herlos Offline

35 Male from Kota Kinabalu       29


from hidden life

I didn't spend my time at school since i was 14, i was dropping out from school three times and I've never felt guilty,I really have no interest going back to school anymore, I don't want to burden my family to continue my studies at school, ever since I began to independently thus change the whole of my life. I began to prefer to stay outside than home.i didn't come home for dinner, I didn't get home to have a good sleep even on the board house,I know my mom worried about me, I know my daddy still love me even if our thoughts differently.my life is not beautiful as i look into the seas,everyday i walked with the wind coming like greeting every my steps, i put my pain in myself for fear of silence in front of everyone, I grew up with the life I choose.Everyone i know was gone and i still here sleeping with nothing to eat.forgive me mom because i won't be home,forgive me daddy i always make you down.

i want to be here

we live in a state with a wonderful climate and plenty of natural beauty,i can enjoy society in a room but out door nature is company enough for me.who pretend to live for beauty but never see the dawn..

what happen to the world today?

stop war,stop riot and stop killing people!


Tattooing has been practiced for centuries in many cultures that spread throughout the world. Japan's Ainu indigenous people have traditional facial tattoos. Today one can find Berbers of North Africa Tamazgha, Māori, New Zealand, Northern Nigeria's Hausa people, the Arabs in the east of Turkey and tattooed Atayal of Taiwan in advance. Tattooing is widespread among Polynesian peoples and among certain tribal groups in Taiwan, the Philippines, Borneo, Mentawai Islands, Africa, North America, South America, Mesoamerica, Europe, Japan, Cambodia, New Zealand and Micronesia. In fact, the island of Great Britain takes its name from a tattoo, with Britons translates as' the design and Picts who originally inhabited the northern part of Britain, literally means' the cat 'the British people the most tattoos in Europe.

Although there are some taboos that surround Tattoo art, but it has been and continues to be popular around the world. Since the 1990s tattoos have become part of the global mainstream and become a fashion in the West, most of the 2010s in the western middle-aged teens with tattoos, including women. in 2011 there appeared the tattooed Barbie doll that has become widely accepted, although it has attracted some controversy. In 2010, a quarter (25%) of Australia under the age of 30 have tattoos. tattoo has its own meaning for each race or person. The most common word used for traditional Japanese tattoo design is called Horimono.Jepun use the word "tattoo" means non-Japanese-style tattoos. Taiwan's Atayal tribe facial tattoos called "Badasun" it used to show that an adult can protect the homeland and that an adult woman who is eligible for weaving and carrying out the work at home. Anthropologist Ling Roth in 1900 described four methods of marking the skin and suggests they may be distinguished under the names of the Tattoo, MOKO, and cicatrix keloid.Tatoo has been a Eurasian practice at least since around Neolithic times. between calls to tattoo across the world.tatoo, tattoo, tataw, Tutang, Tatouadur, Tatuache, Tatuatge, Tetování, Tatovering, Tätowierung, Tatuo, Tatuaje, Tatouage, Tatuointi, Tatuaxe, Tetoviranje, Tetoválás, Tatoeage, Tatuaggio, Tatuaż and much more .


morning girl

im falling in love with these girls!

when i will go-herlos

what actually the reason we living for
why are we here to live this pain
Everyone I love goes away
In the end and I would keep myself.
until the day i had to go i don't really know where i'll go
the time would never stop but i always stuck to the time
if i can catch you in the air
if i can touch my shadow
when i'm drowning to the seas
let the river floating me
i will open my eyes
i will put your name in every whole to the seas
if i can't walk tommorow
maybe i've lost my strenght
if you can't see me again
i might not here longer
would you hold my hand
if i ask you to hold
my heart was beating slowly
and i can't feel my hand

Your time-herlos(new song)

sorry girl cause tonight i've to say this
and it must be like stupid to asking you that
what i've told you before is what i mean
and i think you got that
i know you still can't trust me
but i don't want to miss this words
because i just got to say this
maybe i am so stupid but
honestly you're so beautiful
i can't pretend anymore
you got my heart seriously
if i had a nightmare i just want
you to come and hold my hand
i will give you a time until i get
the answer whatever you saying
i don't really care about the distance
i will waste my time for you
if you need me i will walk for you
even if so far away and i'll swiming
into the seas just for you girl


The most popular residents of the South Omo could not doubt the Mursi, a group of their own shepherd that the numbers of about 5000 and the region near Omo River bounded by the west and the River Mago to Mursi timur.Descent that when women reach age 20,slit cut between the lips.Proses repeated until eventually the gap is large enough to accommodate where possible clay 15 cm in diameter and usually pull the lips of women can reach the lip to head.Plat greater in women can be larger value when he is married to someone.lip plate unusually large number may reach 50 heads of cattle prices.

Tongue piercing has been practiced in the Aztec ritual, ancient Mayas in Central America and the Haida, Kwakiutul, and Tlinglit tribes of northwestern America. Tongue pierced to draw blood to propitiate the gods and to create an altered state of awareness so that the priest or shaman could communicate with the god.piercing tongue is one of the most popular piercings,surprising,provocative and fantastic for oral sex (for both the two sexes),but at the same time no one need know you have.Janet Jackson, Keith Flint from Prodigy, Mel B from Spice Girls and Malcolm Jamahl Warner from the Cosby show all the pierced tongue.

