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10 years ago Report Link
ღNummღ: hey
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dyolnesmor: hope that all is well there with u NUMM
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dyolnesmor: I send u a friend request
10 years ago Report

A second way to achieve friendship with God is through the day thinking about HIS WORD. We call meditation. In the Bible we are repeatedly encouraged to meditate on who God is, what He has done what he will do and what HE said
Psalm 1: 2 ... Rather, it is a joy for him to do what the Lord requires of him, day and night he's working on his word.

Psalm23: 4 .. Even if I must walk through a dark valley, I'm not afraid, for you are closer to me. You guard me and goes all the way with me.

Psalm 143:5. I think of the past and what you all did. Everything you've done and made my mind to pull over.
Psalm 145:5. I want to tell your great glory and your mighty miracles.

Brothers and sisters, it is impossible to be friends with God if you do not know what he says. You can only love God if you know Him, and Him only you can know if you know his word. The Bible says that God Himself through His Word revealed to Samuel

Sam3 1: 21 ... .. The Lord appeared again and again at Shiloh, and then spoke to
• It is the same God we serve and still using the same method.
We can not spend all day Bible (Study), but we can do about it all day, we have to recall verses we have read and then ponder.

• Friends share secrets with each other, and God will share His secrets with us as we develop the habit and all day on his word to think. When you read the Bible, hear a sermon or listen to a tape, not forgetting the truth immediately other things to do. Develop a habit that truth in mind, look again and again and again to think about

• Brrothers and sisters, friendship with God is for those who show him respect. In Psalm 25: 14 we read the following: they will only secrets hidden in his promises, to know.

• But I would ask to wait until tomorrow, but today to start a continuous conversation with God and constantly thinking of HIS WORD. Through prayer you talk to God, through meditation, God speaks to us. Both prayer and meditation is crucial to a friend of God.

• Verse to remember Psalm 25:14: Friendship with God is for them that honor HIM.

May the Lord richly bless you and support you in your decision making to be in Jesus name.
10 years ago Report Link
dyolnesmor: He has reconciled us with Christ.
In 2 Corinthians 5:18 we read that we are all in Christ the gift of reconciliation.
The Lord God attaches great importance to our relationship matte Him. HE is like a close friendship with us.

Brothers and sisters, it is difficult to imagine that a close friendship can exist between an Almighty, Invisible and Perfect God and sinful man limit.
What does it mean that God wants us to be his friend?

The Lord God requires of us the most simple things. I will cite here two points.
1) By constantly talking to HIM.

We will never have a close relationship with God develop only once a week to the church, and even by quiet time each day to keep.
We build a friendship with God in all our life experiences to share with him.

In Col 3: 17 we read this: Whatever you say or do, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus and thank God the Father in His name.

Of course it is important to develop the habit of daily quiet time with God, but God wants more than a place in our agenda. The Lord God is our agenda. God wants to be involved in every activity, every conversation, every problem and even our thoughts.

Paul says in Col 3:23: ... Whatever you do, do all the work with pleasure, as working for the Lord and not for the people.

Close friendship with God does not mean that we do other things. No, brother and sisters, but we see things with a different attitude to do. What we normally do for ourselves, do we do for God, whether it be food, cooking, bathing, recreation work, name it.

We can spend the day in talks with him and talk to him about what we are currently thinking or doing. It is believed that only when you are alone with God can speak. That is a deception of Satan. We can always and anywhere in conversation with our loving God and discuss everything with him.

We now often feel that we must distance ourselves from our daily activities in order to worship God, but that's because we never taught us to be constantly aware of His presence.

Our God is a God full lobi. Worship in paradise was not something where people should come together. It was a permanent position. Adam and Eve communed with God incessantly.
Since God is always with us, there is no place closer to God than where you are at that moment.

Efe in 4:6 we read that: ... And we all have one God and Father who is above us all, who works in us all. The Lord wants to communicate with his people, for that is giving us His only begotten Son Jesus given. Instead of regular long complicated prayers do I advise you to always pray short prayers. This will mean that our thoughts wander and we can better focus on our relationship with God.

The Bible teaches us that we must pray unceasingly. How do we know? There is a way to do n.l. by breathing prayers praying Sat You are with me, You give me your grace, I am dependent on you, I want you to know, I am of you, help me to trust you, you'll never leave me, You are my God.

Brothers and sisters we praise God not to feel good, but to do good. We are not trying to feel good, but a constant awareness of the reality that God is always present. This is a lifestyle of worship, leading to a close friendship with God.
10 years ago Report Link
dyolnesmor: Brothers and sisters we were created to live constantly in God's presence, but after the Fall that ideal relationship is lost. Yet we read in the 0.T. that a few people had a privilege to be friends with God.

