grumpymonkey5 Offline

123 Male from Glasgow       405
grumpymonkey5: Depression
Depression doesn’t want to speak - at least not literally. Depression destroys motivation so that whilst you may have good and sound ideas about tomorrow and what you will achieve, tomorrow they are gone. Depression brings the dark and brings emptiness, aloneness, Sometimes it seems to stop thought altogether.

Few that are depressed want to impose that depression, or its effects, on others. Few have anything to say that they consider worth saying or that they consider anyone will listen to and understand.

In effect, depressives both hate and love themselves but the hatred or discontent is always dominant.

They talk little about it because most cannot understand. The exception seems to be others that have experienced the same state, In fact, mental health research indicates that recoverers, i.e those who have or have experienced the same condition of mental illness, are the ones who are most able to assist others with that condition.

So, don’t be disheartened or read negativity into a failure of a depressed person to answer the phone or wish to communicate. Generally, what they crave is space from the business of the world, their own preoccupations, or their immediate situation or dilemma.

If you have depressed people in your life who seem to be ignoring you for lengthy periods of time, most likely that is not the case. Depression is a thief. It steals happiness, time, friends, family members, it pilfers laughter, desire, pleasure from the depressed person's life. It it not easy to understand for those who do not have it, and explaining why a depressed person "ignores" communication is not a simple task. But I do think that to say we "ignore" our friends, family and loved ones is a misnomer of what is really happening. We aren't just ignoring you because we have better things to do. No, we are unable to answer you at that particular time - no matter how much we might truly want to.
4 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (2)
SouxieQ: So eloquent.
4 years ago ReplyReport
TraehA: 🥺😭✌🦋TreahA
4 years ago ReplyReport