ghostgeek Offline

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sheistreet1: I do believe in the devil
4 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (3)
ghostgeek: Fair enough. We all have to believe in something and there's sure plenty of evil in the world.
4 years ago ReplyReport
vandike65: If you know that you are something ,then know also that you did not came from nothing and that in time things will also come from you; A part of Religion is getting know what we can become as we grow in Life along with others; The Bible which has been called the Word of God; to belive or not has Truth in it; So many things once was nothing has really become Something
3 years ago ReplyReport
geoffgee491: I don't know what if anything some of you people are thinking if the truth be known.
Anyone with a logical mind will/should know that there is no God, Devil, Heaven, Hell or 100 Vestral Virgin's waiting for you in the land of milk and honey which some religions would have you believe.
The Religion would have you think that you have to commit so atrocity against the human race to gain access to the Virgin's, and Milk and Honey.
Should this be the case then it's the most evil religion on this planet.
2 years ago ReplyReport