G_I_A_N_N_I Offline

67 Male from Toronto       484
UTUBE held a "Big Purge" on Monday

2 prominent Canadian "U tubers" where BANNED from the platform.

Those Canadians they are so radical maybe we can declare them TERRORIST

Justin Trudeau as the leader of a TERRORIST organization.

First: Dan Dicks - Press For Truth.

And then while looking at the carnage for Dan,,,I found out the took down a bigger fish.

Stefan Molyneux

When you read the small bio on Stefan they are all lies.

Here it is:
Stefan Basil Molyneux is a Canadian far-right, white nationalist and white supremacist podcaster and former YouTuber who is best known for his promotion of conspiracy theories, scientific racism, eugenics and white supremacist views.

All lies !!!!!

Stepfan was excellent at chronologically recaping events and presenting the multi sides...of an issue.....Even his own banning from UTUBE....

3 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (2)
marshmallow_: WOW... I did not know they banned the same day Stefan Molyneux as well...After so many years.. I knew about Dan Dicks only..Unprecedented times came, so sad The information they posted about him was really funny Who would believe it anyways lol.
Thanks a lot for posting it Gianni! The interview was really enjoyable!
3 years ago ReplyReport
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