Friends | Ask me! thr33: Awesome balance to this. Love how perfectly aligned everything is. 9 months ago • Report 0 View all 5 posts brandon26x7: Whow… what a sight! Good to know my friend Existing is around and doing well. There is always work to be done by bringing illumination into the Darkness. brandon26x7: Existing… hope you are well. I have come to a new conclusion about Hermes and Healing. I would suggest that all illness is rooted in the the erroneous genetic memory with the situs being the Physical body of an Individual. This Erroneous Genetic Memory (EGM) has the Law of Karma working on it… ie dis-ease triggered in the generational Physical Body. The god Hermes arrives by a calling of the one we call the “Healer” and when Hermes arrives “He” removes the EGM and WHOW a Healing occurs in the physical body because now the dis-ease has no root or foundation and simply must leave the Physical Body because there is no longer a vibrational frequency match. So my conclusion is that the god known as Hermes is the personification of the Attribute of the Law of Karma- and “He” has the Power and Authority to remove the root of any specific dis-ease- - by removing the EGM from the physical body. So this personification that some call Hermes or Thoth has the ability to punish and/or Heal depending on what Aspect of the Law is being Invoked. It is the All Seeing Eye with all Knowledge…. that can punish the physical body or be “The Balm of Gilead” existing: Wow... this is incredibly intriguing Brandon. I love that you share these things with me. It would make sense that illness could switch your inner frequency and that it could be changed to ill suit the bug or virus. But it could also have a opposite effect in what you say. I apologize for not being around too much. But thank you for blessing me with this Brandon 🙏 |