G9lbs3oz Offline

46 Single Female from Ottawa       2


A Downward Spiral -Dizzy and Drowning

Its been nearly a year now...

Post-pardom depression hit me two years in a row and rewened my marriage... I just coldn't handle it Iguess but there was als his lies and alcoholism -he ran up bar abs so high we were evicted every month from our appartment for nine months until I finally applied for social assistance regardless of the name his mother then called me (I apparently didn't want the career I just completed colege for -and paid for myself with money I earned as a waitress). He was in and out of jobs until he became a long-haul trucker and we were consiquently forced to move to a different city -and the worst of them all for a new mother with depression- with no friends nor family and stranded at home endlessly in a heavily populated metropolitan area and no means to get arround with one infant and a new baby...