Crash Offline

43 Happily married Male from St. Louis       344
Crash: My thoughts on people saying "I'll pray for you" are this:

"Your prayer isn't for me. It's for you. It's a failsafe born out of cognitive dissonance. Without your prayers you have to make sense of why my life still going just like it was going before I identified as an atheist. By praying behind my back you can assure yourself that whatever good happens in my life, or whatever shit I crawl out of myself, your god can still get the credit. And so I forbid you to pray for me. My good life without god will not be used as a mental pacifier for your inability to accept a world where people can be good, and do good without god."
5 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (44)
Srchng4Truth: You can't forbid people for praying for you.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Srchng4Truth: I want the best for however that may occur.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Crash: I can actually....the question then becomes ....will they respect my personal wishes....or be asshole hypocrites and do it anyways? HMMMmmmm.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Srchng4Truth: I want the best for you regardless of your wishes.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Srchng4Truth: My nephews would like to only eat junk food, but I don't let them do that because I wish the best for them.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Crash: so you really DON'T want the best for me then ....because you NOT praying for me IS the BEST for me!! Simply because you think/ believe/ say it is NOT means NOTHING.....they are my wishes for my personal self and I say what's best....NOT you!! Get it? LOL Apparently you don't .....or don't care.....which either makes you ignorant or a hypocritical asshole. Take your pick.
5 years ago ReplyReport
(Post deleted by Crash 5 years ago)
Zanjan: I never pray for atheists - they don't deserve it, since they've chosen to abandon God.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Zanjan: By the way, that isn't a form of contempt or punishment - it's because atheists can't receive God's love. It's like asking oil to absorb water.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Zanjan: You seem to be afraid of prayer; otherwise, you wouldn't tell people not to pray.
5 years ago ReplyReport
If the stars fell
If the stars fell: obvious contempt and hostility ^
5 years ago ReplyReport
Whay are your posts so profound, yet you act like an idiot towards Z?
5 years ago ReplyReport
lisbail: Crash???????? You can't tell people what they can and cannot do! You're not God nor are you their Father LOL You are silly as much as you are smart LOL My thought on prayer is that it works For those who believe.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Crash: I see Zan is posting her subjective , unverified garbage once again. are clearly ignorant of the MULTIPLE blind studies that have been done on intercessory prayer. Numerous ones done by religious organizations including the Templeton Foundation. Prayer "works" at about the rate of CHANCE.

Simply because you pray for something ....and "something" seems to happen that is somehow in line with your prayer....does not in ANY WAY mean your prayer had ANYTHING to do with that "something" happening.

