Friends | walmsley09: Would you _______ (with) me? 1)Play Fight, 2)Watch a Movie 3)Have Sex 4)Chill Out 5)marry 6)Hug 7)Makeout 8)Nothing 9)kiss 10)cuddle 11)stare at 12)tease 13)date 14)talk 15)love 16)be friends 17)crush on 18)Hate 19)be creative 20)play game 21)other.. (explain what) (Post deleted by dawruang ) cassia0_0: " is 12th letter of alphabets "O" is15th "V" is 22nd "E" is 5th Total of "LOVE" is 54 But similarly "F" is 6th "R" is 18th "I" is 9th "E" is 5th "N" is 14th "D" is 4th "S" is 19th "H" is 8th "I" is 9th "P" is 16th Total of "FRIENDSHIP" is 108 Exactly twice of 54 So, the FRIENDSHIP is twice the value of LOVE. . Send this to all of your friends, and me if I am one. If you get 7 back you are LOVED!!! Here are the numbers of what kind of friend you are based on how many you get back.. 1-3 ~ you're a bad friend 4-6 ~ you're an okay friend 7-9 ~ you're a good friend 10+ ~ you're great friend samirkn9: hi i m be defrent because i m indian but u may make me a friend i like another type people chandu: Smile : -it brings a difference Cry : -never hold those emotions in ur heart Kiss : -it’s d most womderful way 2 express ur love in the world Laugh : -what’s d point hiding happiness..? Apologize : -u don’t want 2 loose some1 special Hug : -there’s no better feeling than being wrapped up warmly by some1 u love.. Live : -bcoz life brings it all …… so live it completely and b chandu: Definition of nothing Time doesn’t wait for u or me, Days pass & year change, U miss ur loved 1s, U move away 4m ur close 1s, Ur life changes, People change but ur has those precious moments engraved in it Whether u want it or not They r always dere, making u happy at sad times Sad at happy times U thinks about those “happy days” And then smile & when somebody asks d reason for ur smile U just say ….. Nothing ………… |