Beth Bowen (EliRose69) Offline

29 Single Female from Fargo       57
EliRose69: The following is an actual conversation between my friend and I....

Jim: How's lyf?
lizzy_luvs_brandon: Eh.
lizzy_luvs_brandon: Did you seriously just spell that "lyf"?
Jim: Ironically of course
lizzy_luvs_brandon: -.-
lizzy_luvs_brandon: It is a four-letter word, why the Hell would you try to make it shorter? Are you really that lazy?
Jim: I just typed the word ironically twice and you're calling me lazy?
lizzy_luvs_brandon: Yes, because you abbreviated an already short word. That really is quite lazy.
Jim: Well for a third time, it was used ironically wo
Jim: *so stop going on about it
lizzy_luvs_brandon: How was the use of that ironic in any way, shape, or form?
lizzy_luvs_brandon: It was not.
11 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (5)
EliRose69: Continued, his reply to how it was ironic:
Jim: In my head I said it in the voice of the sort of person that would type it like that
11 years ago ReplyReport
Mask Of Dionysus 11 years ago ReplyReport
EliRose69: I sent him the definition of the word and he goes (Masky, you'll like this)...

Jim: Ugh I'm not getting into an argument about the use of irony with an american
11 years ago ReplyReport
EliRose69: lizzy_luvs_brandon: What the Hell does that mean? The definition is the same anywhere.
lizzy_luvs_brandon: Imbecile.
Jim: Americans don't get irony, its a well documented fact
lizzy_luvs_brandon: I understand irony very well, thank you.
lizzy_luvs_brandon: My life is truly quite ironic.
Jim: Touché
lizzy_luvs_brandon: Exactly.
11 years ago ReplyReport
EliRose69: *BTW: The blank spot was a *
11 years ago ReplyReport