Innuendo75: Wicked 5 years ago • Report 1 (Post deleted by the_guyver_30_2006 ) Satans_ daughter: What in the god...damn...fuck..why don't you just wear a tshirt or post a sign that says 'I'm a meth head whore' (Post deleted by Milton0420 ) Satans_ daughter in reply to davidjames4672: She's a bit old for you isn't she? I mean, we all know you're into kids zolo2500 in reply to Satans_ daughter: Are you just a bitch all the time? Or are jealous because Gemma won't give you any? Secret lesbian love so you try to dom her from the sidelines? Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Listen you dumb fuck...davidjames posted that he fantasizes about kids Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Of you weren't the moronic dumpster diver you are, you'd have been able to read that my comment was to the pedophile, not to Gemma Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: You say that like I give two god damn fucks whether you believe it or not...and again, you're such a sad and pathetic troll, who clearly can't read..cause if none of that were true, you'd see I was addressing him, not Gemma, about an issue that does not involve Gemma Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: I didn't attack her, dumpster those around you a favor and take a shower calvinbooker656 in reply to Satans_ daughter: I guess Gemma is saying she likes boobies also. You messing with her too.smh zolo2500: A warm bosom has been scientifically to have more medical curing power then even the cutest new born puppy. She's an angel zolo2500: No I just admire the arts and that is a fine piece right there, handcrafted by God with extra love zolo2500: We all know I don't care. I throw away all women but the brightest. I burn Bridges all the time Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: It's good you don't cause she wouldn't stoop to being with you 😂 Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Yeah it're a mentally ill piece of shit who thinks way more of himself than anyone outside your warped mind ever would Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Nothing nice or smart about you, you dumpster diving, unwashed troll Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: If Gemma has a problem with me commenting she can tell me, otherwise I'll say what I want zolo2500: You're still a waste of time. At least have some self awareness and trying being to others Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: I don't need or want your time. Gemma is my friend, not you...nor do I have any desire to be your friend. zolo2500: You assume you're worth friending after I admitted you're not worth talking to. Think a little. Some self awareness at least Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: I believe what I said, you moronic dirty fuck is I have no interest in you. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: You take an interest in everyone...hoping they'll take an interest in you. Sad, really.... zolo2500: No. Nora and Starr were the only ones I took serious I'm that way. I wanted to talk to Depresso for a bit then roll out Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: I don't have to lie about put your sickness and filth out there Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Exactly...'you lie about me' he says at nauseam...but when I asked what did I lie about.... zolo2500: Pick one at random, all lies. I'm sorry you're that stupid. An obvious implication is too much Satans_ daughter in reply to Gemma_28: Cause he's an attention whore...I commented about the pedophile...said nothing about you or him...and off he goes... zolo2500: I was telling you stop being a bitch. Go bother people on your page. When you run out of people to bitch at, shut up and sit there. No need to bother Gemmas friends too. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: I'm worth so little to you, and yet you go on And on And on And on when I was not speaking to you...I mean, you're beneath me, so why would I? zolo2500: You're beneath me. I told you try using your brain for once. Gemma isn't even on your side. Lol. Stop being a bitch. Then I'll go. Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: nice try, deleting the conversation you had with me about Rotch, but I posted it to my wall too, so it's all good miss_marie_28: Lol no I just don't spread private conversations around to people. I deal with them directly. Unlike you who posts crap to her wall about people then blocks them from commenting so you look all good. Lol are you that dumb that you think your little game isn't hard to see through? What a sad scumbag bitch you are but, acting low is kind of your thing anyway so it's typical. Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: If I were hiding, you dumb whore twat, I wouldn't be responding now, now would I Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: Feel free to comment on the post on my wall...oh wait, you won't...and you know why? cause you're a puss bitch who's been caught at her bullshit lies Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: Like I said, dumb whore bitch...come comment on the post on my wall...let's see how tough YOU are miss_marie_28 in reply to Satans_ daughter: I just did. Now go back to the loony bin where you belong. Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: And whores such as yourself should be standing on their corner miss_marie_28: Uh huh. Everyone's a whore. Anything original or just gonna repeat the same played out crap you copy and paste to everyone you pick fights with? You should just save it then paste it in everytime that inferiority complex kicks in. You'll save yourself some time lol zolo2500: Astounding. Whines that others have no life, but pretends she does because she tears others down. zolo2500: Hoing isn't a life and tearing others down isn't admirable. Move along already. If Gem wanted a femal dom she'd tell you, looks like she can pimp herself without you though Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: gotta say, your wall is pretty much just talk to yourself all one even bothers with your weird ass posts zolo2500: I pm people involved. Plus I'm anti social. I made it clear I don't care. No all you do is lie about me. Never dumpster dived. I have to shower everyday, even if I'm too tired. It's mandatory. You're just a lying POS. Your bloodline should be effaced. You're not a good person. zolo2500: Ate two hot dogs with chillli and onions as well as four cookies and a salad. Just kill yourself. You are not a good person. The will progress after your gone. They say your death makes no difference, but there will be one less vicious bitch dragging people down and it will all the better. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: the only vicious bitch here is you...and a dirty, dumpster diving one, at that... Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: ending it is what you should do...I mean, really, who would care or miss you? zolo2500: Plenty of people. I'm still here and well somehow. You're just a retarded web denizen that makes a meager wage hoing an overly used pussy zolo2500: If you're going to be that far beneath people at least be nice. Dumb bitch, dogs are supposed man's best friend, and you need some serious adjustments zolo2500: I'm perfectly fine. You just don't have any comebacks. You're entire life must be a waste. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: And your comebacks are...what...'kill yourself'...'you're beneath me' say the same shit to everyone Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: life is a waste...yet, unlike you, I bathe, I work, I eat...and not stuff I dug out of a trashcan...I have an actual home...not a cardboard box on the street zolo2500: See? Just lies. I eat three healthy meals, sleep in a bed and shower every night. At least you know you're a waste though. Go back to hoing it's a least somewhat useful to the world and leave these people alone. zolo2500: Hoing to you. Mongrel to Depresso. Just not apt or as smart to Starr. Easily tricked to Nora. I don't care enough to socialize with y'all and I was nice to all the rest. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: how weird and desperate that you keep mentioning starr and nora to me.... zolo2500: Cursory facts are desperate? Less than ten words apiece. Starr was gone last night. Don't care it wasn't a worthwhile conversation. She's to stuck up for the nothing she gave me. I told Nora leave. Just kill yourself. It's no joke. You're a bad person with nothing to offer to the world. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Why are you telling me your Starr/Nora drivel like I give two fucks? Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Do you EVER have a 'comeback' other than 'kill yourself'...and I think you should take your own advice, you have no one who gives two fucks if you live or zolo2500: I actually want you to die. I needn't another. You're a bad person. I'm tired of playing with you. Learn to be a good person zolo2500: I help people whenever they need it and I'm quite competent. Please show the class the inside of your neck. Serrated pocket knife Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: the actual you help? And um...if someone needs help, wouldn't they need it from a sane person who doesn't live in a cardboard box? zolo2500: You just lie. You're a waste to the world. Pass on so your atoms can be reformed into something useful. Please. Ty. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Again...never have anything to say other than 'you lie'...would you like to share with everyone how you were making sexual comments to a 15 year old? Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: maybe in your delusional mind you won it, but we all saw you talking to her about your little needle dick zolo2500: I said right in screenshot she too I wanted nothing to do with them. You're just a malicious liar. Kill yourself. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: yeah, we all saw not only the screenshot, but the actual conversation Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: See? Your only comeback, because you know the truth can't be debated away zolo2500: Back to lying? Are you done being a loser now? Get a life? Learn to be a good person. Maybe be intelligent for once? I am asking a lot from someone so far down the chain but even the most worthless can be accidentally useful Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: I wouldn't bother to ask anything from a pedophile you're about as low on the food chain as it gets Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Unfortunately, pedophiles aren't always apprehended...hopefully you will be though zolo2500: Sitting out here in public. Not hidden in anyway. While I openly attack government. On a public wi fi. In