This is simple logical analysis hon.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Srchng4Truth in reply to Crash: Prayer doesn't work that way Crash. God is in charge. If someone prays for something that is not in God's interests God doesn't grant it. E.g. If someone prayed that another person were to be struck down by lightning obviously that prayer would be VERY unlikely to happen. A lot of people don'r recognized that God is the boss, much like a parent, and just because you ask for something doesn't mean you are going to get it. That is not because God doesn't love You. It is BECAUSE God loves You and gives You the best even if you ask for something else
When I pray, it has effects, just not always specific ones. I rarely pray for specific things because I realize that I don't know what is best for myself or anyone else. Most of the time I pray for God's Will to be done, and for God to guide me to help His Will be done. Sometimes I ask for direction, sometimes for strength. While my prayers may not result in exactly what I ask for, depending on my prayer, I DEFINITELY see the results of them. For me God is not in a book, He is in my life an all around Me. I was lost without Him and am sure I would be lost without Him again were I ever to turn from Him.
Sometimes I do forget about God and my life tends to get more banal until I run across something that reminds me of Him, or see someone in need or suffering, or I, myself, feel in need and am suffering.
I am grateful for you Crash because among other things recently You remind Me of God and for that I am SO thankful. God Bless You Always!!!
5 years ago ReplyReport
Crash: All subjective nonsense. "Prayer doesn't work that way" According to whom? To what? Your subjective interpretation of what Prayer is supposed to be? LOL Ridiculous. Also I love your assertion ...well it's "gods will about prayers" ...well if that's the case why even pray for anything at all ? If "god" has "a plan" then prayer is meaningless. Your comment was structured in such a way as to give yourself an "out" for when your prayers don't work. As they usually NEVER do. This is very simple logic.....but you are so blinded by your unverified beliefs to see it or accept it.
5 years ago ReplyReport
(Post deleted by Crash 5 years ago)
Crash: Furthermore Truth.......and I have addressed this before.....if you are "lost" without an unverifiable, invisible , undetectable, entity ....I really feel sorry for you. If you NEED that to give your life meaning.....well , that's simply a very depressing way to look at life, and I pity you.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Srchng4Truth: You have a great point about why pray at all. What I found is that praying brings about big results. Praying has increased the amount of miracles, and God's presence in my life. Incredible things happen when I pray. It seems to increase my growth and awareness and connection to God as well as others. I have found that God is not unverifiable or undetectable obviously. I see Him all the time.
If you are happy without God, Crash then I am happy for you. I am happy when you are happy. I like you. You have taught me a lot and are an interesting person. I care for you. You don't have to accept what I am saying. If things are working out great for you, continue. I am just stating my truth. What you choose to do with it is your choice.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Crash: Srchng:

"What I found is that praying brings about big results. Praying has increased the amount of miracles, and God's presence in my life. Incredible things happen when I pray. It seems to increase my growth and awareness and connection to God as well as others. I have found that God is not unverifiable or undetectable obviously. I see Him all the time."

Please provide demonstrable evidence that is was BECAUSE you prayed that those things "happened."

Please provide demonstrable evidence of "Miracles."

Please demonstrate ANY "god" exists. As you said you "see god all the time"

Until you do.....your claims are meaningless and I don't believe you.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Crash: Oh and BTW ....we don't get personal truths.....something is either true or it isn't. Fact.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Srchng4Truth: God Bless You Always!!!
5 years ago ReplyReport
Crash: See....and that is exactly my make all these grand assertions...and claims....but when presented with a logical , factual challenge to your claims you have NO argument or defense for them. You simply fail to answer....because you KNOW you have no defense for them.

It's sad really.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Srchng4Truth: You don't need me if you want proof of God, and in fact I am not sure you would accept it from me. If you really want proof of God, go to God and ask Him or Her for it. As for the proof I see, one thing is called synchronicities. Synchronicities are things that non-believers call coincidences though coincidences may in fact occur. But I have seen things that are just too coincidental to be coincidental. The odds just are too small, maybe on the scale of one in a hundred billion chance of being pure coincidence, and they happen over and over. At some point you, have to accept what seems to be the clear truth. Science accepts support of a hypothesis at 5%. These things are nowhere near that ballpark. They are like laws of nature just I haven't fully come to understand them yet.
Did something happen to you? Why are you angry at Christianity? Did you perhaps lose someone? What turned you against it? I am sorry for your pain. I hate to see anyone suffer. I feel it deep within you. Buried, denied, hidden. These things can only be fixed by bringing them to the light, but there is no rush put on you from me. Do it at your pace. Though God and you might be the two best to know what that pace is.
Whatever path you choose I will do my best to support you. I like you. You are a good guy even if you might not think so. I love you Crash always
5 years ago ReplyReport
Crash: There are literally THOUSANDS of things we can't explain.....YET....and NONE of that means there is any "god." Your assertions are simply a God of the Gaps fallacy......"I don't know so it must be god." That's NONSENSE!! Plain and simple.

Furthermore , why to Christians always think "something happened" to Atheists or people that don't believe like them? Why do you NEED something to "have happened" to us in order for us to not believe like you? LOL That's childish nonsense.

The reason I don't believe is simple...and I have told you this MANY times.....there is absolutely NO demonstrable evidence for any "god!" NONE!! No "god" has EVER been demonstrated to exist .....EVER!!

