Friends | I enjoy chat ,I been a chatter since March 2000 ,and joined wireclub in Dec 2012. Back in the day I had penpals you had to wait for ever to hear from friends.then chat became intant. Im me plaine and simple lots of faults no where perfect have a heart of Gold untill you cross me wrong .Have made many friends over the years I believe the sad part of chat is theres no way to meet every one you become friends with . You never know where the road of life will take you paths cross and paths end . Same with friendships .The most important thing you can have in any friend ship is trust . Honestly , and caring for the friend .not enough time to chat with everyone that sends a chat you have to pick your friends thats best for you . lovelyladylori: Hi i just missed you 2 days ago • Report • Link 0 Dazzlingsweet: Keith made a delicious sugar cream pie for my birthday wish you could taste it ... Famous for the depression era in Indiana maybe he'll post you all the recipe..they are good touch cinnamon added ...was yummy .. Dazzlingsweet: Woke at 4am sinuses were going haywire took some prescription antihistamine meds and they had me sleeping pass my normal wake up time .The good news is my nose is clear and the headache gone but I'm as loopy as a dang loom hope the med wear off soon I could go back to bed and sleep another 6 hours but that's not a option. Cause car pool be here at 3:15 pm . I hope I'm not coming down with another cold ..I feel chilly and no energy today. After 8 hours I hope this loopy feeling gone .. View all 8 posts Dazzlingsweet: Went to Dr appointment yesterday got me meds I'm on the mend .tested negative for flu she said that was what they were seeing the most of . Dazzlingsweet: Today be a difficult day,They are taking our cousin off life support .he had open heart surgery on Dec 31,2024 , They repaired his heart and it doing fine .long term smoker his lungs gave up .They couldn't`t wean him off the vent due to blood gases not working between his lungs and his heart .His Family is doing the honor walk this morning. May his eyes see Thur a blind person what a wonderful gift . Last time I saw Tim I gave him a painting to remember me by me being older I knew he out live me. He came by that day to get fish from my brother . Not the out come we wanted but we will see him again . Dazzlingsweet: Time brings many friends in to our life's some for a reason some for a season ,,I'm Thankful for my many friends in real life and on line ..most on line I never get the opportunity to actually meet in the real world but that doesn't make them less a friend . One day we shall meet in the next life .. And I be like didn't I know you from wire ...even tho heaven be a big place we will know our friends and see them again ... Dazzlingsweet: I am so tired tonight my bones are talking..catch up was long and busy ..cooked supper cleaned kitchen and did 2 loads of laundry after a trip to wally world ..came home and fed the farm and gathered 9 frozen eggs ,,helped with home work ..and cleaned up after the new puppy this mawmaw is going to bed before 9 pm see y'all tomorrow .. Dazzlingsweet: Letting all know we are ok No internet at home or here at sons Keith called from a neighbor s. Power back on there at home . None here at sons They had 87.000 customers without power last night due to the storm that moved through Mississippi yesterday Dazzlingsweet: We are back up and running here at sons .. at home the lights are back on but no Internet I have called the Internet company several times they have a outage once it's repaired I'm hoping keith have internet . Dazzlingsweet: Bad weather day for us Thunderstorms...., we probably lose power at some point today . Dazzlingsweet: Good morning ,,,,friends and chatters...going to be out and about this morning I try catch y'all when I'm back at home and settled in ,, Dazzlingsweet: Been sick several days coughed all night,terrible sore throat ..Son and daughter in law insisted I go to a fast pace clinic this morning ..The NP said I tested positive for covid ..that covid now is just a really bad cold and it have to run its course she called in meds for my symptoms ...I called the daughter in law and let the NP tell her .the test results. Now to just get over this sore throat...we came straight home wasn't waiting on Walmart pharmacy slow as they are...I think I hit the whiskey and knock out this cough ....let the fun begin.....I hate being sick View all 11 posts Dazzlingsweet: Thanks everybody I'm some better still having a sore throat,and cough.which is probably from the drainage..... |