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36 Engaged Female    2182


The Old Soul

What does it mean when someone says “you have an old soul?” I choose to think it means that my soul has travelled across the universe and the stars - across several different lifetimes - just to be right here…right now…with you.

And regardless of how long or short “right now” lasts, it’ll be my soul’s mission to find you again…in the next lifetime.

So…yes…I have an old soul that has a lot of mileage and has seen a lot of things…nothing more beautiful than you.


A song for my baby…

The Echo

Somewhere in the recesses of her soul sat the little girl that she was so long ago. And somewhere between profound darkness and blazing starlight she flickered like a fire on a distant mountain…almost too far to see. But she can see can’t she? That last bit of her spirit calling out from behind the horizon to leave a lasting echo on all she’s touched. The sound bouncing off the clouds like a song you can’t quite remember…until it fades into a forgotten memory.

But you will remember…won’t you? Her love…her heart and the sheer size of it…her beautiful spirit despite what’s been thrown at her. You’ll remember because life is made up of all the little moments that won’t let you forget. Like a practical joke played by God, you’ll remember…and in your heart is where her echo lives.

I’ll Follow You…

Favorite Chapter

I know there will be something after this…and wherever that will be we will find each other there…just like we found each other here.

Despite a million reasons we should have never crossed paths, we did. Call it destiny…God’s will or anything in between.

Life is made up of all the tiny little moments. The small amounts of time, like chapters in a storybook. And it was in one of my favorite chapters that I found you.

I love you…in this life and the next.

To my Baby

I love you just the way you are…

Green Eyes

A song for my Green Eyed love…that I’ll love forever…

Finding my Spirit

Death. Both physical and spiritual…is absolute. It takes no prisoners. It doesn’t care how much you love…how much you try…how much you fight against its inevitable conclusion. It waits…sometimes patiently…until you consume yourself from within. And sometimes…when it matters the most….it acts too swiftly, with urgency. So quick that it’s already preying on the next volunteer before you even realize they’re gone.

Death. It’s inevitable. It lurks…behind the shadows mostly…but sometimes in unexpected places it bubbles up to the surface…out in the open…like when I look in the mirror and only see what the Devil wants me to see. The dark parts of me - all that is bad about me.

And sometimes it consumes me - sometimes. But I’m strong. And I’m loved. And despite the efforts of my demons, the good parts of me are seen, even if not by me. And because of that, I claw. I scratch. I crawl. I climb. I fight. Because we are worth fighting for.

And one day…I win.

Another Song for my Baby…

Forever n always…

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