Furthermore , The bible is an UNVERIFIED document....a VIOLENT compendium of claims....Nothing more. Hence....I don't believe it for lack of verifiable evidence of truth.

Seriously man......the things you say make no sense...and are borderline dishonest.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Zanjan: God has demonstrated to ME that He exists - one doesn't rely on something that fails and gives no feedback. The condition for operation is to follow instructions - like putting gas in the car; if you don't, will complaining that nothing happens turn over the engine? To think you can get results without making an effort is just hubris. What we call evidence and proof, you reject to mask your lack of due diligence. So why don't you just come clean? You know full well that taking a position because others have doesn't make you look smart.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Zanjan: A smart man can connect with God without any sacred books; once he connects, God will teach him about His ways through His own means. That smart man will soon become humble enough to let God guide him to an elevated conversation with one of His Manifestations. No doors are closed to a true seeker.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Crash: As usual said ALL that to say ABSOLUTELY nothing. LOL more of your word salad garbage. How embarrassing.
5 years ago ReplyReport
wheelgirl: But can't we pray for those we care about?
5 years ago ReplyReport
SashaSmiles: Just don't tell him, if it is him you are praying for. What he doesn't know (about you praying) won't hurt him and if you are right, it will still help him.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Srchng4Truth: What Zan said is true in my experience as well. I am not believing in something I have no proof for. There are some who believe in God out of blind faith, but I am not one of those people. Praying and "talking" to God has MASSIVE effects on my life and on those around me. It changes everything. I am sorry you can't see Crash. Maybe it is not your time.
Also I don't believe all atheists have necessarily have had something happen to them. I just sense an anger from you.
Why do you drink alcohol Crash?
What have I ever said to you that was 'borderline dishonest'?
5 years ago ReplyReport
Crash: Why does anyone drink alcohol? LOL that's a really stupid question...for which there could be a myriad of answers. Probably most common is they ENJOY it. LOL ...c'mon dude get serious. Stop trying to justify your nonsense by making it about me rather than providing evidence for your claims of truth.

Again, just because you pray, then "massive things happen in your life" ...DOES NOT IN ANY WAY MEAN YOUR "PRAYER" HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT OR THAT A GOD EXISTS!!!!

What about that is so hard to grasp?

Your dishonestly lies in not answering my questions....simply deflecting or trying to make it about me. That's a dishonest tactic to attempt to distract from the fact that you have absolutely NO defense to my challenges and NO support for your claims.

All you have is vapid , empty assertions.....nothing more.

And I'm not angry....I'm annoyed that you keep pulling the same bullshit over and over. Also dishonest.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Zhya in reply to Crash:
While it has been a beverage throughout the centuries, it’s not a necessary one anymore.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Crash: A lot of things aren't necessary .....yet we still partake in them.....*cough* Religion *cough*
5 years ago ReplyReport
Srchng4Truth: When I pray and the more I pray, the more I bring God into my life, the more I see things happen that are not easily explainable without there being an entity able to change me and things in my life. The effects of my prayer approach the effects of any other thing I believe in. Take gravity for example. When I throw something up, I see it fall down unless something catches it and holds it up. Take the sun. The sun comes up every day and sets every night where I live. Just like these other things, I see a clear effect of me praying. I guess the difference would be that I don't fully understand how God works or how exactly my praying works. I just know that it does. I get a consistent and proportional result every time I pray or God is brought into my life or I bring God into my life. How would you explain that?
Some of the things you say bother me. They seem kind of condescending and attacking to me. For example: "What about that is so hard to grasp?", "All you have is vapid, empty assertions", and "You keep pulling the same bullshit over and over". I would like it if we could discuss this without you attacking me(at least that is what it seems like you are doing). Could we stick to the issues without attacking each other personally? I would appreciate that.
You seem to drink a lot. Would you say you are an alcoholic? Would you say your drinking is problematic?
5 years ago ReplyReport
Srchng4Truth: After my above response, I was changed. I guess talking about God or something in what happened here changed myself and also sort of lead to another related post. It was like what I asked from you, I saw in two others dialogue. They showed me what I was trying to put my finger on with you. It was illuminating. I don't believe it was coincidence that right after I was struggling with something here with you and was talking lovingly and authentically about God, that the next thing I would see would be two people interacting in a holy manner, seeing the divine in each other, so different from how you are interacting with me. I wonder if we could talk like that? I would like that.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Srchng4Truth: It's partly that connection in things that happens when God is in my life, that makes me believe in God. When God is in my life, things seem to be more connected, more loving, more miraculous. Weird that I can already see/feel your response.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Srchng4Truth: I think we are all connected. It is clear to me that something is going on other than what the standard atheist who I am defining as sort of saying that there is very little going on beyond what the standard non spiritual human believes. It doesn't have to be God, but I just don't know a better word for it.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Jare: Didn't read the comments here. Just commenting toward Crash's original post, so please leave me alone if anyone reading this gets offended. I am not looking to debate anything, just talking to Crash here.

