Friends | HAPPY GO LUCKY childrenofsedili to misssixty82: cikgu , merry x mas, masih di KK kah 13 years ago • Report • Link 0 MiaSharky: A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift a friend is someone we treasure for trust friendship is a gift A friend is someone we laugh with over little personal things a friend is someone we're serious with in facing whatever life brings. A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty and joy and grace and makes the world that we live in a better and happier place! MiaSharky: when you really want something... sometimes you have to swim a little can't give up just because things don't come easy... you have to overcome the obstacles and face your fears... but in the end, it's all worth while! life is full of ups and downs, but if you believe in yourself you will always come through with flying colors..value friendship, love and faith...never underestimate yourself. believe yourself...! MiaSharky: friends are forever, its a love that never dies. true friends are for always, through your smiles n your cries a friend will never leave u, until the end of time. it's love that lost forever. but it never coasts a dime rosemawar: sala..awk da lame ke x on cni?sy pn da bape bln tah..haha..hmm sje je buka nk cri awk..awk add le sy kt fs,fb o ms.. id sy sam eid oso 4 my ym.. hope kite still leh keep in touch k.. x nk la pts je cam 2 k.. jg dri n hope can hear from u soon..salam.. rosemawar: salam.. lame da x msuk cni ke? hmm sy pn dajrng lg le sbb blk da x de wireless.. huhuhu..borink tul kna la gk pkai bband..hmm cane kje? |