my usual spot. Yup. No one at all anywhere has noticed me. God you are stupid as fuck Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Again...I know you're less than intelligent, but pedophiles aren't always apprehended zolo2500: Then they weren't a problem probably 17 or maybe 16, not that it applies. Either way it isn't your business and you're wasting time with lies. You're just grasping. I just tell you the right to answer and you go out of your way to be a bitch. I'm more intelligent than you. *Shrugs* Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Pedophilia is everyone's business because you...should be wiped out zolo2500: You're too stupid to understand the world. You just do what you're told or is popular. Now be a good little bitch and shut up Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Stupid? No...but as for you being a pedophile, we all saw Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: No, I (or rather we all) saw you talking to her about your penis zolo2500: I talked to people there and clearly said I didn't want her. Are you done wasting my time? zolo2500: I would never be with people so rude any impudent. Depresso is the only one of your group of any value and I'd definitely get rid of her too. You're disgustingly rude people and rather dull Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: Kind of obvious you're a weird ass literally spent days...DAYS...messaging me, pretty much begging me to be friends with Gemma (which we now are), then got all weird and pissy because I said you were being one sided zolo2500: Oh my God. So you're all friends now. Yay. Why don't you all just skip to make up scene and have a lesbian three-way? I'll get my camera. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: I'm friends with Gemma, not Marie...pretty odd that you're concerning yourself with that, buuut then again, you're a weird and unwashed dumpster diver...soooo.... Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: And you're still a pathetic, obsessed, unwashed dumpster diver zolo2500: You're just a liar. Obsessed over what?? Certainly not you. You don't even offer anything to the world but that nasty twat of yours. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Um, yeah me...cause here you're dirty, homeless ass is, trying to interact with me again...when I wasn't speaking to you...I would never speak to you on're vile, trash eating, pedophile trash zolo2500: Right I keep forgetting you exhibit sub human levels of morality and keep kicking an injured but honest repeatedly fuels your pathetic waste of a life zolo2500: You're not a good person got it. Because I'm nice unless you're rude or I love you. Both results in me getting rid of you. If I don't care and you're rude I trash you. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Oh you poor, delusional dumpster diver...I'm the one who got rid of you.... Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: And if me not liking or caring about you means I'm not a good person than fine...I'm not a good person zolo2500: Nice of you assume you're important again. I told you point blank you don't matter a few times Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Yes and here you are days later showing everyone how you don't care 😂 Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: When I don't care about someone, I don't wait around for their posts and pounce for days on end...unlike less than intelligent people like you, I show them I don't like them and don't care by not bothering with them zolo2500: By not bothering them. OMG. I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you felt so deeply for me. I should've known, but you don't have to be so forward. Most of friends are like ivy league or otherwise high ranking colleges I mean, when I get better the reunion will be a little awkward. There is a big difference between us... Does it look bad when the elites choose someone of lower status? Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Hmmm...well I did graduate from University of Penn, and you are of a lower class than more ways than one...but be honest, if you were to die a horrible death and I were given video of such...I'd watch it (and probably cum) over and over and over zolo2500: What University you graduate from doesn't matter, no matter how dicks you suck information from, you're still a slutty heartless idiot. Try doing something yourself. I do everything myself and I do well. You're just a half assed clone of someone far superior Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: No one looks that bad and that filthy by not hitting a dumpster or two zolo2500: In all my pictures I'm just tired due to a bipolar down swing. In a few them you can see I'm quite elated and just need a haircut. You're just a POS. Get lost pizza44me: It is starting to look like you two need to get a room ! lol Just saying . For two people who want the other to die , you spend a lot of time together on here. Maybe deep down you are starting to have feelings for each other ! lol Satans_ daughter in reply to pizza44me: Um...eeeeww...I think I can do waaaayyy better than someone who eats out of trash cans Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: As far as you're concerned I am...I think your mental issues are hilarious 😂 Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: There she is...the 'good Muslim girl' who posts half naked pictures and thanks the guys for their 'I jerk off to your pictures' comments miss_marie_28 in reply to Satans_ daughter: LOL half naked. Right. It's cute you're trying to sound smart, even though you keep failing miserably at it 😂 Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: Even cuter how you try to sound like you're not a hypocritical skank miss_marie_28 in reply to Satans_ daughter: Keep trying. I know you keep losing to everyone you attack, but even with your tiny brain you might just get there someday. Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: I don't lose to anybody, and especially not to sad, fake trash like you miss_marie_28 in reply to Satans_ daughter: Haha you have lost to everyone. Even zolo made you look like a dumbass Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: Zolo doesn't make anyone other than himself look like a dumb look like a dumb ass just by being you... zolo2500: I'm quite skilled. I can only three fields, palea in comparison to the numbers of dicks you can take. Explains why you aren't impressed, they're a lot harder and aplenty Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Wow, you were able to learn all that during your trash picking? Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Oh you mean like when you were talking about your dick to the 15 year old? zolo2500: Whatever. Lie away. Make an entire pretend life while you're at it. One where you actually worth 5 sec of the charity I give you Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: 5 seconds? You've been hanging on my every move for days, dumpster diving pedophile zolo2500: Just talking to you is a grace. I file it on my taxes so don't be too grateful. Helping the handicap and what not Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Or are you able to file taxes somehow on your hilarious and embarrassing bipolar disorder? zolo2500: Sometimes you just got to throw the whole bitch away. I care about the environment and that's why I'm here, dealing with you Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: And you keep making yourself look like a hypocritical skank. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: If you cared about the environment, you wouldn't be polluting it with your filthy presence. zolo2500: Like I said, lie up an alternate reality while you're at it then sell as it as a book with different names. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Yeah if you keep saying that it will become true, even though we all saw it...cause you're so fucking stupid, you put the shit right on the post Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Yeah and you were talking about your dick to her..a 15 year old child zolo2500: Just learn to shut up. You'll finally be useful. You just bother others and bring them down miss_marie_28: I agree with her shutting up. But she wont. She needs to feel validated after leading a useless go nowhere life. zolo2500: Get a life, get off of me, learn to be honest, then kill yourself, because you deserve nothing Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: You're the one concerning yourself with everything I do and say, not the other way around. I don't give my time to unwashed, bipolar, dumpster diving pedophiles zolo2500: You're the one lying about everything. Just kill yourself. It's not a joke. You're not a good person. It isn't funny. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: You think because you said you're not into her or whatever, that that makes it ok that you talked about your dick to a 15 year old? Come on, I know you're less than intelligent, but even you're not that stupid Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Say. Something. Different. All. You. Say. Is. Kill. Yourself. zolo2500: It's just true. You're so god damn stupid and heartless. "Look stupid words that i invest too much into so I'm going to out of my way to misunderstand everything on purpose POS instead of being person or intelligent person once in my life hahaha." Kill yourself Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Like I said earlier, maybe I'm heartless when it comes to you...but I don't like you, don't respect you, pedophiles are the lowest form of life...and you're a dumpster diving pedophile at that. I think your mental illness and your homelessness are hilarious...I hope they make your life hell. Nothing gives me a hard on more than your suffering. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: You should die because there is no one who would care if you did and children would be safer. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Dumb posted openly, where we all saw it, talking to a child about your dick. zolo2500: Kill yourself. I'm not asking. If I committed a crime I wouldn't be here. Be useful to the world once in your life Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: God you're dumb...just cause you haven't been arrested YET doesn't mean you didn't do it. Talk about a fucking reach.... zolo2500: No one defends you because I'm right. No one defends me because no one else read it. Kill yourself Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: No one defends you because who the fuck would defend a child molester zolo2500: No one cares I'm telling you to kill yourself and I did nothing. Just die. You're life is just attacking an innocent person on the internet. You're so pathetic and lowly it's repulsive you have zero