Earlier this year when my dog died, knowing I am an atheist, a friend of mine said to me, "I know you don't want it but I am going to pray for your dog anyway." Which forced me into being nice to accomodate their own beliefs in a time where I was only worried about my dog. So I tried to be nice as I didn't want to deal with someone being pissy at me and I said, "Thank you very much for your prayers, I appreciate it. I'm focused on my dog right now and not even thinking about religious stuff. Can we please not go into that right now?" As they had tried to tell me previously I should believe and had pushed agendas on me before.

They exploded on me in a fiery rain of telling me I am disrespectful, said they "knew" this would happen before saying anything, etc. When I thanked them. I was polite and thanked them. Before they had said anything, they had either conscioisly or sunconsciously planned to be controntational toward a scared and grieving man. They are no longer my friend due to this happening.

And this, in a nutshell, is why I don't want people to pray for me. I never asked for my own personal dilemmas to be part of someone else's dogmas and righteous causes. And aside from an occasional thread like this or a deep conversation when someone asks me what I believe, I almost never talk about belief. I don't seek out theists to smash on what they believe, yet they are always compelled to shove their own beliefs at me when they learn I am an atheist, and choose to do so in the worst times like when I am in grief. Attempting to use my state of weakness to lure me over into their doctrine.

I can repeat again; I have never asked for my own personal dilemmas to be part of someone else's righteous causes. People should respect that. But they don't because the idea of a potential convert is too tempting to ignore.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Zanjan: Drinking is problematic in that it kills many brain cells each time; it deadens the mind and soul - how strange one would think that, in this condition, it's possible to have intellectual alertness! Truth: one drinks because they don't know how to have fun or happiness any other way. Chemical substitutes are better than nothing to relieve the misery but the buzz is short lived, followed by depression. It's all one has when God doesn't give one what they want. Who wouldn't be irritable in that situation?

Crash, whatever you think God is, that aint it. He's inconceivable. You may like to talk but when it comes to the supernatural, you've demonstrated you're totally out of your element. We don't need prayers to make sense out of YOUR life - many of us have been where you are now. We've overcome that obstacle.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Crash: Zan,

More of your idiot , nonsensical garbage...that I shall now rip apart once again. Without lying you tend to do CONSTANTLY.

"Drinking is problematic in that it kills many brain cells each time; it deadens the mind and soul - how strange one would think that, in this condition, it's possible to have intellectual alertness! "

Many people have very intelligent conversations while intoxicated.....this is simply DEMONSTRABLY you blatantly lying about it to further your idiot narrative simply exposes you as a sad ass hypocrite that has a borderline psychopathic need to always be "right" and so you resort to dishonesty.

Furthermore ....that statement is partially a begging the question fallacy and no "souls" have been demonstrated to exist. So....try again cupcake.

