You're in your first year of college, and already you can see how much it costs just to attend. There are so many things you have to pay for, such as tuition and books. Your wallet may be feeling the crunch, but you don't have to worry. Here are a few tips for who wants to save money.

Respect your biological clock! If morning is simply not your time of day, don't schedule classes at the crack of dawn. You will have a terrible time getting there, and you will not be at your best. Schedule classes for a time of day when you can reliably get there rested, refreshed and ready to do your best work. In this way, you will make the most of your college dollar and get the very best education.

Try to attend some school sponsered events like football games, etc. Some of the most fun that people have in college is routing for their sporting teams at their college. It is always a great time to get together with your fellow classmates in the student section and scream your head off for your college!

Flash cards are not just a helpful tool for younger children; they can really help you with your college classes as well. In addition to them being a great visual tool for helping you to remember important information, they are also easy for you to carry around wherever you go.

Try studying for exams during the week. Any free time you have between classes, before classes, or after classes, go to the library to study for about an hour. This can help you enjoy your nights without worrying about studying later on. Doing this can also leave you plenty of time on the weekends for a social life without worrying about any last minute cramming.

In order to make the most of your time on campus, try to look ahead to when your requirement classes are offered. By planning for a schedule that keeps your from going back and forth from your room to class


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