the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq to a halt in a matter of weeks if the leaderships of the trade union movements were aligned with progressive elements of the Class. That they are not is again indicative of the current impotency of Labour. If the stars fell: you are right, everyone else is wrong, go change the world, stop sittin here complaining about it and do something about it, i doubt its gonna happen though, and with the attitude you have about it you are unlikely to rally what few decent people there are your cause If the stars fell: rebel against the world, particularly the most powerful components of the world you will meet GREAT resistance, riot in the street and you will have an army upon you, no question about it, how exactly does one infiltrate the government and disassemble it without the collective might of everyone? i for one am not really willing to die for a world i dont much like anyhow... and odds that your idea of what the world should be greatly differs from mine, so whos to decide who or what to follow? what to allow? the number of variables is astronomical Him_over_there: [If the stars fell]. All you've sought to do here is run away from personal responsibility while expressing great bouts of fear, and the excruciating ignorance I might expect from a minor, while at the same time telling me to: "go change the world, stop sittin here complaining about it and do something about it" What this clearly indicates is both the lumpen attitude that assumes other people will do a job which you've refused to engage in, and a stubborn unwillingness to accept criticism for complicity in the criminal countenance of the American Nation, which is an escapist form of self delusion. And to demand that others stop analysing, criticising and offering alternatives to problems further compounds the childish backwardness of your position. Him_over_there: Add to this, your expressions of fear, for your own safety if you were to take on the might of a corrupt state. So even at the hypothetical stage of rebellion, from the warmth of mother's home, in the safe confines of an internet website you prove useless. "i for one am not really willing to die for a world i dont much like anyhow" You ask for solutions yet this is not a genuine request. I've posted dozens of links to educational material and for revolutionary groups which any serious individual could follow and you continue to whine like a spoiled brat. You fail to learn, as if information and ideas cannot settle within your head. Why don't you go pester someone else or discuss the colour of your new toothbrush with the swirling masses of Wireclub's inane chat-rooms. Because I have no further interest in your nonsense. If the stars fell: the world will never be what you want it to be, the world will never be what i want it to be, by all means change it if you can, i still dont agree that the blame is on all of us im not even just talking about me personally, there are many people that are powerless to change it wether you agree or not, a single mother with 3 kids and a minimum job is gonna do what? you are bitching on the net just like anyone else... you believe yourself a revolutionary, it will take a great deal more than posting links on wire club, perhaps you could broaden your horizons if you truly expect to make a significant difference... by the way you are arrogant as fuck Him_over_there: [If the stars fell] presents yet more apathy and weak attempts to personalize what are general issues in order to avoid them altogether. "there are many people that are powerless to change it wether you agree or not, a single mother with 3 kids and a minimum job is gonna do what?" Why don't you attend some of the 'Socialist Appeal' meetings instead of imagining how impossible dissent must be [If the stars fell] ? You'll find the most active, energetic and constructive members of Revolutionary organisations are precisely Women, the Poor, Minorities and single parents. The Internet is only a single method for spreading the ideas of Socialism and providing an exposition of the current system. You are the only one assuming limitations for political work. (Post deleted by Him_over_there ) Him_over_there: But of course all these counterfeit protestations are only excuses for those many individuals who lack the personal courage to face up to the salient fact that every adult within every Allied nation involved in the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq (in this instance), has the blood of over a million civilians on their hands. YouTube There is no getting away from this fact, because we have all paid the taxes which have bank-rolled these illegal conflicts. Most of us have done nothing at all to stand up against our Capitalist nations that combined to wage these wars. And most don't even care about the misery of foreigners suffering due to the genocidal actions we have allowed 'our' Governments to undertake in 'our' name. If the stars fell: you can say it till you're blue in the face, i still dont agree, i do agree that its completely fucked and and seriously needs reformation, i dont agree that its easy to change and that everyone is equally to blame Quillan: All conflicts are unfortunate. Both sides are always to blame. Thats just the way the dice tumble, dude. If the stars fell: im not saying it isnt the usa's fault, im saying its not the fault of every person living in any country what the government does without our consent, they never asked us, and you dont exactly have a choice wether or not to pay taxes or what that money is spent on, particularly if you dont vote, even if you do vote, they can say whatever they want to to get your vote and once they are in office its basically out of your hands If the stars fell: you have every right to protest, but they have every right to ignore you and shoot you in the face with a tear gas grenade Him_over_there: @ [Kelleeee]: Taking a stand against genocidal wars and stating that we are all responsible for the governments we elect isn't really a symptom of 'sickness' as you put it, however claiming: "The only logical way to get rid of war, poverty, corruption and hunger is to save the human race from itself by killing it off maybe?" sounds pretty confused and perverse to me. The type of sentiment one would expect from one of these deranged primary school shooters that pop up so frequently in America (61 mass shootings since Columbine). Now I for one would advise any school security guard to run his metal detector over your bag an extra couple of times...(just to be on the safe side.) (Post deleted by Him_over_there ) (Post deleted by Him_over_there ) (Post deleted by Him_over_there ) (Post deleted by Him_over_there ) (Post deleted by Mew_ ) |
Hiroshima. Nagasaki. Survivors of the devastation depict in moving artworks the horror of America's first deployment of Atomic weaponry upon Human targets. Like a scene from Hell; like the walking dead, their arms stretched out front as huge flaps of skin peel from their burning bodies. Hair on fire, eyes expelled, woman and children screaming for help that never came. Burning buildings, collapsed onto occupants, buried alive.
And as the misery unfolded, President Harry Truman enjoyed his lunch aboard the heavy Cruiser USS Augusta, safely returned from his Postsdam meeting with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin. News of the successful deployment of a single uranium bomb nick-named 'Little Boy' was conveyed to him. Fully aware of the effects such an explosion causes from previous Manhattan Project tests, his eyes widened. In a state of elation as he proudly announced to the retinue of sailors that surrounded him, "This is the Greatest Thing in History"
Hiroshima/the atomic bomb: Part One