"Truth: one drinks because they don't know how to have fun or happiness any other way."

Once again....while that may be true in certain instances and with certain is DEMONSTRABLY NOT TRUE in others. So your blanket statement that anyone that likes to drink is because they "don't know how to have fun or happiness any other way." Is ABSOLUTELY false.

Sorry you don't like that fact but it's a FACT nonetheless ....why are you so dishonest hon?

So ...what you call "Truth" is simply your unverified , subjective OPINION on drinking.

"Chemical substitutes are better than nothing to relieve the misery but the buzz is short lived, followed by depression."

Sometimes yes.....other times no. Once again you are making absolute sweeping generalizations based upon NOTHING but your own feelings and opinions. You bring no hard evidence or facts to this debate. Which , I'm not surprised because you NEVER do.

"It's all one has when God doesn't give one what they want. Who wouldn't be irritable in that situation? "

Begging the question must first demonstrate a "god" exists.....until you do all your claims predicated on a "god" existing are MEANINGLESS. I've told you this many times....and you ignore it every time because it destroys your idiot nonsense and that irritates you.

"Crash, whatever you think God is, that aint it. He's inconceivable."

Zan , whatever you think "god" is , that ain't it. It's inconceivable.

"You may like to talk but when it comes to the supernatural, you've demonstrated you're totally out of your element."

Zan, you may like to talk when it comes to the supernatural, however you have not demonstrated ...EVER that the supernatural exists. No one has. All you have are EMPTY CLAIMS without evidence or substance...that's all you ever have. The problem you have is that you are so completely dishonest that you state your subjective , unverified assertions as "truths" and just expect everyone to agree with you. Which is why you're shit is utter garbage, and you continuously embarrass yourself. Also why it's SO easy for me to always rip apart your idiot posts. You appear to have the intellectual capacity of a termite.

Perhaps one day you'll grow up and be honest when responding to one of my posts....and it won't be as easy for me to completely destroy and humiliate you. However I doubt that day will come.

Good talk as always cupcake.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Zanjan: "Many people have very intelligent conversations while intoxicated.....this is simply DEMONSTRABLY true"

I grew up with drunks all around me, including both my parents - I know them inside and out. Some are happy, silly drunks, some are ugly, nasty drunks but ONLY drunks think they're marvelous, even when unable to spit out the word "cat" properly. That's why I stopped accepting invitations to chat with you.

There's a point where the character folds in and collapses, regardless of soberness. You're no less verbally abusive sober than you are soused. We don't have to enable that. Even God has a line where patience ends because it's not in your best interest. For that reason, it's not likely I'll be replying to you again.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Crash: And with that comment you just illustrated you have a PERSONAL agenda when it comes to alcohol. You have a preformed opinion about it because of how you grew up. Which sways you to one side of the narrative , and makes you dishonest in your discussions.

Yes alcohol has negative effects , however it also has absolutely PROVEN POSITIVE effects. So....your personal experiences mean NOTHING in the context of talking about a "god."

This is just yet another one of your idiotic attempts to change the topic to something COMPLETELY different for you to avoid embarrassment and humiliation.

I ripped you apart logically and factually in my last post...and your response was to bring up personal experience about your parents and alcohol.....FAIL!!

I'm happy you won't be replying again....then I won't have to take time out to rip apart another idiotic dishonest garbage post from you.

Take care dishonest hypocrite. Trying fucking off with someone that doesn't know better and can't see through your blatant bullshit.
5 years ago ReplyReport
Srchng4Truth: @ Jare: I am SO sorry for what that person did to you when your dog passed. I want to say that not all prayers are attempts at conversion at least not in an argumentative fashion. I pray for everything in existence including God. I genuinely care about people including atheists. When I pray for someone, it is because I want the best for them, not because I am trying to convert them. Most people will never know I have prayed for them, and I have no problem with this. In fact I kind of like it. Sorry about your loss
5 years ago ReplyReport