Nose piercing is very attractive and can highlight the face, because the nose is the most prominent feature on the face of Leonardo Da Vinci believed that the nose set the overall face characteristics piercing nose began to be recorded in the Middle East about 4000 years ago, it was mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 24:22 Abraham's oldest servant asked to find a wife for his son Isaac,the servant found Rebekah,and one is a gift he gave gold earring "the original Hebrew word used is" Shanf "which also translates as" nose rings this practice is still followed among the nomadic Berber and Beja tribes of Africa and the Bedouins in the Middle East, the size of the ring indicates the wealth of a family. ". It is given by the husband to his wife on marriage and his safety if he were divorced.piercing nose was brought to India in the 16th century by the emperor from the Middle East India Moghul.Di stud (Phul) or a ring (Nath) is usually worn in the left nostril,It is sometimes joined to the ear by a chain and in some places both nostrils left pierced.between the most common is to be pierced in India,because they are associated in Ayuvedra (Indian medicine) with the female reproductive organs, piercing supposed to make women who delivered more easily and reduce the nose in the west pain.piercing first appeared among the hippies who traveled to India in late 1960-an.Its subsequently adopted by the punk movement at the end of the 1970's as a symbol of rebellion against conservative values ​​and conservative people like parents and employers still do not respond well, so they brainstorms with reaction before it is done carefully. Currently nose piercing gradually become more accepted by society.

The human earlobes tough areolar and adipose connective tissue,less supple,elastic and other pinna.since earlobe contains no cartilage it has a large blood supply and may help to warm the ears and earlobes,however,maintain balancing.even not generally considered has any biological function main.earlobe contains many nerves, and for some people are easily excited erogenous zones of. Earlobes may be the first human trial in body piercing because it is easy to pierced.as oldest mummies in the world body was found frozen in Glacier Austria in 1991, tests showed that the body has more than 5000 years has pierced ears of 7-11mm diameter.ear may first pierced for magical purposes, very many primitive tribes believe that demons can enter the body through the ear, because demons and spirits should be repulsed by ear metal.piercing prevent them entering the ear piercing body.sailors believe it to increase in Borneo vision.where many societies ear piercing done as a puberty rite, Mother and Father each through one ear as a symbol of children's dependence on their parents. Ear piercing is an almost universal practice is done by men and women, but only in western society that it was considered effeminate. At various times in history men wore elaborate earrings during Elizabethan era many famous men such as Shakespeare, Sir Walter Raliegh and Francis Drake wore gold rings in their ears."As the Roman Republic grew more feminine with wealth and luxury, earrings were more popular among men than women, no less a man than Julius Caesar brought back to repute and fashion the use of rings in the human ear.



Anjing telah bersama dengan manusia selama 1200 tahun atau mungkin lebih beratus ribu tahun kerana bukti genetik.anjing telah banyak perubahan dan mempunyai banyak variasi, berlainan warna dan ketinggian.anjing ialah haiwan sosial dan pemburu berkelompok yang mudah dilatih dan suka bermain.

anjing juga boleh menyesuaikan diri dalam kehidupan manusia dan keadaan sosial.anjing mampu berkerja dengan manusia yang manusia tidak mampu lakukan seperti anjing yang berkerja dengan polis untuk mengesan dadah tersembunyi dan menjadi sebagai penjaga rumah.anjing ialah teman manusia yang paling rapat berbanding haiwan yang lain.pada masa yang sama anjing adalah haram bagi sesetengah agama seperti islam,bagi mereka cecair yang berasal dari anjing adalah najis dan haram.di sesetengah negara islam majoriti,anjing saluki masih dibela dan dibenarkan tinggal di dalam rumah.

anjing saluki adalah penting untuk orang Bedouin.bagi agama yahudi pula walaupun anjing dianggap sebagai tidak bersih tetapi mereka masih boleh membela dan menyentuh anjing tetapi tidak boleh menyembelih atau memakan haiwan ini.Dalam kebudayaan yang lain anjing pula dianggap sebagai makanan mereka.haiwan seperti serigala dan rubah yang liar tidak sesuai dipelihara yang juga daripada keluarga anjing.

saya juga mempunyai anjing peliharaan semenjak kecil lagi,juga haiwan yang paling saya kagumi di dunia.anjing boleh membantu manusia jika kita perlukan mereka. masa saya masih kecil saya masih ingat seekor anjing saya yang bernama pony membawa bungkusan roti yang belum dibuka, tidak tahu dimana dicurinya tapi saya terharu kerana dia tidak memakan roti itu malah dia memberikan pada saya walaupun saya memberinya untuk memakannya dia tidak memakannya.dari situ saya mempercayai anjing sebagai teman manusia.saya pernah memelihara seekor anjing yang agak jahat semenjak ibunya mati dilanggar kereta semasa baru dilahirkan,
kesemua lima ekor anak yang dilahirkan mati melainkan seekor anjing yang garang tetapi setia pada saya.saya menamakan anjing itu "putih" dan saya biarkan dia tinggal di bawah katil saya.bila saya mamanggil "putih" saja tidak sampai beberapa minit putih akan berlari dan terus melompat ke arah saya.
bila saya marah saja putih akan beredar mungkin takut atau dia memang paham akan sikap manusia.mengapa anjing kotor? bagaimana pula haiwan yang lain?adakah haiwan seperti ayam,lembu dan lain-lain bersih? mungkin ada sesetengah anjing yang memakan najis,tetapi bagaimana pula ikan yang mempunyai najis dalam perut tetapi masih dimakan semua orang sehingga hari ini.saya bukan mahu bercakap yang anjing boleh dimakan,tetapi mengapa tidak boleh menyentuh anjing?