class and the world will be better when you fie zolo2500: I did nothing. Whereas you just drag people down because you can. You don't even have a real reason. You just feel like lying. I'm tired of pretending your human. Kill. Yourself Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: You're right, you did nothing. You did nothing except talk about your dick to a child. zolo2500: "OMG words, now I'm going to pretend to be intelligent by dragging everyone else down and beIling a total over literally nothing but I'll look stupid so I'll lie a lot and hope people pretend with me hahaha." -- Satan Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: And I'm telling you how to help children. If you off your bipolar, child molesting self, kids will be just a bit safer Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Tell me when you get to the part that I should give 2 fucks...and I'm sure smelling your unwashed body would be torture enough Satans_ daughter: ZOLO IS A BIPOLAR PEDOPHILE...I HAVE THE SCREENSHOTS POSTED OF HIM TALKING TO A CHILD ABOUT HIS PENIS Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: The screenshots of you talking to a child about your dick are posted on my wall..,and I'm gonna make sure everyone knows what you are (Post deleted by Milton0420 ) (Post deleted by Milton0420 ) Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: Yeah SIXTEEN days ago...and no one has said anything till you...the queen of crazy Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: Says the hypocritical trash ass bitch trying to stir shit up on something no one has been commenting on for over 2 weeks (Post deleted by miss_marie_28 ) Satans_ daughter in reply to miss_marie_28: Get back to your corner, wackjob...this shit is from 16 days ago, now here you are stirring shit up out of nowhere Satans_ daughter in reply to Gemma_28: 16 days....S-I-X-T-E-E-N...and no one has said anything on this...until her... zolo2500: Please give us yet another example about how you go out of your way to misunderstand everything and pretend to be intelligent. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: Misunderstand what? You said you debated him, he plagiarized you, and the cops knew about it and have been to his house...yeah...that sounds completely sane zolo2500: I said he plagarized then told you to commit suicide for maliciously and blatantly lying. I was pretty clear. Even you should be able to understand something so simple. Gemma_28: Can maybe stop all this altogether? Neither is gonna agree so it seems pointless. Same for Marie too. Satans_ daughter in reply to zolo2500: why would a sane, famous, intelligent person, plagiarize a homeless, dumpster diving schizophrenic? zolo2500: No intelligence, honor, honesty, humanity, or competency. Everyone even vaguely like you needs to be killed off. grady037: Why the f*** is she old involved in drama on here? Do you not have a f****** social life! Go be a mom instead of bitching about other people Satans_ daughter in reply to grady037: You remember this, you pathetic backstabber Satans_ daughter Satans_ daughter: How may I help you? You were badmouthing me on Gemma's wall, now you're sending me a friend request?! 1 month ago grady037 grady037: I kinda missed u my bad. Hope all is well 1 month ago Satans_ daughter Satans_ daughter: Oh then it's ok that you shit talked me when I didn't do that to you 1 month ago grady037 grady037: No its not ok 1 month ago Satans_ daughter Satans_ daughter: Proves you were never a true friend...I accepted your friend request because you have your account set up so that only people on your friend list can message you...I wish you well. 1 month ago grady037 grady037: I am srry danny 1 month ago Satans_ daughter Satans_ daughter: Good luck to you 1 month ago grady037 grady037: At least gimme a chance 1 month ago grady037 grady037: maybe one day 1 month ago Satans_ daughter Satans_ daughter: No...I don't have time for fake were shit talking me...laughing at me...did you notice I didn't do that in return? Cause unlike you, I'm not a fake friend. I don't need any more fake friends. Good luck to you. 1 month ago grady037 grady037: I get it, im still gon try tho. Talk to ya inna few weeks. Again i am srry 1 month ago Satans_ daughter Satans_ daughter: Don't bother, I'm done 1 month ago grady037 grady037: Ouch. Ill buy u fish tacos 1 month ago Satans_ daughter Satans_ daughter: I'm glad you think backstabbing and shit talking me is a joking matter. Goodbye. Good luck to you. 1 month ago grady037 grady037: Its not a joke at all and i really am srry 1 month ago Satans_ daughter Satans_ daughter: Ok.well...I wish you well. 1 month ago grady037 grady037: Likewise. And i will randomly apologize because i do feel shitty for what i did 1 month ago Satans_ daughter Satans_ daughter: Don't bother...I would just like for us to move on and away from each other. 1 month ago grady037 grady037: Ok 1 month ago grady037 grady037: Still super srry. I do miss talking to you. Hope all is well Danny 19 days ago Satans_ daughter Satans_ daughter: I really don't give a fuck, you're not a true friend and you proved that. Please don't contact me again. 19 days ago grady037 grady037: Wow, i get it but still.... 19 days ago Satans_ daughter Satans_ daughter: Bye...go be a fake friend to someone else 19 days ago grady037 grady037: Well? Again i am srry 19 days ago Write a reply... grady037 grady037 Block • Chat |