Moses and Abraham were a "friend" of God, and JOB, Enoch and Noah had an intimate friendship with God. That we read in Exodus 33:11,17: 2 Chronicles 20:7: Isaiah 41:8: Jac 2:23: Han 13:22.

In O.T. we read that the man had no fear of God, therefore, had no friendship with God. Brothers and sisters and that brought separation between man and God. It hurt a lot of pain God may see that his loved ones lost (go) into the world of sin.

But our loving God has a solution for everything, so for his loved ones. The solution is in His Son Jesus Christ.

John 3: 16 ... ... ... For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life (The Book)

Rom 5:10 ... ... ... .. we used to be enemies of God. But because God's Son gave His life voorons, that enmity turns to friendship. And because Jesus lives, we are always safe.

In O.T. the priests had to spend hours preparing for an encounter with God. And if they were not at the point they were dead inside. Now may the Lord God, we approach every time, because the task was accomplished by the Lord Jesus here on earth. (Lev16 :1-2)

The Lord Jesus brought change this situation. When he came to the cross for our sins was paid was the final curtain of the temple torn in half. This indicated that direct access to God again possible through His Son Jesus Christ.

Rom 5:11 ... ... ... ... But it does not stop there! We are very happy about this new situation with God. And especially through our Lord Jesus Christ, for He has made the weather is between God and us.

The Lord Jesus said in John 15: 15 ... ... I no longer call you slaves, because a gentleman does not confide in his slaves. But I call you friends because I've told you everything I heard from my Father.

The word FRIENDS is not a superficial knowledge meant, but a close relationship of trust.

Brothers and sisters, do we now use the privileged position that we Christians find in the body of Christ? The privileged position to develop communion with God, to grow closer to Him, a real close friendship with God to close ???????? Friendship with God is only possible through His Son Jesus Christ. This is the grace of God! All of this is the work of God.
10 years ago Report Link

The Lord God is our best friend and continue for ever. God is not God, that He should lie nor son of man, that he should repent, He would say, and not do, or speak, and not make it? (Numbers 23: 19) Our relationship with God has various aspects such as: God is our Creator and Maker, our Lord and Master, our judge, our Father.
10 years ago Report Link
dyolnesmor: The Power of Confession.
The Lord desires to forgive us our sins and to cleanse our conscience. He desires also to that moment and that moment is now that we are fully given ourself to Him.
Psalm 86:5 ... For thou, O Lord, art good and ready to forgive, and abundant in mercy to all who call upon you.
• In His forgiveness, God is merciful, generous and royal.
• Forgiveness brings harmony between God and man.
• Way too many Christians live lives full of secret sin. A life with hidden agen-das, tolerate sin and lead a double life.
• This weakens the family, church, community and makes her sick and powerless.
Brothers and sisters, if we want to have a healthy family, healthy church, work relationship, community, then NOW is the time we confess our sins, so that we may receive healing in Jesus name.
Jac.5:16 ... Confess your sins and pray for one another, that ye may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man avails much, because strength is given.
Brothers and sisters, our secret sins hinder a righteous life, so we lose our healing in Christ and our prayer to lose power.
• The extent to which we confess our sins and omissions, is the degree to which we will experience freedom in Christ.
• Each time, God's supernatural power puts free, if we confess our sins Him and each other.
• Brothers and sisters, if there is forgiveness, there will be healing.
Brothers and sisters, the Lord Jesus says in Joh.8 :31-32 ... Jesus said to those Jews which believed on him: If you follow what I say, you are truly my disciple ... verse 32 ... Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
Brothers and sisters, the time is now that we are actually going to deal with the hidden sins, so we have a clean heart and a life free from hidden sins that can lead us, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.
The confession and failure of sin leads to healing in Jesus name.

