Friends | Tony jaa 143: Hi Uncle, I would like to be in touch with you.. Hope you didn't forget me yet. is my email Id. Expecting a message from you via Hangouts. You are one of the best adviser I have ever seen. 8 years ago • Report • Link 0 View all 10 posts duhluck: thank you only a man.. Indeed she is! She is now in minneapolis with her grandma and I, visting her great grand parents. duhluck: Allahumma ij3al neeranahum bardan wa sallaaman 3ala ahli ghazza.Wa arina 3ajaaeba qudratika 3ala qatalatil a6faal, wann nisaa, wash shuyookh duhluck: Quran 21:83....AND remember Job, when he cried out to his Sustainer, " Affliction has befallen me: but Thou art the most mercifull of the merciful " 21:84...Whereupon We responded unto him and removed all the affliction from which he suffered; and We gave him new offspring, doubling their number as an act of gracefrom Us, and as a reminder unto all who worship Us. Mishle 4:20-22 -Beni (my son), attend to my words, incline thine ozen unto my sayings. -Let them not depart from thine eyes; be shomer over them within thine lev. -For they are chayyim unto those that find them, and health to all their basar. I hope you find comfort and solace in the scripture I quoted above from The Holy Quran, chapter of Prophets, and The Jewish Scripture: The Book of Proverbs. duhluck: Brother erdogan. I love you for the sake of Allah,whether your party win or lose are the man of principle,and far sight.May Allah be pleased with you macktown928: oh I just wanted to give you info on why we call it THE BIBLE, It is derived for the LATIN biblia,which came from the GREEK biblos , meaning "book." THE GREEK word biblos in turn is derived from byblos, meaning "papyrus," the name of the material upon which ancient books were written. THE GREEKS called this writing material byblos because they obtained it from the Phoenician port of Byblos. THE BIBLE has 66 books and was written by 35 or 40 men over a period of some 1,500 years. The books are called the "WORD OF GOD," or "SCRIPTURES" "SCRIPTURES" means "WRITINGS." duhluck: inne lillahi ma akhath...wa lahu ma a3ta....wakullu shay,en 3indahu be ajalin musammah......faltasbir wal tah,tasib duhluck: black seeds seeds seedsroasted, ground,and mixed with honey and garlic paste...anything with black seeds |