colleen88 Offline

35 Single Female from Terrace       3
I've recently discovered I've been living my life to the emptiest. I'm on a quest to change that. If people find you weird or if you find yourself weird, chances are I'll think you're awesome.

This does not count if you are a perv.
I don't have any form of messenger or anything like that.


Raju chouhan
Raju chouhan: L" is 12th letter of alphabets
"O" is15th
"V" is 22nd
"E" is 5th

Total of "LOVE" is 54

But similarly
"F" is 6th
"R" is 18th
"I" is 9th
"E" is 5th
"N" is 14th
"D" is 4th
"S" is 19th
"H" is 8th
"I" is 9th
"P" is 16th

Total of "FRIENDSHIP" is 108

Exactly twice of 54

So, the FRIENDSHIP is twice the value of LOVE.
as u said...i send this back to you dear........

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______####_______“######“_____ _“######“

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_____????????????_____________ __________
___????????????????___________ ______
__??????????????????____?????? ? _____
__?????-R-???????????_???????? ???____
__??????_MY_?????????????????? ????___
__???????????????????????????? ???___
___?????_DEAREST _????????????????___
____?????????????????????????? ??___
______?????_FRIEND???????????? ??___
________?????????????????????? ____
__________??????????????????__ ____
____________??????????????____ ___
_____________???????????______ ___
_____________?????????________ _____
_____________??????___________ ______
____________????______________ _______
12 years ago Report Link
colleen88: Sanammmmmmm oh sanammmm!
12 years ago Report Link
Raju chouhan
Raju chouhan: ........ ) ` - . .> ' `( .......
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only for u cutie pie..****
12 years ago Report Link
Raju chouhan
Raju chouhan: ###,____,####“

12 years ago Report Link