10 years ago Report Link
dyolnesmor: 2 Sam.16:22 ... They then filed a tent for Absalom on the roof, and Absalom went to his father's concubines in the sight of all Israel.
• Several sons rebelled against the father with three taking a violent death were namely Amnon, Absalom and Adonijah. (2 Sam.13:29-2; Sam.18:14-2; Sam.24-25)
• If David had known in advance what misery sin would cause in his family, he would certainly not ignored his conscience and the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Brothers and sisters, God wants our secret sins comes into light. David did that, so he is in Acts 13:22 ... A man after God's heart said.
Brothers and sisters, we must have no regret for our sins, but repentance.
Paul says in 2 Kor.7:10 ... For godly sorrow brings repentance to God for salvation, but the sorrow of the world worketh death.
• Regret and remorse are opposites.
• Regret is the sadness of the world and is focused on ourselves.
• We may regret that we have been so stupid to have committed a mistake, so we are faced with the negative consequences of our sins.
• And now we face the pieces.
Repentance is sorrow to God's will and is not focused on ourselves but on another.
• When repentance, the divine realization is penetrated to us what we have done to God and man.
• In the spirit the prodigal son spoke to his father: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you, I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
Brothers and sisters, now it is time that we actually going to confess our sins from a repentant heart.
10 years ago Report Link
dyolnesmor: 6 ) He who does not comes out for his sins, is weighed down by remorse.
* In Psalm 51:3 it is clear that David was suffering remorse: I confess: I have mis-behaved, my sins complain me constantly.
* David had suffered from a guilty conscience and contaminated his inner being severely felt. Without that he wanted, David sees again in his thought how he se-duced Bathsheba and committed adultery with her.
* How he sent her husband and his bodyguard's into death. Psalm 51:3 ... Again and again my thoughts go back to the act, which I deviated from your path.
Hebrews 10:2 ... After all, otherwise it would not have stopped offering them be-cause those providing the service, after once cleaned, no sense of sin (literally sin-ful conscience) anymore.
Hebrews 9:13-14 says ...: For if (already) the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling (of a young cow) they (people), the unclean, sanctifies them to the meat cleaned. Verse 14 ... How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.
Brothers and sisters, His blood will purify our consciences, so we do not live a life that anticipate death, but a life of serving a living God…
7 ) He who does not comes out for his sins, is prone to depression.
* In Psalm 32:3-5 ... For as long as I kept silent, my bones wasted away under my whining all day;
verse 4 ... because day and night Your hand pressed heavily upon me, my marrow and dried in summer heat,
verse 5 ... my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not, I said, I will confess my transgressions to the Lord and you forgave (cease) the iniquity of my sin.
David describes here how he has suffered from the silence of his sin. David knew from personal experience to report that our souls and our bodies have seriously suffered from the curse of our silence.
• The pressure he felt in his soul, had also affected his body.
• If the soul is in silence, the body will speak.
• Living with secrets will wear man out, both mentally and physically.
8 ) He who does not comes out for his sins, falls into other sins.
• An unconfessed sin brings forth many other sins.
• David's adultery did not find accidentally place. There were many steps be-fore his adultery.
• First, he could turn his head when his eye was tempted to sin. He did not. He watched and surrendered to the lust and concupiscence.
• He ignored his conscience and the voice of the Holy Spirit.
• He took steps to Bathsheba in secret to get through with her and seduced her into bed.
• Step by step he got entangled in the power of sin.
• All sin begins with an enticing thought.
9 ) He who does not comes out for his sins, undermines his relationships.
• An unconfessed sin destroys more than we'd like.
• It undermines our relationship with God and damages the relationship we have with the people around us.
• The Lord God hates sin. He says in Psalm 45:8 ... Thou hast loved righteousness and hate wickedness;
• Brothers and sisters, who walks around with hidden sins, his heart will never fully open for others, for fear that his secret will be discovered. Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets.
10 ) He who does not comes out for his sins, saddled the next generation(s) on with the consequences of his sins.
• David's sin would fester in the lives of his children.
• David's children would rebel against him and murder was a constant threat to his family.
• One (1) of his children slept openly with his wives.
10 years ago Report Link
dyolnesmor: The Hidden Sins and Its Results
Brothers and sisters, people with hidden sins (secrets) :
• Are physically and emotionally burdened by the weight of their secret sins. The conse-quences of their sins pressure them so heavy that it is almost impossible for them to func-tion.
• Their silence makes them sad (so sad that they can’t do nothing more) and depressed.
• Silence from our sins gives us anything except for blessing. The opposite of blessing is the curse ... (Deut.28:1-14 ... BLESSING ... Deut.28: 15 ... Curse)
• Deut.28:1-2 ... If ye diligently heed the voice of the Lord thy God, and His commandments which I command thee this day, diligently maintained, then the Lord will raise you above all nations of the earth.
• Verse 2 ... all these blessings shall come upon you and your part, if you listen to the voice of the Lord thy God.
• Deuteronomy 28:15 ... But if you do not lis-ten to the voice of the Lord thy God, and not all His commandments and statutes which I command thee this day, diligently main-tained, then the following curses all come upon you and strike you. Read the following verses.
