Friends | SHANTY95: hi 13 years ago • Report • Link 1 perrlash: hi ohw are you? im long time a go in ,,, 12 years ago • Report 0 mann383: ________________$$$$____________$$$_$$$ _____________$$$$$$$$$_________$$$$$$$$$ ____________$$$$$$$$$$$________$$$$$$$$$ ____________$$$$$$$$$$$_________$$$$$$$ ____________$$$$$$$$$$$__________$$$$$ _____________$$$$$$$$$____________$$$ _____$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$$$_________$ ____$$$$$$$$__$$$$$$_____$$$ ___$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_________$ ___$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$______$__$ ___$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_____$$$_$ ___$$$$$$$$$$$__________$$$_$_______@ ____$$$$$$$$$____________$$_$$$$_$$$$ ______$$$__$$__$$$______________$$$$ ___________$$____$_______________$ ____________$$____$______________$ _____________$$___$$$__________$$ _______________$$$_$$$$$$_$$$$$ ________________$$____$$_$$$$$ ________§§§§___$$$$$___$$$$$$$$$$ _______§§§o§§__$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ________§§§§___$$_$$$$$$$$$$$$$$__$$ __________$____$$__$$$$$$$$$$$___$_$ ___________$__$$$__$___$$$______$$$$ ____________$_$$$_$__________$$_$$$$ _____________$$$$$$_________$$$$_$_$ _______________$$$$__________$$$__$$ _____$$$$_________$________________$ ___$$$___$$______$$$_____________$$ __$___$$__$$_____$__$$$_____$$__$$ _$$____$___$_______$$$$$$$$$$$$$ _$$_____$___$_____$$$$$_$$___$$$ _$$_____$___$___$$$$____$____$$ __$_____$$__$$$$$$$____$$_$$$$$ __$$_____$___$_$$_____$__$__$$$$$$$$$$$$ ___$_____$$__$_$_____$_$$$__$$__$______$$$ ____$$_________$___$$_$___$$__$$_________$ _____$$_$$$$___$__$$__$__________________$ ______$$____$__$$$____$__________________$ _______$____$__$_______$$______________$$ _______$$$$_$$$_________$$$$$$$__$$$$$$ __________$$$_________________$$$$$ *******-*******-*******-*******-*******----- wish you Have a Nice Day *******-*******-*******-*******-*******---- rajput12: The Word ‘Hello’ means H=How R U? E=Everything all right? L=Like 2 hear 4rm U. L=Love 2 C U soon. O=Obviously, I miss you! hunny4u2: What is a friend? I will tell you… It is someone with whom you dare to be yourself.♥ "YOU" AND "ME" FRIENDS ___...._.-. .-._....__ /.--. '-..) (..-' .--.\ \', \_ _/ ,'/ |:. o'---D c---'a . \::. / | | \ .::/ ;: \__'-/ \-'__/ .:; .' `\`.:::::. .:::::.`/` '. .:' .' '.:::::::::::::::::::::.' '. ':. /:: \:. ';;;;::::::::::::;:' / ::\ ;::. ':. \::::::::/ .-' .:::; (|::. /'-.___/::::::::\___.-'\_ .:: \:: ,' '-:::::::::-' ', ::;/ `/ `\.-'| '':'' |'-./` :\` |:. |: '-. .-' . |:. '-.___) (___.-' . ♥ ♥\::.____)-' '-(_____. sandeep_naraneya: gud morning ////\\\\ ///\\\ //\\ /\ \---------/ \\_______// \\\_____/// \\\\___/// hunny4u2: .|. . . . . . . . . . . '~-,..........,’. . /. . . 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Pride to me to be a friend of mine krishana: Dosti hoti nahi bhool jane ke liye, Dost hote nahi bichhad jane ke liye, Dosti karke khush rahoge itna ki, Waqt nahi milega aansu bahane ke liye. HI(\\\\_ _/) (\\_ _//) (=“•“=) (=“•“=) (“) ♥ (“) (“) ♥ (“) ▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒ Make a friend, is a gift ▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒ Have a friend, is a Grace ▒▒▒ ▒ Maintain a friend, is a virtue ▒ ▒▒▒ But, have you as like friend ▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ is a ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒ great happiness ▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ : ****__********__*** ........ 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After middle age – Do not regret! Enjoy Your Life While You Can! Do not wait till you cannot even walk just to be sorry and to regret. As long as it is physically possible, visit places you wish to visit. When there is an opportunity, get together with old classmates, old colleagues & old friends. The gathering is not just about eating; it’s just that there is not much time left. Money kept in the banks may not be really yours. When it is time to spend, just spend, & treat yourself well as you’re getting old. Whatever you feel like eating, just eat! It is most important to be happy. Food which are good for health - eat often and more - but that is not everything. Things which are not good for health - eat less but once in a while. Do not abstain from them totally. Treat sickness with optimism. Whether you are poor or rich,everyone has to go through the birth, aging, sickness and death. There is no exception, that’s life. Do not be afraid or worried when you are sick. Settle all the outstanding issues before hand and you will be able to leave without regret. Let the doctors handle your body, God handles your life & loves you, but be in charge of your own moods. If worries can cure your sickness, then go ahead and worry. If worries can prolong your life, then go ahead and worry. If worries can exchange for happiness, then go ahead and worry. Our kids will make their own fortune. Look After Four Old Treasures: 1. Your old body – pay more attention to health, you can only rely on yourself on this. 2. Retirement funds – money that you have earned, it is best to keep them yourself. PERFECT LOVE 4. Your old friends – seize every opportunities to meet up with your friends. Such opportunities will become rarer as time goes by. Running water |