dr_mohamed_mahmoud: Jesus Christ in The Bible & Trinity

The idea of Trinity was started by Paul but it was
given a final shape by Athanesius in about 325C.E.
Trinity is not mentioned in Bible. The Catholic
Encyclopedia says "The Trinity is the term
employed to signify the central doctrine of
Christian religion ... in the unity of Godhead
there are three persons, the Father, the Son, and
the Holy Spirit, these three Persons being truly
distinct one from another. Thus in the words of
Athanasian Creed; the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are
not three but one God.”
This doctrine was not clearly grasped even by
Athanasius. He says at another place that
whenever he forced his understanding to mediate
on the divinity of Jesus his toilsome and
unavailing efforts recoil on themselves, that the
more he wrote the less capable was he of
expressing his thoughts. This confusion is
explained away as "Mystery", yet the Bible says
"God is not the author of confusion"

“True ‘Gospel of Jesus’ by his disciple and apostle
Barnabas; Christ was a new prophet sent by God to
the world. “According to the, apostle of Jesus the
Nazarene, called Christ, to all them that dwell
upon the earth desireth peace and consolation.
Dearly beloved the great and wonderful God hath
during these past days visited us by his prophet
Jesus Christ in great mercy of teaching and
miracles, by reason whereof many, being deceived
of Satan, under presence of piety, are preaching
most impious doctrine, calling Jesus son of God,
repudiating the circumcision ordained of God for
ever, and permitting every unclean meat: among
whom also Paul hath been deceived, whereof I
speak not without grief; for which cause I am
writing that truth which I have seen and heard, in
the intercourse that I have had with Jesus, in
order that ye may be saved, and not be deceived of
Satan and perish in the judgment of God.

Therefore beware of every one that preacheth unto
you new doctrine contrary to that which I write,
that ye may be saved eternally. The great God bewith you and guard you from Satan and from every
evil. Amen”.(Barnabas: Opening).
"Jesus, having received this vision, and knowing
that he was a prophet sent to the house of Israel,
revealed to Mary his mother, telling her that he
needs must suffer great persecution for the honor
of God, and that he couldn't any longer abide with
her to serve her." (Barnabas:10)
"And when he had said this, the crowed drew high,
and when they knew him they began to cry out: '
Welcome to thee, O our God!' and they began to do
him reverence, as unto God. Whereupon Jesus
gave a great groan and said: ' Get ye from before
me, O mad men, for I fear lest the earth should
open and devour me with you for your abominable
words!' Whereupon the people were filled with
terror and began to weep."(Barnabas:92)
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