• He that the Lord is against him and against him who shall have his or her blessing and has chosen to reject the curses.
• Hiding and concealing sins before God and man will eventually come to dominate our lives.
Brothers and sisters, thank God that the grace of the Lord God is limitless, one day He will bring the hidden sins into the light. This is the grace of God.
David says in Psalm 51:8 ... But ... You want truth fills me, you teach me wisdom, deep in my heart.
• Brothers and sisters, God wants the truth out of obscurity.
• Why? Because He does not want us to suffer more and suffer under the hidden sins of our lives.
• Because the consequences of living with se-crets are destructive.
• For the wages of sin is death.
Brothers and sisters, I want to talk about the 10 consequences of living in sin. Let us together expose the works of darkness in Jesus name.
1 ) He who does not comes out for his sins, will live in the power of the lie.
At the heart of every sin you will find a lie. Adam and Eve sinned not by violating 1 of the 10 commandments, but to believe the lie of the serpent.
• Therefore the Lord Jesus says in John 8:32 ... And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
• If we bring our secrets (hidden sins) into the light of our lives, the devil will be unmasked, disarmed and defeated.
2 ) He who does not comes out for his sins, has no fortune.
• Whoever wants to stay living in their secrets, will miss the blessing of God that He wants to give so much.
• Efe.1:3-4 ... Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ blessed.
• Verse 4 ... He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before him.
• Brothers and sisters, we need to confess and forsake our sins, only to be to prosper.
• The Bible says in Proverbs 28:13 ... Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy.
• Isaiah says that a secret sin causing inevita-ble separation between God and man.
• If our sins stay hidden, it will hinder our prayers. God knows we are praying, but can not hear our prayers, because it will not be good for us.
• He does not want us to keep walking with our burden of sin.
• He waits until we walk with our head against the wall of sin starting from sin to repent, so that we will repent (turn away) from sin and to confess them to leave in Jesus name.
• Only then can His love and grace poured upon us and there will be a breakthrough in our life.
3 ) He who does not comes out for his sins, lives in constant fear.
* David tried to keep his sin secret. If the na-tion was aware, it would be the end of his reign and the end of his life meaning.
* He always suffered from the daily threat that his secret would be known.
* Several servants had to have been aware of the transgression of their king.
* He lived in constant fear that his sin would come into the light.
* Like many of us today, David's anxiety appears to be greater for men than for God.
Brothers and sisters, the Bible says in Proverbs 29:25 ... Fear of people is a trap, but he trusted God, is unassailable.
• Fear puts us in silence so that we remain caught in the lie and the indictment of the evil. He who is a prisoner of lies will be a prisoner from the liar of all time and his name is Satan. (John 8:44)
• Fear is a bad advisor and draws us out, physically and mentally, until we become ill.
4 ) He who does not comes out for his sins, is still confronted with the feelings of guilt.
• None of us can say he or she has not sinned.
• Romans 3:23 ... We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God.
• 1 John 1:8 ... If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
• But he who Christ puts free is truly free, brothers and sisters.
• But be alert for:
• In Revelation 12:10-11 ... The Bible tells us that the evil is suing us 1x24 hours before the throne of God.
• He projects invariably guilt on our soul (our thoughts and our feelings).
• Satan will ask you: Have you stumbled again? You have asked God already for forgiveness. He sees you coming back, hypocritical hypocrite.
• You have knowingly failed. You're awfully wrong.
• Do not think you have the right to go to God asking for forgiveness.
• But let's see that you really have dealt with sin.
• Brothers and sisters, in this way the devil tries to stop us for confessing our sins to God and to come in terms to Him.
• Satan is the greatest liar of all time because Revelation 12:11 tells us this :::: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives, until death.
• We can only be a witness if we are free of hidden sins, brothers and sisters.
5 ) He who does not comes out for his sins, is living under the yoke of shame.
• Brothers and sisters, shame is a painful emotion caused by a healthy con-sciousness of guilt. In this case, just called shame.
• The Bible says in Romans 6:20-21 ... When your master sin, had no effect on the equity you And what was the result? That you did things where you are now ashamed of, things that end in death
• Legally guilt and shame will work redemptive if we make the first step: The step of repentance (to confess and forsake your sins and live your life completely to the will of God).
• Feelings of shame obstruct the view of God's throne of grace.
• The devil knows this: he overwhelms us with feelings of shame to make sure that the curse of silence is not broken.
Brothers and sisters, in many cases shame is the last link that we are tied to the lies of the devil.
• Feelings of shame have held David back to bring his sin into the light.
• What will people not think of a King. (Pride)
• Feelings of shame will affects our identity.
• We do our otherwise, than we are.
• It imposes a not inconsiderable pressure on us and has a crippling effect on our functioning.
• Brothers and sisters, now is the time to break with the yoke of shame, so that nothing and nobody can hinder to uncover the sins in order to expe-rience your liberation.
• Only faith in the liberating love of God and His promises, will make us free from any crippling shame.
10 years ago Report Link
dyolnesmor got the Birthday badge 10 years ago Report
goldenspirit48: Have a very Happy Birthday dyol.
10 years ago Report
Imee23: Belated happy birthday
10 years ago Report
dyolnesmor in reply to goldenspirit48: Ty Golden
10 years ago Report